Choose your own passion

Art is my life and my passion -

I prefer a non-formulaic approach relying on intuition, and accident. 
My artmaking goes from hyper to serene.  

It may be tenuous at times;
	I move from one medium to the next on impulse with multiple projects happening at once
		 - it is an effort of unwavering pursuit� 
But, sometimes I get lost.

I am primarily interested in evidence of the sublime within the mundane.
	(The ordinary stuff of life we take for granted 
		- when looked at from another angle
			- reveal multiple levels of denotation
				 - both subtle, and phenomenal.)
I collect and archive materials from my environment;
-	natural objects
-	refuse
-	images
-	Words
			this detritus will eventually find its way into my art.
I rely heavily on the art of those who have gone before me.

These words help elucidate what I do:
And then again, sometimes I just paint for the sheer pleasure of it


I grew up in Massachusetts, summering in southern Maine.
In 1988 made it my home.
I accepted a position in the Finance Department of the Portland Museum of Art.
Then in 1990 I enrolled I at the University of Southern Maine with Art as my major.
In need of radical change of environment,
 I transferred to, and received a BFA (SummaCumLaude) from,
  the University of New Mexico, in Albuquerque.
I lived and worked as a potter in New Mexico for 5 years
 from 1993 through 1998 during which time I returned to both Maine,
  and the Museum of Art in the summer months.
From there I moved to Taiwan,
 Republic of China and taught English as a Second Language (ESL)
  from 1998 through 2000.
While in Taiwan I studied Mandarin, and Chinese Brush Painting.
Since returning to America I have made the decision to re settle in Maine.

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