Sir Ian McKellen - Gandalf
This sketch was done by Gonzai who graciously let me use it. You can see more of her art by visiting her Lord of the Rings FanArt website or by visiting my Boromir sketch page.
I had a chance to meet Sir Ian, twice, thanks to Gonzai. He was in my city filming X-men ll and decided to put on a one man play to help raise money for a local theatre so they could stay open. I attended and was treated to poetry readings, musings, and he even read a chapter from Fellowship of the Ring (the part of Gandalf at the bridge) 'You shall not pass' was a very intense moment in the theatre. It was spine-chilling and wonderful.

He was also periodically auctioning off items to the audience, like shoes and autographs, etc. between his readings and jokes(it was very interactive with alot of crowd participation) One lady asked how much for a kiss and he gave her a large figure. I asked how much for a handshake, and he looked up (to the balcony) and said, 'you're in the cheap seats, 5 bucks. Come find me after'. So I did, paid the 5 dollars and got to shake his hand and meet him. (He is such a nice, charming, courteous person)

Gonzai also told me about Sir Ian doing another appearance at my local university. The film club was doing a showing of Richard lll that Ian produced and starred in, and Sir Ian was attending. We couldn't get in to see the film, not enough seats, but Ian told all those left outside to come back for a question and answer session after the movie. I stayed for the Q+A session and it was fabulous. Sir Ian stayed much longer than he was supposed to, answering all kinds of questions, and did not leave until he had signed something for every single person waiting - about 200+ of us.

While we were outside the theatre door (in the hallway) waiting, he came out to sign autographs and talk to us. Gonzai had sent me this particular drawing, hoping that I would get a chance to pass it on to Ian, and I did get that chance.

What amazes me is how everything worked to make this possible. First - Gonzai is half-way around the world to where I live. Second-she knew about his appearances in my own backyard. NONE of our local papers or tv stations reported on these events, either before or after. Third - her picture arrived in the mail the very day of the university event - not by regular mail, but by courier. I had been desperately waiting for it to arrive, and when the mail came that morning and it was not there, I was so disappointed. I went to work, and there it was when I came home. And Fourth - not being able to get in to see him during the movie was frustrating. It was amazing that he came out, and I got to give him this picture.

'All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.'  Romans 8:28

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