LAEU History
Special thank you to Don Gunderson for helping to compile the information
1959-1965 - Gil Adams

1966-1973 - Morrel Pfeifle
? - Arranged Conquistadores
1968 - First Annual Los Altos High School Field Show Tournament

1973-1980 - Danny Wagner
1976 - Toured Switzerland, competed in Marching Bands of America
1978 - Toured Washington DC
1979 - Tournament of Champions Sweepstakes Winners
1980 - Tournament of Champions Sweepstakes Winners

1981 - Patricia Hoy

1982-1999 - Don Gunderson
1984 - Official Youth Band of the Olympic Games: performances in LA Coliseum, USC, downtown LA, and throughout the Olympic Games at Cal State LA                          stadium for Field Hockey
1984 - Undefeated Season, Tournament of Champions Sweepstakes Winners          
1986 -  World Expo
1986-1989 - Asst. Director Paul Bluto
1990-1999 - Asst. Director Mark Gunderson
1996 - Toured Germany and Switzerland

2000-2001 - Mark Gunderson
2000-2003 - Asst. Director Sheryl Carruth
2001 - Northern California Tour with Wind Ensemble
2001 - official Los Altos Entertainment Unit Homepage established

2002-2003 - Donald Wade
2002 - First Winter Percussion Formed, Colorguard and Dance Team formed JV  and Varsity teams
2002- First Annual Los Altos Colorguard Competition

2003-2004 - co-directors, Richard Naylor & Sheryl Carruth
2004 - Wind Ensemble to San Diego for Regional Festival

2004+ - co-directors, Sheryl Carruth & Mark Gunderson
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