The Stepford Wives is a 1972 novel by Ira Levin .

Warning: Plot details follow.

The premise involves a group of men from the fictional town of Stepford, Connecticut who all seem to have eager-to-please, overly submissive, beautiful wives. Joanne Eberhart, the main character, arrives in Stepford from New York City with her husband and children, eager to start a new life. As time goes on, she becomes increasingly puzzled by the zombie-like Stepford wives, especially when she begins to see her once independent-minded friends turn into mindless domicile housewives overnight.

By the end of the story she becomes convinced the wives of Stepford are actually look-alike androids created by an elite group of men. The book ends before she can find the truth.

Today, "Stepford Wives" alludes to women who try and do everything to please their men---from botox and liposuction to putting a warm meal on the table.  They no longer have their own indentity.  They are whoever their husbands or men want them to be.
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