Chapter 13: Dweeb
Even though the moment passed me by
Music to Read By:
"I Love Ya" By Kina
I dont get the question baby, I dont get the question
Are you askin if I love you, are you sayin you dont know by now?
You should never wonder baby, you should never wonder
Cause I need ya more that ever, we will always be together
You control my heart, feel you in the very air I breathe

"Taylor..." I said. He must have thought I was going to lecture him on how that's not possible because just then he interrupted me with his explanation.
"Audrey, I know we've only known each other for about a month, but you and I just seem to click. And I know you think..."
"I love you too." His face just kinda froze then a smile started to pull on his lips.
"You do?",his smile getting bigger.
"Yes" I whipsered. I rested my head on his chest, gently rising and falling with his breathing. I closed my eyes, I didnt think I could be any happier. Is it possible that I found the man Im supposed to be with forever? Am I really truly in love with him, or do I just think I am? Its hard to believe we could hardly stand each other at first, and here we are, in love. Its like we skipped a step, but it felt so right. I was so caught up in the moment, it was like some cheesy movie from the '40's where its raining and the guy holds his love in his arms and they kiss under the streetlamp. I was enveloped. That is until I got smacked in the forehead with Zac's frisbee.
"OUUUTTCH!!" I grabed my throbbing forehead. "Zac, you, you dweeb!" I yelled as he came running over.
"Outch Audrey, dont get too harsh with the names there" Tay said sarcastically. "I mean dweeb, thats a mean one"
"Bite me Taylor" I rebutted
"Oh, I intend to" and he winked. Winking was not necessary here, since my forehead was in major pain at the moment. The agony of being me. Life lessons of teenage angst #1: when in love, watch for low-flying plastic discs. You know, just in case.
"Haha, Im so sorry Audrey" responded the guilty party, trying to mask his humor. "Are you alright?"
"Well, its throbbing and Im a little dizzy, but I guess Im ok."
He helped me off the ground and we started to walk back toward the park entrance. Mel was trying to help me walk since I seemed to have temporarily lost my balance. "Aww, youre so cute Aud."
"Well, Im glad you find me adorable due to my inability to walk straight, Melissa Rollston." I really think Central Park got bigger since we got here today. Well, we finally made it out of the woods and back to civilization. The busy city with all its people and traffic. I guess the people would attribute to the traffic. I better not say that out loud. Zac grabed a taxi and we drove back to the studio. I was half asleep on Taylor's chest all the way home. I could hear Zac (who was sitting in the front seat) asking the cab driver questions: "Do you have to go to school to be a cab driver? How much do you get paid? I bet you meet alot of hot chicks" I heard Audrey kick his seat after that last question. He then chose to verbally express every street we passed.
"Belcher, Flamevine, Orkeny-thats a funny one, Oakhurst, Duhme"
"Its pronounced 'du-me' Zac" I corrected him.
"You have a road called 'do me'? hahah!! Thats so great!" he was so easily amused. Needless to say, it was a long taxi ride.  When we got back to the studio I layed down on the big leather couch and Taylor got me a glass of water. Zac took a paper plate and wrote 'dweeb' on it and taped it to his shirt. He said it was to show his "utter remorse", yeah, sure.
"Can I get you anything Aud?"
"No thanks Mel, Im fine"
"Lets order food! Im hungry" yelled Zac
"Zac, you're always hungry. You even talk about food in your sleep!" argued Tay.
"I do not" Zac pouted.
I just layed there and laughed.
"Lets get chicken wings, now thats a truly manly food" suggested Dweeb.
Audrey had just hung up with the delivery place when we all jumped at an unexpected crash of thunder.
"Its gonna rain"
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious Audrey"
"Im injured here Taylor, I could have severe brain dammage."
"Dont say anything Jorday Taylor!!"
*BOOM* Another crash of thunder followed by a flash of lightning.
"We better get our food" moaned Zac, "oh man," he whined, "Im so hungry too."
"Hey, keep it down over there Dweeb"
"Thanks Mel"
"Anytime Audrey, someone has to keep that man in line."
"I love the rain" Taylor said, staring at the window as the drops crashed on the glass. He seemingly missed that whole coversation. Another bolt of lightning brought him out of his daze. He looked over at me, and kissed the bruise on my forehead. He said soflty, "I love you Audrey, I really do."
"Hey," I whispered, "I love you too Taylor, I really do."
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