Thomas Hobbes (1588�1679 ) was an English philosopher and political theorist best known for his book "Leviathan" (1651), in which he argues that the only way to secure civil society is through universal submission to the absolute authority of a sovereign.

Contrary to the texts of
Jean Jacques Rousseau, Hobbes believed that men in a state of nature are selfish, nasty, brutish and bellicose and to curb these destructive tendencies, they enter into a contract with each other to create a state that will be responsible for keeping the peace. They submit to a sovereign who in turn must guarantee them protection. Cheney, say those who know him, has always had a Hobbesian view of life. The world is a dangerous place; war is the natural state of mankind; enemies lurk. The national-security state must be strong, vigilant and wary.The power of the sovereign derives from the people, wno may rebel against him (or a parliament) should he fail to maintain his duties under the compact.

"Hobbesian" (adj;) suggests aggression as the natural state of men.

Use: "Cheney, say those who know him, has always had a Hobbesian view of life. The world is a dangerous place; war is the natural state of mankind; enemies lurk. The national-security state must be strong, vigilant and wary." Eric  Harper, MSNBC, 10 Nov 2003
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