John Lennon

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"The dream is over.
It's just the same only I'm thirty and a lot of people have got long hair, that's all."

"I like first person music. But because of my hangups, and many other things, I would only now and then specifically write about me. Now I wrote all about me and that's why I like it. It's me! And nobody else. So I like it."

"With "Imagine," we're saying, 'Can you imagine a world without countries or religions?' It's the same message over and over. And it's positive."

Cold Turkey
"The song is self-explanatory. The song got banned, even though it's antidrug. They're so stupid about drugs, you know. They're not looking at the cause of the drug problem: Why do people take drugs? To escape from what? Is life so terrible? Are we living in such a terrible situation that we can't do anything without reinforcement of alcohol, tobacco? Aspirins, sleeping pills, uppers, downers, never mind the heroin and cocaine -- they're just the outer fringes of Librium and speed."

"I like the melody, and the words, and everything. I think it's beautiful, ... but I'm more of a rocker."

"God was stuck together from three songs almost."
"...Beatles was the final thing because it's like I no longer believe in myths, and the Beatles were a myth. I don't believe in it; the dream is over."

Honey Don't/Matchbox
"I like rock and roll and I express myself best in rock."

"Emerging, as it did, in between the revolutionary broadsides of 'Power to the People' and Some Time In New York City, the Imagine album represents a pause in John's career as a counter-culture spokesman. Whenever he did speak out, he had the gift of sounding completely convinced. Yet he was prone to interludes of doubt, and 'How?' describes one such hiatus. Apart from its ornate orchestration, this track would sit logically inside the previous album, for its themes are old friends - lack of direction, fear of the future, emotional incapacity."
-Paul Du Noyer

I'm The Greatest
"It was the Muhammad Ali line, of course. It was perfect for Ringo to sing. If I said, 'I'm the greatest,' they'd all take it so seriously. No one would get upset with Ringo singing it."

Oh My Love
"In the Sixties, you thought, if I'm gonna go with this person for the rest of my life, like John and Yoko or me and Linda, I really ought to look them in the eye all the time. John and Yoko really did spend a lot of time and it got fairly mad, looking at each other going, It's gonna be all right, it's gonna be all right, it's gonna be all right. After a couple of hours of that you get fairly worn out."
-Paul McCartney

Happy Xmas
"I always wanted to write a Christmas record. Something that would last forever."

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