Charles Addams
American cartoonist who for 50 years contributed his outrageously macabre humor to the New Yorker. He created an Addams family, an Addams house and Addams situations that are all ghoulish. In one well-known cartoon he shows a slinky,witch-like family on the roof of their haunted looking Victorian house. It is Christmas and they are about to pour upon the carolers below a cauldron-full of boiling oil. In another cartoon Addams depicts a weird-looking man waiting outside a delivery room. The nurse is saying. "Congratulations! It's a baby!" His spooky, archetypical work antedated and paved the way for "black humor".

A Charles Addams is any weird person, house or situation that suggests a macabre sense of humor, a topsy-turvy sense of values.

To go to the Addams Family website:

Addams Family
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