Last-Minute TC Exclusive!
Brotherly Love

Think these Jackson sibs are adorable? Just wait till you read this! Sometimes, things just make your day. Like when Richard Lee Jackson called us up on deadline to ask if we'd print a letter he wrote to surprise his brother Jonathan - within minutes we had his fax in one hand and a box of tissues in the other. So Jonathan, here's what your brother has to say to you.

Dear Teen Celebrity,

I am writing this letter because I wanted everyone to know that amidst all the schoolyard shootings, actors and musicians overdosing, our President lying and terrorists attacking, there is someone good out there. His name is Jonathan Jackson, and if you ever meet him, you'll know what I'm talking about. He is one of the best actors in Hollywood and he's my brother. But that's beside the point - let me tell you what I mean.

If you knew Jon you would know that he is kind in his approach, inspiring to listen to and dedicated to doing the right thing - against the grain, against all odds, against all pressure. He questions life and what it means, where the value of it comes from and so on. I have never met anyone who searches for truth so vigorously, willing to see the imperfections in himself. At 17, he may be one of the most gifted and intelligent people we have. So take notice, my friends: This kid is going somewhere.

But part of Jon's charm is that he acknowledges he doesn't know where. He is willing to let God and time take him where they will. It takes an amazing amount of maturity and strength simply to let go and to see clearly what the future holds: A blank page. He has tight reins on who he is and who he wants to be. Jon waits and listens for answers.

Anyone who talks to him knows he is something special, a dying breed of chivalry and responsibility. He does not drink, he does not do drugs, he doesn't even loathe his very existence! He is a responsible teenager, a clean and sober young actor. These phrases are usually an oxymoron, but with Jonathan they are the truth. He is the kind of man (he deserves that title at 17) who will open a door for a lady, make a baby laugh, say thank you more than once and still have time for prayer. He may be a dying breed, but he is extremely alive.

I have to mention his work ethic. Since he was 11, Jon has worked non-stop in television and film, doing theater and benefit concerts on the side, as well as multiple charity events and personal appearances around the country. He has done all of this while completing school - all this while the ups and downs that come with growing up are still throwing their weight around.

He is dedicated to the creative process, whether as an actor, writer, or musician. But the end result, as impressive and brilliant as they are, are not nearly as impressive as the way in which he uncovers them. When Jonathan takes on a project, you will never meet a more dedicated and creative force. Just listening to him talk about acting and watching his endless search to make things alive, exciting and unique has taught me a lot about what it means to be an actor. He explores a variety of options when making a scene, character or moment work. He studies, reads, rehearses and performs to such a level that many actors must come up a notch to perform with him. Don't get me wrong - he is the first to say he's had many great mentors, such as [General Hospital's] Tony Geary, to learn from. But the older he gets, the more fiercely independent his style and abilities become. In short, when all the preparation is done and they are ready to roll, Jon is on fire and ready to make history. A new beat, a new moment, a new opportunity to create is a thirst that doesn't seem to go away. Look in his eyes on screen and you will know what I mean.

But anytime fans and coworkers compliment my brother on his work ethic or ability, he just grins and gives them a simple "Thank You." And he means it. He appreciates the acclaim that comes with the work he does, but he is smart and unselfish enough to know that not only are the opportunities he is given from God, but that they can be used to help others. And he does - with time, words and actions.

Unlike many actors, acting isn't the most important thing to Jon, neither are material possessions or being prosperous. God is the most important thing in his life, and it is a refreshing thought that, with stardom at his fingertips, he is still one of the most grounded people I know, and will stay that way because of his faith. He's a class act, my brother, treating everyone he meets with sincerity; he has an uncommon will to look and listen to others before himself. He is no saint, and he is not perfect, but he is the best brother in the world. And that's enough for me.

So Jon, if you are reading this, I love you. Thanks for being a great guy for us all. We may see your name in lights soon, but the light you shine as a person is a whole lot brighter.

To everyone else - especially the kids out there - I hope you hold on to the goodness in life when you find it. It's there. You're reading about it right now. So go find it! And I hope this gives you the courage to find your own unique way of being a light to everyone else around you.

Richard Lee Jackson 1
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