The Uranium Savages speak:
Austin's funniest band turns 25
The night Steamboat closed, the Uranium Savages were on the edge again, belting out such classics as "Idi Amin Is My Yardman," "Massage Parlor Blues" and the perfect Austin anthem, "Stranded in the '60s."

The band's nonmusical contingent and pseudo-fraternal organization, the Shrovinovers, waved giant artificial phalluses at every audience member (pun intended) who got in their way, including actress Sandra Bullock, who was innocently waiting for her favorite band, the Scabs, to perform. On stage, the Savages rocked like it was 1974, like it was
shiny and new.

Since Dec. 12, 1974, the Savages have stretched the bounds of sanity. Like with any family, there have been squabbles. Founding member David Arnsberger, famed as the man behind Spamarama, even sued in a struggle over the band name. But current members say they still consider him a card-carrying member of the Savage fraternity. They celebrated their 25th birthday with a show at the Continental Club and a proclamation from the mayor, but this band measures time in riots, not years.

Guitarist Kent Temple; head Shrovinover and band historian Artly Snuff; lead jokester, singer and accomplished poster artist Kerry Awn; bassist Tom Clarkson; and horn player David Perkoff sat down to recollect the history of the self-proclaimed "band that was too dumb to die."

The result was like a game of table tennis with too many balls and no table.

Kent: I can't imagine playing with anybody else where I can laugh the entire time. The guys are so talented, and Kerry in particular is so damn funny. Sometimes I have to stop playing. And this is after doing the same thing for 20 years, the same songs.

Kerry: Go ahead, blame it on me.

Artly: Kerry was the first Funniest Guy in Austin and hasn't quit since.

Kent: It's an outlet for expression even beyond the parodies and satires we do. It's incredibly funny.

Kerry: A big in-joke. To us, at least.

Kent: I think we're like a weird fraternity.

Kerry: Boys' choir.

Artly: Boys' club

Kerry: Boys' club? Men's club.

David: Boys' town.

Artly: We just keep commenting on the Austin music scene.

Tom: And the news too.

Artly: If a mastodon bone is found, we'll comment on it.

Tom: We had a whole set on the O.J. stuff. (sings) Last day for a white waiter�

Kent: And the eternal "Wife Stabber."

Artly: By the O'Jays.

Kent: I will say that lately we've been doing songs about old people.

David: Oh yeah, lately we've got a whole geezer set.

Kerry: (sings) Yeah, we're going to Sun City. Two divorcees for every guy�

It began with a challenge from Ritz Theater house band the Plumbers, which included Clifford Antone on bass, to a battle of the bands. Three bands, the Sons of Coyote, Gypsy Savage and the Uranium Clods joined together to create the Sons of Uranium Savages. (The name was later shortened.)

Kerry: We thought the only way we could beat them was to get as much chaos as possible. We got girls on stage, an on-stage bartender, as many guitar players as we could get.

Artly: We pumped pot smoke into the audience.

Kerry: They were a traditional blues band. We said we want to play first. We had a plan to go on and have all of this crazy stuff, girls, costumes, blowing smoke into the audience, giving away stuff, surfboards on stage. Then when they got on stage, we'd pull the plug.
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