Scarlett O'Hara:

Flirtatious,fiery,indomitable heroine of Gone With the Wind (1936), a novel about the Civil War by
Margaret Mitchell. 

A Georgia belle, rejected by her true love, Ashley Wilkes,  she spitefully or opportunistically is twice married  and twice widowed. She then marries the dashing Rhett Butler, who is more than a match for her.  After their child is killed in a horseback riding incident, Rhett realized that Scarlett's heart always yearned for Ashley.  Disgusted ,  he abandons her.  The novel ends with the suggestion that Scarlett will endure and will somehow reconstruct her ruined but beloved Southern mansion, Tara.

Scarlett O'Hara has become a legendary figure who stands for a fiery-spirited, enduring woman.

Scarlett O'Hara was also known for putting things off for a procrastinator would be described as having a Scarlett O'Hara syndrome.
Cover of the Audio book for "Scarlett O'Hara" by Cathy Crimmins and Tom Maeder.
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