Hanging By A Moment...             Zoe's Page.
May 24, 2003. 10:50am EST

Movie - Two Weeks Notice. It just came out on dvd (well, not just, but its out) and I adore Sandra Bullock in her role. Also, What A Girl Wants was not too intolerable. I venture to say that Collin Firth in leather pants was possibly one of my favorite parts

Song - Punk Rock Princess - Something Coporate.
"You know, you only burn my bridges. You could be my heroine."

Book - Gossip Girls. I love it, very cheeky.

Hanfic - Pure by Stephanie. Its amazing..so real and painful. Ave'.

Addiction - Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches. I'm on my own now and they are really easy and cheap to make. DId I mention they are also low cal?

Missing - My dog, Lady. I couldn't bring her with to college and I have no one to sleep at my feet. Any volunteers?

Rants - Working insane hours in the biochem. lab. There is an upside....multitudes of hot grad school boys running around.

Raves -  Buffy's creator, Joss Whedon. Thankyou for an amazing 7 years. Ave'.
light up
Take me home
What you never knew....
~ I skipped my senior year in highschool to go to college.
~ Audrey is a mix of Me and Adair.
~ Has more guy friends than girl friends.
~ I've been in love
~ My dad used to own a recording studio.
~ I have a love for animated disney movies and pointless teen movies like Lizzie McGuire and What A Girl Wants.
~ Hanson was the first group that I followed religiously.
~ I love women rock and yes I am straight.
~I love the Gilmore Girls and Everwood. Still can't get enough.
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