The Ship Classes:

The Bird of Prey:
This ship was only used in the 23rd century. It had very powerful weapons and intelligent commanders. With it cloaking device, it would be more than a match than most Federation Ships at the time. It had basic plasma torpedos and that was all it needed. It could go fairly fast, and keep itself togther for quite a while.

The Cruiser/Battleship:
This ship was traded to the Romulans from the Klingons. The Romulans got their hands on quite a few of these old beaten up ships. The Romulans soon got tired of them because of the expense, work and time it took to modify these to Romulan standards. They had a light phaser array and a main torpedo launcher at the front of the ship, which fired photon torpedos. Theis class was only used in the 23rd century.

The D'deridex:
This ship has many vairents of the same design. There is a D'deridex Advanced, a modified one, and so on. This class of ship is very powerful, and contains equal armanents to a Federation Galaxy Class ship. It has good shielding, caries plasma torpedos, but is quite a bit slower than the the average ship.

The Science Vessle:
This ship, also as its name states, is mainly used for its scientific puposes. This class of ship made some great discoveries for the empire. It wouldn't last too long in a fight, though.

The Scout Ship:
This ship, as its name states was mainly used for scouting purposes. It has all the basic weapons and is very manueverable, as a ship its size should be. These aren't used that much.

The Shuttle:
One of these shuttles were commanded by Senator Vreenak. They are fast, manueverable, and equipped with a cloaking device. They are often used for people in high places for secrecy.

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