Lotus Eaters:

in Homeric legend, are a people  who on their long voyage home from the Trojan war, came upon  the land of the Lotus eaters.  Some of the men ate of the lotus-tree, the effect of which was to make them forget their friends and homes, and to lose all desire of returning to their native land, their only wish being to live in idleness in Lotus-land. (Odyssey, xi.) 

Lotus Land: A dreamy, indolent, self-indulgent place where unreality prevails.  In contemporary use in Canada (where I live), it is applied to Vancouver, for their warm weather and where you can play Golf in the winters..
A Lotus-eater. One living in ease and luxury. Lord Tennyson has a poem called The Lotus Eaters.


A name given to many plants. e.g. by the Egyptians to the various species  of waterlily, by the Hindus to the Nelumbo (A water-bean), their "Sacred Lotus", and by the Greeks to
Zizyphus Lotus ,   a North African shrub, the fruit of which was used for food.

The Egyptians pictured God sitting on a lotus-tree, above the watery mud. Jamblichus says the leaves and fruit of the lotus-tree being round represent �the motion of intellect;� its towering up through mud symbolises the eminency of divine intellect over matter; and the Deity sitting on the lotus-tree implies His intellectual sovereignty

Muhammed  says that a lotus-tree stands in the seventh heaven, on the right hand of the throne of God.
The classic myth is that Lotus, a daughter of NEPTUNE fleeing from Priapus was changed into a tree, called 
Lotus after her. 

In today's speech, to be a Lotus, is to be in the world, but not of it.
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