
The Phoenician wife o AHAB who, according to Kings I and II in the Old Testament, pressed the cult of Baal on the Israelite kingdom but was finally killed in accordance with Elijah's prophecy.   Also, and usually uncapatilized, an imprudent,shameless, or morally unrestrained woman.

The orginal was the infamous wife of King Ahab of Israel (8th centuries before Christ).  She was reputed to be a bad influence on him because she worshipped Baal instead of Jehovah, and her name is now synonomous with her reputation.

The prophet Elijah foretold the end of the house of Ahab---correctly.  But because Ahab had repented, the Lord postponed punishment until the reign of Ahab's son.  There was a coup, but Jezebel was defiant.  She painted her eyes and attired her head, and spoke defiantly (and seductively?) out the window at the conqueror.  Her ordered her thrown down, and she was eaten by dogs---just as the prophet Elijah had foretold.

American Jezebel:

Colonial era preacher, midwife and mother of 16,
Anne Hutchinson just didn't seem to know a woman's place. She was called an "American Jezebel" for publicly teaching and interpreting scripture. A century and a half before the American Constitution erected a barrier between church and state, Anne Hutchinson defended herself against judges who proclaimed God was on their side. Banished from Massachusetts, Hutchinson helped establish religious tolerance in the new colony of Rhode Island
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