Chapter One: Had A Bad Day Again
Show me the depths of your soul
Music to Read By
"Bad Day" by Fuel
I had a bad day again, she said I would not understand.
Slammed the door and said "Im sorry, I had a bad day again."
Spilled her coffee, broke her shoelace. Smeared the lipstick on her face.
Left a note and said "Im sorry, I had a bad day again."
And she swares there's nothing wrong,
I hear play that same old song.
She pulls me off and puts me on. Oh, I had a bad day again.
"Why won't you just listen to me?", she screamed.
"Because it's my life and my future! You don't even know  me, how would you be able to make those decisions for me?!" I yelled back.
"You aren't ready to go off to college alone, Audrey."
"You have no faith in your own daughter, do you Mom? I'm a big girl now. I can handle myself. It's not like I was raised to be a selfsih slut. Why can't you accept that your little girl is all grown up?!"
"You know what? I don't have energy to do this. I don't want to do this!" I retalliated as I grabbed my leather jacket and slammed the door to the apartment. I have been here so many times before, same fight and inevitably the same outcome. I've always wanted to move out when I was legal. Nothing against my parents, I love them, but I was ready to be on my own, and obviously my mother wanted to hear nothing of it.

I walked down the hall of my mother's apartment building and got in the elevator. After pressing the button for the bottom floor, I pulled on my jacket and dug my keys out of my frayed jeans. My parents had been seperated since I was nine and I am normally with him, but now that's he's out of town, I've been unloaded to my mother for a couple of weeks. My mom and I have never really gotten along. My dad says it's because we are so much alike. God help me if I ever come out like her. I always envied the other girls who were best friends with their moms. They went shopping together and had lunch, they did all the cutesy mother-daughter stuff. Me and my mom are so not like that.

I opened the door to my jeep and just drove, I didn't know where I was going, nor did I care. I just needed out of the house, and fast. It was a typical, grey February day in New York. I watched the people walking on the sidewalks, hurrying on with their lives. I liked watching people, wondering where they were going, what they were up to. I turned onto 30th street and made my way down to my father's studio. I figured that I'd get the mail, check the messages, and grab some paperwork to work on. As I opened the door I could smell that familiar scent of the studio. Home. I flipped through the mail, nothing but a bunch of bills. I checked the messages on the player, my dad's accountant, my dad telling me to do sound checks and wishing me his love, and then an unfamiliar, deep, hesitant voice.
Hi, this is Isaac Hanson. We just arrived in New York and plan on coming in to check out the studio on Wednesday. If there are any problems you can reach me at 798-4059. Thanks, Bye."
I scribbled down the number and stuffed it in my pocket incase it ever became necessary. My eyes roamed over the studio one more time making sure everything was in order. I walked out the door, suddenly hit by the unforgiving cold air. I left my car there and began walking down the street. I knew exactly what would make me feel better.
"One grande white chocolate mocha, please with whipped cream." The girl behind the register passed off my order and waved me down the line. I loved coffee. It had to be my blood or at least part of it. Gees, only 17 and addicted to caffeine, lovely. I took a sip of the heavenly warmth and wished to simply get lost in this warm reverie, until I was rudely bumped into by some man in a hurry.
"Damn New Yorkers", I cursed under my breath. You're a New Yorker too, Audrey. Yeah, but not that kind. It's bad whn you start having conversation with yourself isn't it? I left the warm shoppe and headed towards my favorite vinatge store, Zazie's, and hopefully one of my favorite people in this entire world. I walked inside greeted by a smiling face.
"Hey Audrey, what's up?" Joey greeted. Joey happenned to be one of the greatest creatures in the male species, not only was he damn hot but he was soooo nice.
"Not too much, just escaping the wicked witch of the west for a few." I replied.
" Sounds like fun. Some lady came in today with a bunch of old concert tees. They're on the back rack."
"Joey, your absolutely great!" I squealed in my excitement as I reached over the cvounter to hug him.
"Yeah, sure A. Whatever." He laughed at my enthusiasm as I hurried to the back of the store.
I was sifting through the shirts when a familiar green logo caught my eye. And just as I was about to grab it, the shirt dissappeared from it's hanger and into someone's hand.
"Excuse me?", I said.
"Is there a problem?", the blonde haired boy retorted.
"Yes, yes there is a problem. You just took my shirt."
"I'm afraid you're mistaken this is my shirt."
"Haven't you ever heard of lady's first?", I said. I was not in the mood for this and, dammit, I wanted that shirt.  I lunged towards him snatching it out of his hands and as I turned to walk away, I tripped over an irrespnsibly placed shoe box, dragging the stranger, who was still holding onto the shirt, down with me. I was not about to give up. I wanted that shirt, and obviously, so did he. As I felt a presence standing over me I continued my fight for the shirt. I finally looked up to see who the emnity was only to see a security gaurd with a dissappointed face.
The next thing I knew I was standing out on the sidewalk without the shirt, and he was standing beside me with his arms crossed over his chest and a disturbed look on his face. I took this time to slightly look him over...shaggy blonde hair, tan skin, blue eyes, decent taste in clothes..not bad and if he hadn't of tried to steal my shirt I probably would've liked him. But now, he was on my really bad list.
"You just got us kicked out of the store!", I snapped.
"This is not my fault! If you would've just given me my shirt none of this would've happenned!", he rebutted.
"Your shirt? It's not..AGH..I'm not going to fight with a complete stranger over some damn shirt!" I screamed over my shoulder as I walked away from him. Damn it all to hell.
Ok, on my already stressful day we've had a dinner size platter of fighting and a lovely dessert of being kicked out of my favorite store! Still hungry?
*ring ring* I sighed heavily as I dug through my purse for my phone.
The caller ID read "Salsa's Cell". Salsa just happensn to be my ever so affectionate nick-name for my very best friend Melissa.
"Hey" I answered dryly.
"Mornin' Babe!" (Always the bringer of hyperness...)
"Yeah, right."
"what's wrong with you?"
"I just got kicked out of Zazie's for fighting over a shirt with some guy."
"Was he cute?"
"You have such a one tracked mind."
"Simply looking out for your best interests."
"No, Your looking out for a cute guy"
"It's waht I do best. Anyway, I called to see if you wanted to grab lunch with em at Panera, sounds like you've had a rough day and some comfor food, like a breadbowl maybe, is just what you need."
"Thanks, Dr. Salsa. I gotta run to the drugstore but I'll meet you there at like 12:30 give and take a few..k?"
"Sounds great..see ya then, hun"
"Bye Mel".

She always has her way of cheering me up. I walked back to my car, drove to Eckerd and went on a nail polish binge. A manicure can make all things better. After a lovely rest of the day, Mel and  I went back to my dad's apartment. I wasn't about to go home and face my mom so I decided to stay there for the night, after leaving a message on my mother's voice mail.When she left, I slipped into my favorite sweats and heated up some good ole chicken soup.  After finsihing my work and putting the dishes in the washer, I trudged up the stairs to my bed, burrying myself in the covers, drifting off to sleep.
Take me home
Talk to me....
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