
I am desperately seeking the Entire 3 seasons of Aeon Flux animated series from 5 to 10 years ago (roughly). it was such a good series on mtv's liquid television, If you can find it (preferably a dvdrip), i am happy to host for others to keep the dream alive :) Im getting a brand new pc and fast internet next week so it should be no problem. Anyone who delivers the goodz will be rewarded (and go to heaven hee hee). If u can buy dvd for me i am willing to pay too or let u dl some of my goodies (i got over 25tb of fun stuff). They dont sell anything good in Australia. no books no dvds nada i feel so sad.... U can buy it/them on ebay etc for very cheap, but unfortunately its region 1 (USA/Canada) so there wouldnt be any point in me buying the dvd and then ripping it just to watch it. So if u are American/Canadian, perhaps u can buy it, rip it and then share with me? My fun stuff will more than cover your costs... If u dont know who Aeon Flux is, u will in 2005, theres gonna be a movie and a game lol but i want the original tv series please!
some linx about the upcoming Aeon flux movie ft Charlize Theron: (this is the official movie site)
Of course the movie will be nothing compared to the original tv series.... if u can help please contact me [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
btw, i tried this torrent too but it was like too slow for me:
so i went and tried this one:!id!1141!name!Aeon[1].Flux.-.the.complete.series.(NOT.crappy.mpegs!).-.[].torrent
and got slightly better speed, if u have fast internet u might wanna all dl it so we can all get good speed :) i only get between 1-3k/s due to my horrible isp :( 11days left, hopefully some ppl with better internet will get on it esp. due to the movie coming out.

remember if u are looking for 2005 software reviews by moi, visit cos i dont update this page much if at all... ok cu At the moment im installing all the 64bit drivers on my new pc so im ready for da future! xp 64bit edition is like at least 30% faster than normal 32 bit, only problem is the drivers and most companies still need to get off their butts to get with the times yo!

My Tblog page is my 2005 page. I will keep the useful linx on this page :p

.. Blog1 My archives.. Blog2 dc..My Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos ranking
Blog3 (happyweblog)............ search.. Nforce.. Fun

Ok silly question/request time:
I have 800mb svcd dvd mpg file and want to burn onto 700cd. I use nero to burn as vcd, it appears to reencode it into 400mb file and there is noticable loss in quality. HOw to prevent this loss in quality?

What causes stitches from sprinting? is it due to lack of oxygen? the feeling of excruciating pain like your lung burst....

Klumsyboy's DC++ Tutorial

My Warcraft 3 Reign of chaos page

Useful/freeware sites: Updated daily..Fullmixen.. Sharetv.. winupdates.. Guru3drivers..Blackviper pc tweaks.. Hijackthis..Spymac 1gb freemail..Mess wit MSN msgr..Agnitum Outpost forum.. My favorite Avril Lavigne Dilbert..yousendedit..Roboformbeta.. Stargate SG1..SG1database..Nirsoft 3ware

Apollo mp3 player (freeware) is my fav mp3 player. Test it for yourself with some of these, winamp and foobar2000 don't come close in audio quality! (I DO use foobar to play ogg files) 2gb email the best there is :)

Just watched Apprentice 2 where Elizabeth got fired. She was like the prettiest of the bunch imo.

powerdvd6deluxe is sensational, so much better than version 5! My first movie I watched using it was Requiem for a dream about some druggies but has Jennifer Conolly who is sexy babe :) then i watched Brave New Girl which is a Britney spears film based on her novel apparently. She is just sooo talented :) btw if u saw the movie, doesnt the holly girl in the last performance look like madonna? Its like Britney seems to like madonna sooo much lol anyway this movie has a few opera songs so u can really test your powerdvd6 deluxe's audio :)

Oh, i just found out ashlee simpson lip syncs and cant sing for shit :( and i thought she was gonna be the next courtney love hmmm. anyway longhorn transformation pack works perfectly on my windows server 2003 and its soooo pretty. NOte i didnt change the boot screen cos everytime in the past i play with boot screen i get problems :0 but the windows menus and start etc are alll so pretty. HIghly recommended if u have a boring out of the cd installation :p the best news today is videolan vlc player 0.8 final is out, its the greatest player and will play all media formats, eg i dled this bin music file today and it will play that perfectly... and best of all its freeware :) is the link for all the os

wassup, i just got VA - Bonkers 13 - Hardcore Horror Show 4cd from irc server: chan #holland-hardcore :) 4cds of happy stuff. Sharkey's mix of happy hardtrance is as always the best! also got VA-Happy_Hardcore_Top_100-4CD-2004-TWCMP3 from there so happy happy joy joy :) is a really kewl irc download finder :) la la la if u have nothing to dl then it will do the trick :p I installed the latest msn messenger 7 from 9down and then applied the kewl patch to remove various crap also at 9down but here is link: then i installed this other penguin patch over it. A very cool full MSN Messenger skin based on the linux tux 'Kudzu' by Everaldo and on the MSN butterfly., replacing program icons and other images. It replaced the icon in taskbar with the cute linuz penguin and the interface is also modified to have the cute penguin and all the previous patch features still remain :) note to run the first patch u need to run the program once so the registry has the entries to patch :p

A really kewl movie i watched the other day is Wesley' Snipes in "unstoppable" highly recommended if u like action. Anywayz, shows that theres a firewall called looknstop which is the best, now i cant find myself a copy so i use agnitum which is 2nd best according to their test. zapro is 3rd as expected after agnitum :) ps sygate sucks G :p BTW, i finally got to play Warcraft 3 Throzen throne on battlenet and its sooo much better than ROC! the batriders can easily wipe out an entire base! so its like to build wyvern u only level up your townhall once and to build batrider u need voodoo lounge and level up 2x. obviously u want the flaming oil upgrade to make them more effective. Im still getting the hang of things but i find its hard to score in the top out of your allies even if i used batrider to wipe out 2 bases when playing 3vs3, my allies always seem to get higher score than me :(

HIlary Duff's album is like sooo good. Even better than Ashlee Simpson :0 anyway I now have William Hung's She bangs dvd rip video and anyone who wants it give me upload account on ftp and i fxp it over to u.

First of all Ashlee simpson's album is really nice, kinda sounds like a courtney love but more mellow... Found this lovely link in 9down which clearly proves kaspersky 4,5 (ie not the newest 5 beta version) is still no 1 so i uninstalled fprot 4.13x and installed server version of kaspersky 4.5 to my w2k3 server and used the trueworks key to make it mine :) Kaspersky Anti-Virus for MS NT Server

Antivirus test results:


1. Kaspersky Personal Pro version - 99.09%

2. F-Secure 2004 version 4.71.5 - 98.77%

3. Extendia AVK Pro version 11.0.4 - 98.68%

4. AVK version 14.0.7 - 98.50%

5. Kaspersky Personal version 5.0.149 - 97.88%

6. eScan 2003 Virus Control version 2.6.484.8 - 96.75%

7. McAfee version 8.0.41 - 93.59%

8. Norton version 2004 Professional - 93.38%

9. RAV version 8.6.105 - 93.14%

10. F-Prot version 3.15 - 91.85%

11. Command version 4.90 - 91.41%

12. Panda Titanium version 3.02.00 - 91.38%

13. Norton Corporate version - 90.29%

14. Panda Platinum version 7.05.04 - 89.97%

15. MKS_VIR 2004 version 2.0 - 89.45%

16. Virus Chaser version 5.0 - 89.07%

17. BitDefender version 7.2 - 88.52%

18. BullGuard version 4.5 - 87.26%

19. Dr. Web version 4.31b - 85.35%

20. PC-Cillin 2004 version 11.00.1253 - 84.80%

21. Nod32 version database 1.840 - 82.68%

22. Sophos Sweep version 3.84 - 81.31%

23. Avast version 4.1.418 - 80.55%

24. AntiVir version - 79.57%

25. Vexira version - 79.50%

26. AVG version 7.0.262 - 72.50%

27. Norman version 5.70.14 - 67.72%

28. UNA version 1.83 - 62.85%

29. Solo 2.5 version 2.6.3 - 61.08%

30. ZoneAlarm with VET Antivirus version 5.0.590.015 - 60.82%

31. Fire version 2.7 - 60.52%

32. E-Trust version - 58.48%

33. V-Buster Pro - 57.61%

34. Protector Plus version 7.2.F04 - 51.28%

35. VirScan Plus version 14.091 - 48.36%

36. ClamWin version 0.35 - 48.08%

37. ViRobot Expert version 4.0 - 45.68%

38. MR2S version 1.47 - 44.36%

39. V3Pro 2002 Deluxe version SP2 - 42.33%

40. RHBVS version 4.13.656 - 41.99%

41. Digital Patrol version 5.00.08 - 38.52%

42. Quick Heal version 7.01 - 30.13%
NOte the ones at bottom are trojan only so doesnt do virus, dont know why the guy bothered testing... anyway while kaspersky slows down pc, i shut down it when im not downloading.
DETAIL TEST RESULTS (.rar compressed file)

INstalled the xp pro sp2 media center edition 2005 only to find it didnt solve my internet connection problem in xp and its just like normal xp so not worth it if u were considering it. I really wanna just format the fuking c drive and do clean install but i have my w2k3 server on another partition and im worried wiping c might give me da shits with w2k3 server hmmm... 2 more years and longhorn will cum... waiting patiently hee :0 Just watched Troy and it definitely is one of the best movies I have ever seen, 100x better than return of the king. If u read earlier on, i saw bits of it on oprah but that was nothing compared to seeing the whole movie. Now, as usual i have a few questions:
Why do the greeks place coins on the eyes of their dead before burning their corpse?
Is this achilles the same achilles that has the achilles tendon? oh well my partition is full so i will install media center edition 2005 and burn lots of shit off.

Ok been lookin at this, if u in australia then check it out:
6 percent is like 0.75 higher than ING. so on a balance of 50k, you can get 375 bucks in additional interest (note klumsy doesnt believe in interest cos invest in property trust u get 8 to 12 percent income and capital growth of 6 to 10 percent pa and its more tax effective here. Australia is like the stupidest country in the world and every cent of interest you earn gets taxed at your tax rate so if im on highest rate, half my hard earned interst disappears to support some fucking drunk on the street.... ok thats my bitch session for today... btw i finally discovered i like dido's music, i remember dling a few music vids but found them too boring but i was like reallly reallly bored so dled the album and enjoyed it and dled it again at work and enjoyed it even more, she has such a relaxing voice... - No Angel/Dido - No Angel.rar

Finally, apprentice 2 is on tonite :) ok some kewl soft ZoneLabs Integrity Enterprise Endpoint Security v5.0
Cyberlink PowerDVD v5.00.1307 retail
I love it cos it detects my lovely LG drive and plays dvd perfectly :) very sweeet. btw the latest agnitum 2.5 with sn is very good because the last beta was giving me the shits with my flashfxp for a certain site but its now fixed :) My hotmail account now has 250mb of storage praise da lord!

A great movie i just watched is the italian job, its like i ask myself how do those Venice buildings get built if its like halfway underwater? doesnt the water seep into the building? what happens during floods? HOw do they get deliveries done of heavy bulky shit like a home gym? It must be such a pain in butt lol anyway has a liquid e mix called scott brown is my daddy and its got all scott browns happy hardcore trax mixed together, very nice :)

Shes like the total package can sing and act, i watched all 3 of her movies: meangirls, confessions of a teenage drama queen and freaky friday.. anyway about 66mb very kewl has all the songs from the movie,_Lindsay/Pictures/ for lots of lovely galleries of her.

btw, b4 i forget i found this really really reallllllly kewl soft at wheredown: NeoDJ Pro its my fav dj mixing soft right now cos its so easy to use and soundquality is tops and while it doesnt go full screen, it has a pretty interface and has some really really kewl efx like flanger which is sooooo kewl :) theres a rotate button which will make the audio go from left speaker to right and back very very kewlies :) it goes without saying get it quick! only 3mb too :) I love u wheredown :)

Ok today bored at work installed steganos security suite 7.x (u can use ttdown sn and no need patch or crack) and it does NOT install over version 6 so u can take your time moving shit over. u can create new safe in version 7 and link it to an old version 6 safe so it will keep all contents. What i did was create a 10gb safe and move all old version 6 safe contents over including my beloved avril mp3 of course and then deleted all the version 6 safe and uninstalled version 6. version 7.x is much kewler cos u have a delete safe button so u dont even need to locate those safe files :) ps u use this soft to hide stuff from evil sysadmin bots (kinda like in the matrix3 where evil robotech cum after u lol)

I was wondering if anyone who has used can gimme comments? I had a account a few months ago and the bastards deleted it. The new version offers 3gb of storage (the most in the industry)... but its a slowass interface so i dont like it much compared to my beloved gmail :)

Ok I did some research today as i was on holidays and had a great day eg i found a supermarket trolley and put my heavy bag in it and pushed the bag all the way to busstop instead of having to lug it in one hand and getting sore back lol, as a result i made it to bus stop just in time (had to run 2 metres but hey thats nothing) and i caught my 2nd bus home just when it arrived (managed to run across the road thru the heavy traffic)... ok heres my research: CAN SOMEONE TELL ME IF 1942 WAS WW1 OR WW2?
Stalingrad, Battle of (summer 1942�February 2, 1943),unsuccessful German assault on the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the Russian S.F.S.R. during World War II that marked the farthest extent of the German advance into the Soviet Union. As amajor industrial centre, Stalingrad was an important prize in itself, and control of the city would have cut Soviet transport links with southern Russia via the Volga River. The German campaign against Stalingrad also served to anchor thenorthern flank of the larger German drive into the oil fields of the Caucasus.

During the summer of 1942 the Germans advanced to the suburbs of Stalingrad but failed to take the city itself against a determined defense by the Red Army, despite repeated attacks by the 6th Army under Friedrich Paulus and part of the 4th Panzer Army under Hermann Hoth. By September they reached the city's centre, where they encountered stiff resistance from the Soviet 62nd Army under General Vasily I. Chuikov. The city's Soviet defenders had been driven almost to the Volga by mid-October, but the Germans' supplies were beginning to run low, their tanks were of little value in the constant street fighting,and winter was approaching.

On November 19 the Soviets launched a counterattack in the form of pincer movements north and south of the city, and by the 23rd they had encircled the 6th Army and part of the 4th within Stalingrad. A German attempt to relieve Paulus failed in mid-December. Under orders from Adolf Hitler, Paulus continued to fight on, making possible the eventual escape of the beleaguered German forces from the Caucasus. On January 31, 1943, Paulus disobeyed Hitler and surrendered, and on February 2 the last of his remaining 91,000 troops turned themselves overto the Soviets. The Soviets recovered 250,000 German and Romanian corpses in and around Stalingrad, and total Axis losses (Germans, Romanians, Italians, and Hungarians) are believed to have been 800,000 dead. Official Russian military historians estimate that 1,100,000 Soviet soldiers lost their lives in the campaign to defend the city. cAN SOMEONE tell me where stalingrad is on the map? my atlas couldnt find it :( i know where moscow is...

I was watching a kewl war movie called Enemy at the gates about snipers/stalingrad during a war. Is 1942 the first world war or the 2nd one? also how come Russians call their country "mother russia" but the Nazis called their country the "fatherland"? is a country a boy or a girl?... I watched this old movie called Scarecrow (a low budget horror) and in it a guy goes "Say my name bitch". I remember willow from buffy using that phrase in American Pie. Can someone tell me the origins of this phrase? Some fun stuff i found at orange: VideoLAN Client 0.8.0 Test 2
QuickStart 2.0.3 is a really kewl 3ware soft: QuickStart is useful for those people, who find it very time consuming to go through the Start Menu every time. With this application, you simply type in a key word of the application or document you want to start. Next QuickStart will look for all items in your start menu, favorites, recent files, etc matching your key word. (works with w2k3 server too) is the best freeware clock/currency converter/time calculator i have ever seen, definitely worth a dl :)

I spend all week dling Blair Witch Project 1999 full dvd to test the latest auto gordian knot 1.6 (agk). First I installed the latest klitecodeckpack full released a few days ago. Then I used dvddecrypter 1.47 to extract relevant files, then followed the html file that comes once u install agk instructions. Then I waited for a few hours and got a 2 cd version cos i forgot the change it to 1 cd lol (yes me being clumsy again). Then ran it again to create a 1cd version. Note I used xvid 1.02 that cums with klite. The quality is very good and here is the time it took:

[26/09/2004 7:34:06 AM] Source aspect ratio: 4:3
[26/09/2004 7:34:06 AM] Source resolution: 720x576
[26/09/2004 7:34:06 AM] Found PAL source.
[26/09/2004 7:34:06 AM] Analyzing source.
[26/09/2004 7:39:08 AM] Source is considered to be progressive.
[26/09/2004 7:39:08 AM] Found 116439 frames
[26/09/2004 7:39:08 AM] Encoding audio.
[26/09/2004 7:53:30 AM] Audio size: 71,483,984 bytes (68.17 Mb)
[26/09/2004 7:53:30 AM] Overhead: 4,657,536 bytes (4.44 Mb)
[26/09/2004 7:53:30 AM] Video size: 657,861,680 bytes (627.39 Mb)
[26/09/2004 7:53:30 AM] Running compressibility test.
[26/09/2004 8:02:32 AM] Duration was: 9 minutes 2 seconds
[26/09/2004 8:02:32 AM] Speed was: 10.73 fps.
[26/09/2004 8:02:33 AM] Compressibility percentage is: 18.99
[26/09/2004 8:02:33 AM] Using softer resizer.
[26/09/2004 8:02:33 AM] Chosen resolution is: 368x272 ( AR: 1.35 )
[26/09/2004 8:02:33 AM] Predicted comptest value is: 58.27
[26/09/2004 8:02:33 AM] Running first pass.
[26/09/2004 9:40:17 AM] Duration was: 1 hour, 37 minutes 44 seconds
[26/09/2004 9:40:17 AM] Speed was: 19.85 fps.
[26/09/2004 9:40:18 AM] Expected quality of first pass size: 50.83
[26/09/2004 9:40:18 AM] Running second pass.
[26/09/2004 10:46:26 AM] Duration was: 1 hour, 6 minutes 8 seconds
[26/09/2004 10:46:26 AM] Speed was: 29.34 fps.
[26/09/2004 10:46:26 AM] Job finished.
It is worth noting that I did it in windows server 2003 and had flashget dling away, flashfxp fxping, and i was either playing warcraft 3 (using nocd 1.17) or watching movies throughout the duration so the corollary of that is that windows server 2003 is much more stable than xpsp1 (which is when i last tried backing up dvd and found it hogged so much resources i couldnt do anything else with my pc and never backed up dvd again lol). Theres a lot of software for dvd backup but all of them are gay compared to autogordianknot+dvddecrypter. The reason is, why would u need those gay dvd burning soft to do 1:1 when u can create a dvd image with dvddecrypter and just burn using nero???? IMO 80s and 90s movies are all crap quality even if u have dvd version so compressing to 1 cd is best and u can like fit 6 movies on one dvdr without all the garbage bullshit menus :) Today im happy cos got new agnitum 2.5.365.366 and new fprot antivirus for use with my lovely windows server 2003 :)))))

Flashgot is a firefox plugin that lets u go download all by flashget. Its the best firefox plugin lol, much better than that gay "download with" plugin which never worked for me. Firefox 1.0 preview is like the best browser ever, 4million downloads in a week! that gay cocksucking opera can go eat cock. Meanwhile in klumsyland... sushi place changed management a few weeks ago, sushi is yuck but they have specials at 3:30pm and teriyaki chicken is a bargain at $4 aussie it is good value for money. In fact today (friday) they sold me a whole box of chicken only which would retail at 12bucks at least as they literally would have poured a bottle of sauce in which would be worth at least 3 bucks :) If u saw ronnie coleman video (bodybuilding) the serving is about half of what he eats at home ie big serving :) But even though its skinless chicken, i looked up recipe for teriyaki in google and it said ingredients includes sugar which gives the sweet taste... hmmm

Resident Evil 2 is a really kewl movie, its not so much about zombies anymore, its kinda tombraider meets the terminator meets battle royale :) Can't wait for resident evil 3 hee hee. Meet the Parents is a really nice funny movie ft Ben Stiller (and the other dude from zoolander) and Robert Deniro. Gaylord focker lol

Tiny person firewall6 didnt agree with my windows server 2003 and everytime i rebooted it would just stay on the screen where the progress meter goes left to right, maybe it conflicted with my antivirus so i uninstalled it. meanwhile ive been watching a tonne of movies, the day after tomorrow was pretty boring. Supersize me made me rethink my diet lol. The dude gained 70lbs eathing macdonalds in a week its like his blubber was so disgusting :0 I love watching teen movies and "A girl next door" which features kim bauer from the tv series 24 is really kewl, i didnt know she was so hot so u really have to see it to see what i mean lol. Mean girls 2004 was also a really kewl little movie :) I also watched DEvil Winds. Its a movie about some tornados. The special effects was pretty kewl, much better than that helen hunt movie called twister.

This season of the practice is pretty kewl, sharon stone plays sheila, a nutbag lawyer kind of like when lindsey dole was around... only she is like obsessed with God and is a feminist... As u can see from my stats ive been playing 3 to 20 games of warcraft 3 roc a day. Now it is a pain considering i have only a combo dvd/cd burner so i have to keep taking cd out to burn shit off my hdd. now i decided to backup my lovely collectors warcraft 3 ROC cd to hdd by creating bin/cue using ultraiso, and it worked on battlenet :) (only if u paid for it like myself) using the nocd exe too. Instructions as follows: first install official patch 1.16 (1.17 is beta and no one has bothered doing a nocd for it), then dl the nocd:
instructions: Is I Illegal To use These? Will My Key Be Banned? 1. NO. No-Cd's Are Perfectly Legal I Downloaded The RoC/TFT No-Cd, What Now? 1. Open It In Winzip 2. backup Your war3.exe In Your Warcraft III Folder To another folder (for future patching ie u will need to put it back ot installation directory before applying any future patches for use with future nocd exe) 3.Extract All The Files In Your Into Your Warcraft III Folder.(C:\Program Files\Warcraft III) What Now? 1. Take Your Warcraft III Cd Out Of Your Drive 2. Run Warcraft III And Yes It Does Work On Battle.Net 3. Enjoy Playing Without Your Warcraft Cd! someone had these instructions: 1. Unzip the archive. 2. Save ur war3.exe from ur Warcraft III directory. 3. Copy the war3.exe and the war3.116 from the in ur Warcraft III directory. 4. Run Warcraft III. 5. If a error coming when u try to connect to Bnet "Unable to validate game version." Rename ur original war3.exe to war3.116 and copy it in ur Warcraft III directory. 6. Connect to again and have fun playing!

Just watched Pride FC final conflict 2004 and its one of the best fight events i ever watched! Crocop is now back to form and his fight was sensational. The big Russian dude was like a big grizzly bear much taller than crocop and crocop managed to kick his head and knock him down on the ground :0 new klitecodecpack 2.31 out just after 2.3 was released 2 days ago lol

Techno party vol 5 from 1997 is heaps kewl, old skool techno at its best:
Latest vlc 0.8 test 1 is heaps kewl, new skin.... what i love about it most is that it plays cue/bin files so u dont even have to bother using daemon tools to load up your dled files :)
Tiny personal firewall 6 latest version is heaps kewl. I used to hate it cos of all the alerts when u have proggies connecting to internet well its all now fixed. I use it with my w2k3 server :) I feel sooo safe hee hee
I bought a pair of NIke Max Air Tailwind (cos it was like the most expensive pair of running shoes i could find but the shop had a closing down sale so i got like 100 bucks aussie off rrp lol) and its heaps kewl, highly recommended if u do lots of running! The only downside was the fuking shoelace too short so i used my lovely power of negotiation and got them to gimme the laces off some nike basketball shoes instead and believe it or not the length was just right, u see i happen to prefer long laces so i can do 2 bows in case im running long distance and the knot falls apart. its amazing how the laces of shoes these days are so short.

I just watched a really kewl little movie called Trapped (2002): A Mississippi physician, Dr. Will Jennings (Stuart �۱� �۰� Townsend), and his wife (Charlize Theron) take matters �۰� �۱� into their own hands when their diabetic daughter is �۱� �۲� abducted by two experienced kidnappers (Courtney Love, �۲� �۱� Kevin Bacon) with a seemingly foolproof plan.

I just installed Alias the game. will do a review tomorrow :p Does anyone have any linx to good dos websites or have any dos educational ebooks they can "lend" me? I feel so helpless eg i cant even change directory from d drive to n drive.... Im finding dos to be really useful eg here is how to create list of files in a folder using dos prompt: For example you want to list this folder d:\ type: D: Then type: dir/b/o > c:\mylist.txt Your List will be created in C: or the folder you want. If you want to include subfolders type: dir/b/o/s > c:\mylist2.txt

DVD Decrypter version released:

Ok just watched spiderman 2 ts, ts is actually very good quality, equalling the best ts i have ever seen :) the movie itself i give 7.5/10 Now ive been trying to watch it for the whole week but usually i lie down in bed and end up falling asleep (which is a reason why it wont get 10/10 from me lol), so everytime i fast forward, i can only do it once or the picture doesnt show and it ends up at a scene where mr aziz goes "you're fired" followed by his newspaper boss going "you're fired". Now u all know where this is leading to... they should put donald trump in the movie and say "you're fired" tee hee hee :) this weekend im catching up on my lovely movies and stargate/atlantis

For those of u who love old skool gabber, I really enjoyed Hardcore To The Bone volume: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Ive been busting my balls playing wc3 in the hope ill appear in the ladder cos the fuking user profile search has been disabled...hopefully not for long. anyway ive been winning more 2vs2 games but i found some dickheads use something called maphack which gives them an unfair advantage, lukily i had a highly ranked ally who gave me tips :)This is what blizzard sez about it... Theres also something called griefing where your ally kills u for your resources lol anyway, i found this useful thread on backing up your roc or throzen throne cd to hdd and use a virtual drive,so u can free your cd drive for other purposes eg burning stuff :)

Guess what a new freeware calendar works with all mozilla based browsers ie netscape, firefox, mozilla etc its heaps kewl so get it now! imo better than the gay outlook and it loads fast straight outta your browser :) looks like a kewl little freeware soft :)must try it out after my exam :) I was soooo disappointed when kaspersky wouldnt install on my w2k3 server... i now have to find next best alternative...what could dat be? hmmmm mks_vir2004 is what i ended up installing. My friend told me the maker of it died so hopefully it will have update support in the future :0 i dont know how to disable it giving my an alert for hypersnapdx cos it keeps thinking its a virus lol btw if u wanna play warcraft 3 with me im really shit at it lol My ranking (only started playing today and got 6 losses in a row... so humilating hee hee)

Okies i finally figured out how to make the drive partitions appar in w2k3 server and just when i was about to give up... u just have to go name them lol so simple yet baffled me for hours lol now i cann move my stuff and install xp sp2 :p its a pity i cant access my xp desktop from my w2k3 would be so much easier than having to reboot just to get some info...

Today i had rotten luck i installed that gay vmware to install sp2 then installed m$ virtual machine and fuked up my xp spent 3 hours trouble shooting and now im in my w2k3 server... lukily i rolled back xp to last good. i tried to install sp2 over it to save myself but didnt have any space on cdrive :( now i have to start moving shit. worse of all i found w2k3 server doesnt detect my new 250gb hdd (i havent bootted into w2k3 server for weeks and found out just then) waaaah oh well the good side is i found when i installed flashget on w2k3 server, it detects my xp installation and just overwrote it and it picked up my downloads from where i left off so i was very happy about that. flashfxp on the other hand was not like that, even when i coped the entire contents of my flashfxp folder to my w2k3 server one, no luck there, lukily i didnt have many dls... stargate time :)

Here is something useful (borrowed from mr N's post)... This simple plugin make ALL links LIVE for Firefox users. I must say that it's brilliant in my opinion. home: examples: direct install: (close firefox and then reopen it.....) its handy for those forums which make your linx not live :p firefox is the gratest browser ever tee heee hee
this ShellExView 1.01 right click context menu disabler (freeware) is pretty kewl
Ive been doing more research on sp2... So far I am convinced it is a piece of shit aimed at limiting our freedom under the bullshit guise of being secure. I will install using vmware before I do an actual install (still undecided of whether to use mage or ftfiso version). reading the user comments, it limits your tcpip connections unless u apply someone's home made patch, it is not compatible with all proggies and will crash if you have those non compatible soft installed (so much for stablitily lol) eg right click crash problem, not compatible with mcafee.... the serial: right-click on 'My computer', under the 'registered' section in the general tab u should see numbers like XXXXX-640-XXXXXXX-XXXXX if u have any other number different than 640 u should change your key.. theres also a windows compatibilty tool kit for seeing what appz are compatible

As u know I just started playing thief 3 and my friend Mr P gave me this high quality textures link for it (note its supposed to slow down loading by 15 to 30sec will test later... :) is a kewl md5 checker (u know how u dl and find md5 file, well this little soft will help u) If u havent got doom3 yet, and get off irc... I still havent started thief 3 lol for doom 3 cheats and trainers... is a kewl site where u can learn about bittorent and ftp (but my stupid isp made it impossible for me to run ftp :(
I installed Yet ABC Bittorrent Client
and dled latest ep of SG Atlantis and it turned out much better than I expected, I got speeds up to 10k/s (but that's cos I have tonnes of stuff dling at the same time. very nice highly recommended. neat and simple interface :)

Some ppl don't know they can set auto resume in flashfxp... Go to options and the file exist rules and then set as picture and u can be sure than when u are away it will resume instead of starting from scratch and wasting my precious bandwidth! If I see u being a stupid leecher, I ban your ass for 1 day!
ON tv they had an Alias special which showed all old episodes from start with minimal ads in between one after the other. There was an episode where She says something like I have nothing to lose and then evil chinese torturemaster says, you still have your teeth, and then he goes on to remove her tooth... Anyway today I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned and its like when the guy starts getting beneath your gums that's when I was like wriggling on the dentist chair :0
today I was using the great picasa 1.6 freeware from google to sort my millions of pictures on my hardrives... (wouldnt it be good if google took over adobe and made all its soft free too lol) I found I had quite a lot of duplicates so after scanning ill delete them and reorganise them. here is my new avril gallery I just started
SND (link is above) has new blingbling for new version of speedcommander (klumsy's fav commander soft)

btw pcbugdoctor 1004 has working kgen. I used to think its shit, but its actually really kewl. this morning I installed some shit so when I reboot I found I had some .com error and it gave me annoying popup, after running pcbd 1003 (this is b4 I updated), it fixed it on my subsequent reboot. so while dsl was down and I couldn't dl big files, I just updated it to 1004 on my dialup hee hee... and yes my pc is working faster too!
My dsl was down so I watched Stargate atlantis episode 1... Its like in Australia we are soo far behind, O neil is a general in this episode and over here we are only used to him being colonel under general hammond... oh well I guess ill find out eventually.. Anyway this is good recording and full screen is good. Sound quality fantastic and only 330mb or so (all ads are ripped out he he)... apparently this is episode 1 and 2 and u can get 3 at your favorite place...
Now, if u are stargate fan, please answer my questions, How come the Gu'ald are not bothering earth? How come these new alien Wraiths (so powerful too) don't deal with the Gu'ald? I thought they were the system overlords? oh well thats my research for the rest of today, to catch up on stargate hee hee. Im also creating a dc++ tutorial with pretty pix so I don't have to explain how to get started a zillion times.
during downtime, I installed syberia 2 and started playing with it, great graphics but a bit lame, uninstalled manhunt cos it was so gay and kept freezing in a certain section (also deleted iso out of anger hee hee)

Was browsing andr forum and found some useful irc tools: pic and this soft looks promising
has some lovely avril tunes but poor quality(u need ie browser and install plugin to dl) is fun site :) also kewl has link to avi splitter which im sure we all needed when no dvd burner hee hee
1by1 v1.45 plays whole directories of MP3s with no need to edit a playlist. Directory searcher lets you play whole drives, resume play remembers the last played track position, plus it features audio dynamics and stereo enhancer. Very useful if u have 1000s of mp3 in folders and cant be bothered sorting (just looking at my folders make my eyes hurt lol) and sound quality is ok. Its freeware and only 54kb with no need to install. This is what all software should be like :) is official site theres also a free mp3 cutter there

In 2002 Megadeth died when mainman Dave Mustaine had to      ��
    ۱      leave the band because of an injured arm.                    ��
    ۱                                                                   ��
    ۱      2004: Dave has healed, reformed Megadeth, and recorded a new ��
    ۱      album: The System Has Failed. 12 tracks of pure Megadeth!    ��
    ۱                                                                   ��
    ۱      In stores September 13 2004, in mp3 now!                     ��
    ۱      The System Has Failed
foobar2000 v0.8.3
my friends say is a good free hosting
Stargate episodes

I just burnt my first dvd using nero. It was weird cos normally with 700mb cd u can go right past yellow to before red and it will fit, but with 4.7 gb dvdr it wont even go to yellow, still I measured and it did fit the max on the dvd. Now today at work I was bored shitless so I calculated if I burn 120dvdr (assuming price stays at 80cents each for 4x princo brand dvdr) then I recover the cost of my capital outlay on the dvd burner (195AUD) due to cost savings. for cdr its 40cents each ie everydvd I burn I get at least 5 times more storage for just double the price (its 6x but I take out storage of 2cds cos its double price in my calculation) IT feels soo good to not have to worry about hard drive exploding anymore. Ive decided to stick all my lists into one excel file using diff tabs cos I hate uploading tonnes of lists.

Ok after stressing for an hour, finally finished installing my new dvd burner, removing my old dvd drive and cdrw drive and rearranging the hard drives, and then stuffed my new 250gb one in, partitioned to 60gb and formated all as ntfs :) the only hiccup was I stuck the jumper on the wrong pin and was wondering why da fuk it wouldn't boot and cursing for 20minutes b4 I figured it out lol. My fingers are so sore from pinching the jumper and ribbon cables out from back of the drives. The only annoyance I have found with the dvd drive is the eject button doesn't stick out much so you have to really press it to open it. just in case u don't know how to partition a drive in xp: # Click Start, click Run, type compmgmt.msc, and then click OK. # In the console tree, click Disk Management (some useful tools)

Just watched Farenheit911 and its a pretty informative movie showing how bush is actually bin laden's best friend lol
This 9downpost has picasa for dl. Its really great freeware for viewing pix. The only downside is it connects to internet (its owned by google) so use your favorite firewall to block it :) I like it much more than those expensive soft like photoshop album. Apparently both OEM and Retail version of the LG burner don't haave the driver that u need for dvd ram burning but u can ask nicely here and get it for free :) This rmDC++ client rocks, has much nicer features than dc++ and has some useful extra options :)

Im sooo excited cos if tommorow the hardrive is delivered to the shop ill be buying a new 250gb wd hd. My current setup is ineffcient cos separate cdrw and dvd drive and no dvd burner. Im gonna pull out the 2 and put in my drawer for future use and replace with this kewl LG GSA-4120B DVD�RW/RAM (the link has lots of pictures and useful info). review with tests of the different dual layer dvds
Another LG GSA-4120B review
HOmemade review
A102 firmware
Newer firmware?
Firmware portal

DVDRhelp user comments
It totally owns
Sony DRU-700A
Another Sony DRU-700A review link My local computer shop has it selling cheaper than those other online shops My local computer shop The sony one is even cheaper than ebay's cheapest price lol ps for xchange rate go to to translate. The way I look at it is that blank dvdr is only 1AUD each while blank cdr is 38cents each but blank dvdr can store 4 times what u can get on cdr so I get value for money and recover cost in no time assuming no wasted dvdr lol. Note the dual layer is just for future use. Probably wont be using it anytime soon as dual layer dvd not available in australia and even if so, will be years before price is good for me :0 Anyway the main benefit is this lg burner supports dvd ram and writes dvdr at 12x while sony only does dvdr at 8x. Note even the testers in webpages I have seen say its hard to get 12x media to burn with anyway so 16x can suck my dick for now. And ive been reading how the sony burnt dual layer dvd is like very incompatible with pc dvd players. Also verbatim dual layer dvds are the worse quality and not recognised by both sony and lg! The good thing is hardware prices are falling so hopefully Bill G is right in that all hardware will one day be free like software :)

My silly question answered:
A PC motherboard can only support 4 devices off the 2 ide ports. so how do I stick 4 or more harddisks with a dvd burner ie 5 devices? ie how do pppl manage to share 1tb without external usb/firewire devices? im finding the dc++ hubs require 500gb. Answer: Mr JA suggested use pci ide card so u can have 2 to 4 xtra ide ports :)

A lot of guys like this french singer called Alizee, well heres some of her hi res music vids and heres Avril Lavigne - don't tell me music vid. (note klumsyboy now prefers vobs since he discovered burning old music vids frees up space lol)

Today ive been watching Dilbert all day long and will keep watching till I fall asleep lol. My friend lent me dvds with all seasons. 1 season is about 13 episodes each 20min approx. 185mb per episode...My finance uni lecturer gave us a handout with a dilbert cartoon years ago and ever since ive been looking at everyone one on the site :) has airsupply greatest hits in one mp3 :) Just watched the punisher. Pretty kewl movie. Of course, for all Marvel comics, good guys always win... But its how u get to the end that matters. First of all, the motto of this movie is as always, if u leave a guy for dead, u should make sure he is dead, but then again this is just a movie and as always all the villans in marvel movies are incredibly stupid. What I liked about this movie is that it is more realistic than lets say a spiderman movie in terms of not having superman powers. That said, when he gets shot a zillion times and doesn't die and shoots the other guy with same gun and other guy dies, not realistic lol. the punishment is what makes this a great movie, if you are sadistic and like watching others suffer, this might be right up your alley :) mmm this pizza im eating is delicious, anyway theres this funny scene where the neighbours dance to a classic italian song when they are cooking... the dude kinda looked like hugh jackman too

Tomshardware w2k3 server installation tips Ok havent done movie review for longtime so heres 2 movies I watched today:
13 Going On 30
This was a lovely candid delightful movie with Jennifer Garner in it. AS u know she rarely laughs in Alias so this movie shows a side of her rarely seen. Shes a clumsy lovable character always smiling. Great love story, highly recommended for all ages.
Taking Lives
This movie features Angelina Jolie and is kinda like tombraider meets 24 (the tv series) The story has a dramatic opening and ending. The stuff in between is pretty good too :p Without spoiling the movie too much, u can guess who it is but the story has a few good twists and startled me when my attention was lacking :)
Seether ft amy lee - broken oh guess what Here is dark tower no 6 (Stephen King ebook) as well as the rest the series. When I was a sick little boy, I lay in bed reading Stephen King books :0

William Hung - Inspiration She bangs She bangs... lol is a snd backup... before I forget this link again, Windows Server 2003 Optimize Tool ... The carpenters this rip is a better one than the ones you saw in shareordie etc recently. Also its 2cds too :) I grew up listening to Karen's lovely voice, its so sad she died so early.... Oh well their music lives on forever...

As you can see, no more chinese text and buttons now all working in minime on superherov8 (thnx to my friends in my fav forum). All u need to do is use any photo editing soft and edit ALL the bmp (hypersnapdx which I used for screencapture does a good job) by colouring it in :0 My friend has already done all pix so if u can find somewhre for me to upload the pretty bmp, lemme know. Avril Lavigne's My happy ending video now has high quality captures in #avrilbandaids on efnet in mpg svcd and vob formats. I got the vob :) this kewl soft called Editstudio 4.14 can remove text/watermark logos from movies and do heaps more:
get it here:
unfortunately no working sn :( but TSRH has blingbling Once u got it set uphere is their tutorials page. Very fun soft for beginners to video editing. highly recommended :)

I just found a vid called Ronnie Coleman - Unbelievable (its when he won 2 mr olympias) and has his pre contest workouts over 5 weeks and this dude is massive! Im currently busting my ass trying to get "The cost of redemption" Filmed August 2003 - includes four days his whole-body workouts : 160 lbs Dumbbell shoulder presses, 800 lbs Squats, 2,250+ lbs Leg Presses, 495 lbs Bench Presses, 75 lbs Alternate Curls and more!! 310 lbs Massive body Mega-off-season-workouts!! His nutrition tips on the page are pretty kewl eat eat eat :) Hes like a real life Eric Cartman, he eats tonnes and is a cop and he likes wearing shorts hee hee Britney let her titties show:,,5-2004313023,00.html

I was watching Agent.Cody.Banks.2. this morning and its pretty good for early morning movie :) Its kinda Like a james bond for kids but very good. The credits said Madonna was an executive producer of it :0 Now I will tell u a story why I hate all those recent james bond movies, There was this guy I lent my half life cds to and he was a big fan of james bond and he did not return my cds so I hate him and therefore I hate james bond. Anyway this movie has some kewl gadgets and is quite funny because it has that funny round african american actor who used to be on saved by the bell and stars the little kid who won some nomination for comedy on tv. anyway my fav little musikal site is - - (although I don't like foobar2000 for mp3 playback, I use it for ogg format cos nuthing is as good as foobar2000 when it cums to playing ogg music files :p Ogg files are much better quality than 192k mp3 and much better compressed too. If all the lamers stopped using mp3, my storage problem would be partially solved :0 Anyway heres a cutie who can sing much better than Britney ever could lol has some old gabber albumz.

ok great news, thanx to mr upol of my fav forum, Hero superplayer v8 can be turned into english (i modified instructions):

1) Install the Hero Super Player V8 Retail with full option enabled (for the unisntaller).
2) Go to the installed directory for ex. c:\herosoft\heroV8\
3)remove the file DVD936.dll from that folder (just create another folder and shove it there ie don't delete it!)
run Hero Super Player.
It's done. All the menus will be in english now. 
But the main menu (top level) is still in chinese for it is in BMP form and a part of the SKIN file.Any one can edit it with a grafix editor for top level english menu.
(I have tested and it works. Only downside is u have to right click in minime form to open file and in minime the pause play etc buttons are rendered useless so there is a tradeoff and I mean once u see all the english buttons and what they are for just copy the dll back in lol. In fact this is what I did ie I copied it back to make it non minime and then removed dll so I could use buttons again and all menus are english :0 its not like minime is much smaller than normal size anyway :0 There is now workaround this annoyance, refer above This player has the best quality audio output ever heard on a software player when playing music vids.

Was looking at computer prices
Lacie 1TB hd still too expensive... In fact Australia doesn't even sell it lol

Im trying to figure out how to uninstall that gay GFI Languard network security scanner. If anyone can help me, it will be much appreciated (theres no uninstaller). Meanwhile back in movieland, I watched Hannibal last nite. Its the sequel to Silence of the Lambs and Im wondering why Jodie Foster didn't take the part ie some other actress was in it as Clarice. Anyway, contrary to the ratings at imdb, I really enjoyed it. Its more artistic and u gotta see the killing of mr policeman! Hannibal slices his belly open and pushes him over a balcony with a rope round his neck and all his intestines fall out when the rope tightens up... Weely kewl :) Hopefully there will be a sequel as the ending really leaves us begging for more... here is a lovely 80sn90s musikal page :) I love singing aalong to 80s and 90s songs cos they arent as fast as todays songs :p Note Im not sure about u but it saves all files into a temp folder so just dig it outta there wooosa. Bill Clinton - my life is a pretty neat little story.

Been catching up on my movies today and watched kewl Brazillian movie called City of God (relized 2003) and while I had to put up with subtitles cos no speak spanish, its a really good movie about kids growing up in Brazillian ghetto and turning to drugs... Very good story and worth watching :) Meanwhile, I burnt lots of shit off my drive, its like all these game images are like half empty so I have to use ultraiso to convert to iso then stuff it full eg scrabble 2003 ccd image, I converted stuffed steganos hacker tools iso into it along with chessmaster 8000 lol. that way I can save cds :p Kewl little 3ware media player:
Cucusoft All Media Player 1.62

I was trying to find my ip cos I still cant setup ftp or webserver :( and found a lot of those ones u guys keep telling me to use are gay!
Correct result ones (as in agreed with my modem ip)- This one is da best cos it shows both my isp proxy and my real ip... La la la
Actually most of the ones u find at top of google are gay cos they give ME a false ip cos my isp has transparent proxy lol

A big thanx goes to mr R for helping me with rushour. Now I can have fun with simcity4 again :) I also got Rock.Am.Ring.2004.Evanescence.German.dTV.XviD and its the same event that Avril performed in (refer below). IMO AMY Lee doesn't do as well in outdoor/live performances than Avril cos she has a lower voice and her performances are only good indoors or best in a recital hall :) Weekend again, need to quickly burn cos hardrive is overflowing only 30mb left in most partitions :(

Wassup, this is the best screensaver, thanx to my friends at v from informing me and I found my own blingbling:
KARALON Screen Saver

Provides users with graphical system inventory and performance information overlaid on a

choice of real-time revolving pictures of Earth from space.

The karalon screen saver extends the information offered by
many desktop based system monitoring applications to the
screensaver providing not only a unique but useful

application to traditionally wasted system resources.

The screen saver can display the following real-time

Packet Decode

A graphical representation of the first 79 bytes of a
packet that is either sent or received
from the selected adapter.

Additional decodes include hex and ASCII dumps of the
packets which display the first 64 bytes together with IP
and port details.

Inbound Packet Matrix

A graphical representation of inbound packets to the
selected adapter based on source IP and port.
The IP details will automatically be resolved to the
machine name where possible.

Process Matrix

A graphical representation of all active processes.

Outbound Packet Matrix

A graphical representation of outbound packets based on

destination IP and port.
This module automatically attempts to resolve the IP and
port details.
The IP details will automatically be resolved to the
machine name where possible.


- A graphical representation of the following:
- % CPU usage
- Packets per second
- Established TCP connections
- Active processes
- % Used physical memory
- % Used virtual memory

TCP/UDP Socket Status

A graphical representation of current network status. This
module includes all listening services together with active
sessions and their current connection state.

Drive Status

A graphical representation of the following information
from the first six drives connected to the local machine
(this includes network mapped drives):
- Letter
- Label
- Disk Capacity
- Capacity used
- Capacity available

City Names And Times

A graphical representation of the current time in a number
of cities worldwide.
City information is user configurable based on a local
City names are plotted onto the background image which is
always centred on 12 noon based on the current configured
time zone. 

I live in a 3rd world country with no satellite tv but a lot of my friends in Europe have free satellite tv so u might find this MyTheatre v3.19.RC1 useful (dl both 3.12 and update)
Last nite I dled a really kewl performance of Avril called Rock.Am.Ring.2004.Avril.Lavigne.German.dTV.XviD-DARM.avi Its perfect quality and she sings beautifully :) only 184mb and she sings 6 songs in sucession non stop. 44.Minutes.The.North.Hollywood.Shoot-Out(2003) is the best movie ive seen this week. Fast paced and full of action... The quote from it I liked was something along the lines of " Luck is being prepared and opportunity". On the other hand, I watched 21 grams over 3 nites and kept falling asleep so today I watched it the moment I got home from work. Its such a boring movie about a crackwhore bitch

Just in case u guys didn't know, everyone's favorite cheerleading movie Bring it on has a sequel: Bring it on again :) Just watched it and its a little movie to watch to get out of bed on Sunday morning. Its very low budget and doesn't have tonnes of competition like the original. The actors are all unknowns too lol On the other hand, I have been watching tonnes of movies this weekend. David Lynch's films are the best. I thought the lost highway was good but when I watched Mulholland drive, that was even better. His movies are thought provoking and highly recommended if u want a movie that keeps you thinking and not knowing what to expect the whole way through. His use of audio techniques is also highly commended. His movies are also low budget compared to your average spielberg movie. In other words, his movies are the exact opposite of your average hollywood film. (av hollywood film starts with something to get your attention, then slows down, builds up gradually, climaxes and ends)

(borrowed from fsonline's post)... heres a neat little pic for installing herosuperplayerv8. Do not check any other box cos one of them changes your browser homepage and another one sticks shit on your desktop lol :) Its got the best audio quality ever made from software player :p

BTW a lot of u guys use old flashfxp builds like 2.0. I found the current version lets u edit a html file by dling it to a temp file and it opens up your html editor and then when u click the ok button after saving, it will reupload so very good for those gay free hostings where no online editor :) its got built in text editor so I associated that with flashfxp's edit command so it takes only a few seconds to edit homepage instead of dling to hardrive and uploading pfffft... anyway Ive been reading this juicy post about a slipstreaming soft called nlite where u can remove all the shit that makes xp gay so your xp/w2k3server works much faster apparently if u run it in vmware u wont fuk up your existing system if it screws up lol

Totally rotten day today... Lukily this little djmixing soft makes me happy :) its got really good sound quality and while u might have last build, I can gurantee u will love 2.0 more :) The automix function is way kewl :p
Went to see doctor and he gave me mri scan results (it is like 2 pages): Elbow dislocation (already knew that), tear of medial and lateral ligaments, tear of flexor and extensor muscle groups :( still god is on my side cos once again I didn't die or break any bones :) I have had a few near death experiences... so im here waiting for his call to serve a greater purpose wooosa. Kinda like the dude in one of the Stephen king novels who shouldve died but lived on... To kill someone hee hee Must burn shit this weekend so I can have space for next week toot tooot At the moment I slow down all my dls by having tonnes of dls going at the same time from various sources to different partitions. that way I can still fully utlise bandwidth. the worst thing is sorting those little shitty files. with big files its easy to burn and calculate space. talking bout space this 1gb email is kewl, its great how all freebie sites are giving more. Spymac's free membership includes: 1 GB e-mail account, 350 MB combined storage, personal blog, forum, gallery, auctions and more. U can tell me how much u love me at [email protected]

Airoboform 5.7.3 relized yesterday has updated mozilla adapter which now works on firefox 0.9!!! :) its my fav formfiller and is really good cos it can let u share your ie form passwords with firefox 0.9 so u don't need to enter twice. Im watching oceans 11 right now and its a pretty nice movie :)

I just found some pdf documents that u cant print. what is the best way around this? (my solution is to use pdf password remover and then print the output) Here are some pwd protected pdf 4 u to dl and play with :)

(I shrunk it so u can see it doesn't matter if u don't know Chinese, allu need 2 know is the open button and resize to full screeen buttons :) the quality is just soooooo sooo good, u have to try it! I have blingbling. if u watch tonnes of movies like me, this is a must have player, forget about gay powerdvd! this one's quality is much better.)
Hero Super Player V8 SP2 shareware Chinese version (v8 not relized as english version) DL here
Hero Super Player has two players respectively for video and audio. The product, with great compatibility, can read all kinds of discs and file formats. Main Features Video formats supported Disc: DVD/VCD/SVCD/DVCD/CVD/DCVD, unusual discs without file Files: VOB (422,444)/DAT/MPG/MPV/M1V/M2V/MPEG/HDTVRM/AVI/VBS etc. Audio formats supported Files:VOB/DAT/MPG/MID/RM/CDA/WAV/TXT/MPGA/MP1/MP2/MP3/ MP4/AC3/AVI/ABS/RA/RAM/RMI etc. Make decadence mystical, make vague video has high definition New self-developed revolutionary technology, make obscure video has high definition; Herosoft develops leading �Direct CD/DVD-ROM anti-block technology�, make it easy in reading different movie discs; Self-developed video desktop, resume playback, intellectual bookmark; Provide more interfaces, more menu backgrounds; Fluently playback hundreds of video and audio formats including VCD /DVD / RM /HDTV/MP3/CD and other unusual disc without file. Higher video quality bring the scenery pleasing to both eyes and mind Self-developed high video quality enhancement technology, make video has higher definition; Self-developed intellectual line by line scanning technology, can completely eliminate alias; Can adjust the brightness and U/V color; Self-owned accurate developing technology, can enlarge part scenes. Surround Sound Effect Self-developed 26 surround audio effects including SDTS, ProLogic surround sound; Self-developed two sound channels technology, two sound boxes and headphone let you enjoy the audio effect of 6 sound boxes; Self-developed digital audio effect restoring technology, can support the surround of 8 sound channels; support the output of AC-3 hardware decoding sound; Audio frequency equilibrium adjustment technology, freely interchange more than 10 musical effects such as the classical and rock. Other useful build-in tools Audio formats conversion between AC3, MP3 and WAV etc. including CD ripping; Support more than 131 languages and display up to 32 languages at same time; Associate video formats at will; Convert between MPEG4 and AVI, convert MPEG to GIF, merge MPEG; Playback movie on PC and TV/HDTV simultaneously, create digital home theater with your PC.

Im currently looking for the best free bloghost... Creating pages on each so u can compare: This one is nice and simple easy to edit... This one is like with annoying preview/publish/view buttons but looks nice. this one is sensational, even though u only get 100kb of space for freebie accounts, u can upload preety pix :) also very easy to use.

Babelfish free website translation
A fun site worth translating :)

Ricki Martin - She Bangs (left click) so u can sing along and compare with Willy's version :) "She Bangs, She bangs" hee hee

I was trying to burn cds to free up space and found I had a avi file that wouldn't fit on normal 700mb with nero, so I decided to try and find a decent avi cutter... But then since I have so many I didn't want to waste my precious study time "precious" lol, so I decided to use virtualdub:
get it here its freeware
Divxdigest how to cutavi using virtualdub tutorial

If u forget your passwords, Snadboy's password revelation will let u see whats behind the asteriks Iopus has a sharewaresoft but that is a bitch. This freeware is heaps better

Forgot where I put my properties plus so I dled it again here Theres screenshots there too. it adds an extra line to your right click context menu so u can see more details/change details like extension dates to any file. ps it works on xp :)

My Music video n Movie lists:

Various music videos

Little music video collections

Movie and Game list
Actually have heaps more but need to find/sort them first (in shoeboxes)...

My guestbook - - My forum to pmsg me

Currently collecting MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) videos... Info here:
Gracie family tree :)

Special Linx 4 special ppl:

Yoshii's dconnect hub soft

Fun fun fun in da sun sun sun

Crazy central

Kenny G's Greatest Hits full album
I once owned the album but due to my extreme poverty, I had to sell it to 2nd hand shop for $$$ cos no tengo dinero lol... Now it is mine once more :p The saxophone is my 2nd favorite musical instrument after the piano :o Its not as easy as u think cos I kept running outta breath when I took lessons lol also its very uncomfortable on your mouth (I would think its worse than a blowjob)

Ooooh found this lovely avril lavigne vid... Shes soooo sexy :) Its quicktime format though but very high quality for 21mb :) fast dl URL hxxp://

MIRC download tutorial No its not just a chatting soft!
More mirc dling guides

Fun useful linx this month:
How to set up DC++ hub
Tunexp (freeware) xp tweaking soft, note some of its claims are not true cos I have seen other soft that does the shit it sez are unique to it!
Outpostpro forum
Spintercell2 pandora tomorrow trainer +9 Even if u don't believe in cheating, it loads directly to single player so that is a benefit in itself :)
GAmefaqs Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow FAQs & Guides
It's just the greatest game ever :0 Just in case you are wondering, the dude who gives instructions in the game is the "president" on that show called 24 (the one with Jack Bauer!)

Ok since u love my reviews so much... im trying to find a decent free hosting with 110 percent uptime, no ads or popups and of course no gay bandwidth limits :0
My angeltowns page_ File manager... NO ads or popups 50mb but very basic... Has online webpage editor, unlimited bandwidth, multiple file upload.

My Livegate Page_ File manager... features as above...only downside is u can only upload 1 file at a time and 10mb :( Note my fav choice is still 1asphost if u don't mind a text ad at the bottom of your pages. Link at bottom of page.

Join Adult Friend Finder for free - largest Adult Personals with over 3 million members!
You can meet lovely people in your own country for pleasure and pain... or a hot Canadian girl like Avril :)

Fun Linx

Lunaticsoft_Alternate link
Puzo's Forum
Melonez forum
Soft Winzheng
Supermegaliens linx (shareware)
Fosi - Fosi2
Rth77 (shareware)
Brainwave's site
Text linx:

TSRH quackz - -
Quacks Unlimited

Veryrelentless new vidz every 2 days helping me get value for money for my dsl :)
Eurodance party
Very relentless oldsite
SEctione database
Eurodanceparty forum
Gambit Vids
Mariah carey
Jaypez vids
Anime vids
Rock vids:
Urbanchaos release database

Euroadrenaline mp3
Trancexpress Trance Hardcore gabber
Trance oggformat
Simplemp3s Best full albums
Trancegate No 1 trance source
21Century-mp3 Albums
Mp3hits Lots of singles
Sysreset 2 create server in mirc to share
Bitspirit 2.x Bittorent client - this one is KLumsy's favorite cos it has many options the other "gay" btclients don't have!
Shadow bittorent client
Burst! bittorent client
Replacement docs Game manuals

Greylib fictionebooks

Codecs and related stuff:
Divx codecs
Dvdrhelp tools
Acemega Codecpak (Divxdigest mirror)
Acemega codecpak official (Hungarian)
Elisoft codecpak
Elisoft mirror (Divx Digest)
Nimo Codek Pak official site
Nimo Codec Pak (Divx Digest)
Digital digest
Another link 4Tsunami
Nic's Xvid codec DDL
Koepi's xvid codec
Divfix (to fix broken avi)
Avi Preview To view broken avi movies
Gspot 2 look at codec
Audio codecs Also has players :)
All the latest codecs
Gspot2.21 2 find out what codec
Avicodec as above

Freeware media/mp3 players:
BSplayer (the xp skin is really cute)
Media Player Classic (for xp)
XVid;-) movie player
Foobar Mp3 player
mp3 direct cut (mp3 cutter) and 1by1 directory player
Micatoge xplayer
Vuplayer mp3 player
Mv2 video player
Videolan VLC player
1337 and coolplayer

Useful Shareware:
AI Roboform to fill web forms
Winxp Manager The best tweaking soft
EMeditor The best text editor

Useful Freeware:
HKSFV better than quicksfv - does md5 checks
Still quicksfv is better than no sfv checking for your split rar uploads

Rcgoogle ddl This soft is what I call essential soft cos u right highlight a broken fuked up url eg from a forum, right clik, and then open selected url and it will open the link all fixed in a new window. Only for ie browser :)

DVDDecrypter Back up your dvd to hardrive :)

Magicjellybean keyfinder

Acrobat reader speedup (it works perfectly)

Daily Dilbert
The best free hosting. Browser based editor, No ads and 100mb space, no bandwidth limit, fastest server and asp and upload zip files... Only 1 popup (which u should NOT see if u use popupcop). I use it for all my homework storage needs so no floppy ever needed again :) Great for sharing homework with your frendz @ skool. U can also hotlink pictures! for free hosting. U can search for no ads and read user reviews :) and url forwarding

Old stuff I found:
My old female bodybuilding gallery
My old latex babe gallery
My lovely reviews

Hosted by