The Curse of the Seal by Adam Gibney

Acorn PS

Edited by Molly Freeman


John:                            I’m soaked! It’s a waterfall at this Gap.


Katie:                           Stop moaning, John.  I’m drenched and do you see me complaining?


Josh:                             The water is so dirty. It looks like a dump.


Katie:                           Is that a dead gull? Ah,


Josh:                             Ah, man! Gross!


John:                            I hate this trip it’s so boring.


Katie:                           Look there’s a broken old pram.


Josh:                             I’m complaining to the health services about the state of this river.


John:                            I’m so wet.

Katie:                           For goodness sake, John is moan all you do?


Josh:                             I don’t know how a fish could live here! Never mind a seal! 


Katie:                           I don’t either. Horrible.

John:                            I don’t give a hoot about that stupid seal!


Katie:                           I bet it doesn’t give a hoot about you either, John!

Teacher:                       I hope you are taking notes for your poems!

Josh:                             I will write my poem on pollution.

Katie:                           Me too!  Especially about that poor dead bird. People think this river must be a bin.


Josh:                             That’s why it looks like one!


Teacher:                       The River Lagan such history! Imagine the great ship Titanic passed by Carrickfergus at the start of its fateful journey… think of all these things when you are writing your poems and plays.  Think of the things you saw, smell, tasted, or heard. Things …


John:                            That stupid seal cursed me!


Katie:                           Stop blaming the seal, John, your poem was rubbish any way!

Josh:                             That seal’s going to come in and drown you in your own bath!


John falls asleep – has a nightmare about seal then wakes screaming.


Katie, Josh and Teacher:            Ha, that taught him a lesson!  (All laugh)

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