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Summary of the Book

The Love and War Version

The Characters

Read the Novel

Read "Scaramouche - the Kingmaker"


The Original: Scaramouche

Author: Rafael Sabatini

Original Time of Plot: 1787-1792

The Plot:

Andre-Louis Moreau seems to be able to land on his feet no matter what the circumstances. Of unknown parentage, he nevertheless starts out with the patronage of the Lord of Gavrillac who has him educated as a lawyer. After his friend, Philippe deVilmorin, is killed by the Marquis de La Tour d'Azyr, Moreau becomes a master orator for a cause in which he does not yet believe and moves the people of Rennes and Nantes to embrace the ideals of his dead friend.

Fleeing the enemies he has made because of his speeches, Andre-Louis joins a troupe of travelling players and discovers his talents for writing and acting. He becomes Scaramouche, a master manipulator. When he is unable to resist an opportunity to denounce de la Tour d'Azyr from the stage, he must escape again.

This time he goes to Paris and becomes a fencing instructor. After gaining expertise in weaponry, Moreau again is presented with an opportunity to foil his enemy's plans, this time as a representative in the States General. But, his fate and that of the Marquis are interlocked and the action continues to build to a climax and conclusion that was as surprizing for me as it was reasonable.

Sabatini's 1923 swashbuckler epitomizes the turbulent years preceding the French Revolution--which of necessity imposes literatry restrictions on the plotting. Despite uneven pacing in spots, the story unfolds with dramatic excitement, intrigue and hidden identity. The protagonist is depicted as somewhat callous, but one wonders how much of his cool heartlessness is but a facade. This adventure read is a romantic piece of historical fiction, which also educates in that it encourages readers to reflect on the legitimate grievances of the French people in the face of the arrogance and authority of the monarchy and the nobility.

Young Andre-Louis Moreau, an illegitimate orphan raised by a kindly landowner in Brittany, is shocked at the swaggering indifference of the local Marquis, who deliberately provoked and murdered Andre's best friend in an unfair duel. Swearing personal vengance upon this hated representative of Privilege, Andre pleges to espouse the very views he formerly ridiculed. Refusing to have his friend's ideas silenced, he becomes atalented rabble-rowser. Once discovering his amazing powers of oratory, Andre is forced into hiding from regional authorities by joining a troupe of traveling actors who specialize in Commedia del'Arte--based on the Italian style of improvization.

Quickly becoming embroiled in many passionate intrigues--both amorous and political--Andre is swept up as frenzied Paris rushes headlong into emotional fervor over the wisdom and efficacy of a Constitutional Monarchy. Alternately plying his trade as actor/author/manager or as a fencing master, the godson of Gavrillac ultimately is obliged to return to the seething political arena. Throughout his existence Andre is proudly motivated to become the nemesis of the cruel Marquis, which unfortunately causes great anguish among several hearts of the gentry from Brittany. This fascinating tale transports readers to the prelude of the French bloodbath two centuries earlier.

Andre-Louis Moreau, (or Scaramouche, as he later becomes known), is a fascinatingly complex protagonist. Courageous, intelligent, quick-witted and intensely moral, Moreau is a character whose personal quest for revenge against the villainous Marquis de La Tour d'Azyr is a masterfully-woven story of swashbuckling action, romance and social conflict during the turbulent years of the French Revolution.

Well-born lawyer. Fugitive. Dramatic actor. Expert swordsman. Impassioned, mob-inciting orator. Revolutionary politician. Sabatini sets Moreau upon an intriguing path of fate, development and discovery, a fictionalized yet compelling account of a single man's ultimate test of human character as the world around him spirals into madness. Though Moreau is driven by his hatred and his quest for revenge, the spirit of his character is not defined by them, and the conflict of these passions with his ideals brings depth and substance to his exploits on the Theatre Feydau, the fencing halls of Paris, the floor of the National Assembly and his pursuit of the beautiful Aline de Kercadiou.

(Thanks to Carol for the summary!)

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The Characters

Andre-Louis Moreau

Aline de Kercadieu (not yet available)

Marquis de la Tour d'Azyr (not yet available)

Madame de Plougastel (not yet available)

Isaac le Chapelier

Baron de Batz

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The Love and War

Below are links to the threads written so far. Please note that some of the content may be unsuitable for persons under 18yrs of age.

An Affair to Remember - The illicit love affair which brought Moreau into the world.

The Final Dual - After Moreau's fight with D'Azyr.

Fencing School - Mme Plougastel tries to convince Moreau that Aline was not crying over D'Azyr's injuries.

Apology to Aline - Moreau visits Aline to try to make amends.

Rejected & dejected - Moreau drowns his sorrows with Isaac.

Desparately seeking solace - Aline turns to Mme de Plougastel for comfort and advice.

Gavrillac - Moreau travels to his godfather's home at Gavrillac to warn him of the danger facing Aline, if she persists in her friendship with Mme de Plougastel.

Sanctuary* - Riots, revelations, and an abrupt getaway.

Exiles* - Moreau escourts Aline and Mme de Plougastel to Kolenz.

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