The English navigator Captain Cook became an explorer because of his love of adventure and curiosity about distant lands and their people. He surveyed a greater length of coastline than any other man and remade the map of the Pacific. His explorations gave Britain the lands now occupied by Australia and New Zealand.

James Cook was born in Marton, Yorkshire, in 1728. His father was a farmer. Apprenticed at 12 to a haberdasher and later to a shipowner, in 1755 he joined the Royal Navy. Four years later, as master of the ship Mercury, he took part in expeditions against the French in the St. Lawrence River.

His skill in sounding, surveying, and charting this river won for him the post of marine surveyor of the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador. He published books of sailing directions that showed remarkable abilities. He also won a reputation as astronomer and mathematician by his account of a solar eclipse off the coast of North America.

In 1768 Cook was put in command of the ship
Endeavour to observe a transit of the planet Venus in the South Pacific. He spent six months circumnavigating and mapping the coasts of New Zealand but was unable to explore the interior because of the hostility of the natives. From New Zealand he proceeded to the east coast of Australia.   Cook named the east coast New South Wales because he thought it resembled the south coast of Wales in Britain. The naturalists who accompanied him named a bay, near the present site of Sydney, Botany Bay because of the richness of the vegetation growing there. After exploring the coast of New Guinea, Cook returned to England in 1771.

second voyage, from 1772 to 1775, was undertaken to prove or disprove that there was a great continent in the southern Pacific Ocean, to the southeast of Australia. He crossed the Antarctic Circle�the first European to do this�but did not go far enough south to discover the true Antarctic continent. but turned back north towards Tahiti to resupply his ship. He then travelled south again, in a second fruitless attempt to find the supposed continent, bringing with him a young Tahitian named Omai. From west to east he explored the entire far southern Pacific, mapping known islands and discovering several new ones. The maps he made of this region differ little in their main outlines from those in use today. On his return home, he received the Copley medal for his success in preventing scurvy by feeding his sailors sauerkraut juice.

At 48 Cook was still eager for adventure. In 1776 he set out on his third voyage to settle the question of a possible sea passage across America or around it to the north�the so-called Northwest Passage. He came upon the Hawaiian Islands, which had been discovered earlier by the Spanish, and named them the Sandwich Islands in honor of the earl of Sandwich, first lord of the Admiralty.

Cook made extensive explorations of the northwestern coast of North America, seeking an inlet. Beyond Bering Strait he found that a solid wall of ice blocked the passage. Forced to turn back, he returned to Hawaii. He had won the friendship of the people there by his wise and kind treatment. Trouble arose, however, when one of the ship's boats was stolen. Cook took some men ashore to recover the boat. A scuffle followed in which he was killed.

~Encyclopedia Britannica
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