The Lost Film Legacy of
Theda Bara was perhaps the most famous, and iconic, silent actress of her day. Although she made over thirty films in her heyday at Fox, only three are thought to exist. Cleopatra, Salome, Romeo and Juliet, Camille, Madame DuBarry, and Carmen have all vanished, along with countless other irreplaceable Theda Bara films.  Maybe these films still exist somewhere.

The Lost Film Legacy of Theda Bara
is dedicated to finding Bara's lost films. It is also a source of information regarding all of Bara's films. Rare information, including plot information, stills, posters, and reviews will be collected as it is found and made available here for researchers and fans of the actress.

Information regarding Theda Bara's films is vital in order to preserve or find existing lost films.  Contributions by email regarding any information about the films will be made available on the website. 
Theda Bara's Lost Films
Who was Theda Bara?
Other Sources
Above: Theda Bara in Madame DuBarry, 1917. The film is presumed lost.
My heart is ice, my passion consuming fire.
As this man has done to me,
so will I henceforth to all men.
Let men beware.
-An intertitle from a lost Theda Bara film.  It is fun to imagine which film this could be from; maybe "The Lure of Ambition" or "The Vixen"?
If you have information regarding any lost Theda Bara films, please contact  Jonathon Denson by email: [email protected]