The Varangian Empire is a constitutional monarchy.

The sitting monarch, the Tsar or Tsarina, shares the competencies of governance with the legislative branch, the Imperial Duma, and the interpretive branch, the High Commission.

Nine states comprise the Empire proper: Galicia-Volhynia, the Steppe, Florenzia, Fridwald, New Varangia, Lituva, Greater Masuria, Polonija, and Rusiya. Further, the Empire maintains several dependencies: Bosphoria and Livoniya. In aggregate, these states form a geopolitical, economic, and military superpower in the regions of Wysteria and the Heartland.

executive branch of the government is headed by the monarch. He/she is responsible for the daily operations of the executive government and is assisted by a household staff. Amongst the staff is the monarch's chief of staff, the Master of the Privy Seal, the chief of the monarch's private army, the Azure Guard, and the minder of the imperial dynasty's geneaology and court protocol, the Keeper of the Golden Scroll.

legislative branch of the government is led by the leader of the party which gains the most seats in the lower house, the Boyar Soviet. He/she is named the Reichschancellor of the Empire. The Reichchancellor's government is responsible for the daily operations of the government and does so through an extensive bureaucracy headed by his Select Council of heads of the various ministries. They are:

-Carolina Kursted, head of the foreign ministry
-Marat Baldin, head of the interior ministry
-Goran Lubisic, head of the treasury
-Dinara Yevlensky, head of the trade ministry
-Leonardo Vezregalia, head of the ministry of war
-Daphne Darrington, head of the energy and industry ministry
-Vladislav van Holleran, head of the ministry of law
-Augustina Tikhminova, head of the ministry of culture
-Olga Bladislova, head of the ministry of health
-Maxim Durishenko, head of the education ministry

interpretive branch validates the constitutionality of laws and legal actions in the Empire. At the top echelon is the High Commission, which serves as the final court of arbitration in the Empire. The High Commission can strike laws that it deems are not within the letter or spirit of the Constitution of the Empire, the Charter of 1897. The high commission is comprised of 15 judges or Commissars and their leader is the Chairman of the High Commission.
Head of State:
Tsarina Anastasia I


30.787 billion (4/23/07)

The UCA Argent

Other major cities:
Volodomyr-Volynsky, Prezmysl, Sankt Eudoxia-na-Voltava, Harkonna, Muromets, Koeniggrad, Niemen, Ravel, Petrograd, Sophia, Tara

Official languages:
Varangian, Wysterian, Florenzian

Major exports:
Services (banking, technology), petrochemical products, timber products, electronics

Imperial hymn:
Rule Varangia!

Imperial flower:
Galician chrysanthimum

The Wysterian Union
The Unified Currency Authority
The Wysterian Relocation and
  Relief Programme
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