Rosaline "Rose" Desjardes

Rosaline Desjardes

Your name:Lindsey

E-mail: [email protected]

Favorite Quote:

"Where is my storybook ending?"

Birthday: Sept. 19

Character's Full name:Rosaline "Rose" Desjardes

Occupation:no real occupation

Physical Description:
Rosaline has dark brown hair and dark eyes. She's slender, and petite, at 5'2. Rosaline is a little shy, and a little untrusting. She's a little naive, but makes up for it in loyalty. She wants to make everyone happy.

She's attended the Comedie Francaise and knows Armand and Marguerite from there.

Personal History:
Rosaline was born in Paris in 1763 to an upperclass family. She had one young sister, who died young, of tuberculosis. Rosaline lived with her parents, sheltered from the lower class citizens. She was/is a regular churchgoer, volunteered/volunteers lots of time there. In recent times, she's been staying home more, for fear of the revolution.

Character's connection to (a) the League (b) the Revolution: She has no real connection to the League, but knows who Armand is and Marguerite is.

The Pivotal Questions:
  1. What is your favorite word?Love
  2. What is your least favorite word?Disappointed
  3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?Wit
  4. What turns you off?People who are phony
  5. What is your favorite curse word?Demme
  6. What sound or noise do you love?Child's laughter
  7. What sound or noise do you hate?Child crying/screaming
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?Governess
  9. What profession would you not like to do?Soldier
  10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?"Your sister has been waiting for you."

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