~~~ An Invitation~~~
For all of you that love to read and discover new words and  phrases , I invite you to browse through the dictionary of cultural and historical allusions, including biographies, that I have put together. It is in its initial stages yet, but I plan to add new words, phrases and articles almost everyday, so drop by often...you might learn something! :)

Before you peruse the list of allusions, I would recommend going
here to read why it is important that you acquaint yourself with allusions.  Enjoy!
The A List
The B List
The C List
The P List
The R List
The H List
The L List
The G List
The W List
The Y List
The T List
The D List
The F List
The S List
The M List
The N List
The O List
The U List
The J List
The I List
The K List
The V List
The E List
Feel free to write me with suggestions for improving the site or even topics that you might like to see covered here!  Also, do report any broken links or pages that are not linked.  Thanks!
Disclaimer: Most of the  terms, definitions and biographies contained herein have been  obtained from various resources.  Very few were authored by me, and far as possible I have tried to give credit where credit is due.  Backgrounds and graphics for my webpages have also come from a variety of sources and I plan to make a separate page to credit them. 
The X List
The Z List
The Q List
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