Low Rez Smite Team

Diamond ranked gods

Agni, Yimir, Ra, Loki, Nu Wa, Ares,

legendary ranked gods

 Anubis, Ganesh, Artemis, Hades, Xing Tian

Golden ranked gods

ah puch, chronos, ao kuang, he bo, posiden, zues, zong kui, raijin, baron samdie, aphrodite, hel, change, kukulkin, discordia, freya, isis, juanus, nox, morrigan, thoth, vulcan, awilix, bakasura, bastet, camazotz, hun batz, kali, mercury, nimissis, ratataskor, serqet, susano, thanatos, bacchus, cerberus, geb, khepri, kuzenbo, sobek, sylvanus, ah muzen cab, anhur, appolo, cernunnos, chiron, cupid, hatchiman, hou yi, izanami, jing wei, medusa, neith, rama, skadi, ullr, xbalanque, amaturasu, bellona, chacc, odin, osiris, ravana, sun wukong, scylla, sol, 






Coolmr p0kesCool

contact any of us to join or ask any questions if you want to know more. we are a simi comp team but sometimes we like to fuck around and build all movement speed fafnir and things of that nature always open to anyone intrested from new to old from bad to good all are welcome 

 xbox one only