Chapter 3: She Talks To Angels
I'm hot sticky sweet, from my head to my feet
If they are this passionate about their music......just think about what happens when all that energy can be redirected to something..say, a little more risque'
She paints her eyes as black as night, pulls those shades down tight, she smiles when the pain comes. She says the pain is gonna make everythinga llr ight. HSe talks to angels. She says they call her out by name. She keeps a lock of hair in her pcket and wears a cross arund her neck. The hair  is from a little boy and the cross is from someone she has not met. Not yet. ~ She Talks to Angels - Black Crows
My alarm clock woke me out of my deep sleep. It was six am and the sun shine had already begun to show through the window curtains. I decided that night that they guys would not be late, at least not while I was around. Therefore I could no longer be late. Hence the reason that I awoke at the crack of dawn. I got  in the shower quickly and got dressed. With my hair still wrapped in a towel, I quietly tip - toed to the door that joined my room with the guy's room. I slowly opened it praying that each was a deep sleeper or enjoyed to fully bury themselves in the covers. Upon fully surveying the room I noticed that each was fast asleep. Isaac with his face burried into his pillow. Zac, completely tangled in sheets as his hair draped over his sleeping face. And finally what I guessed to be Taylor as all I could discern from the large form under the covers was strands of blonde hair that hadn't been fully covered by the oversized hotel blankets. I laughed inwardly thinking that each of these guys had no clue that they were abput to be woken up in a most cruel and unusual form......

"GOOOOOOD MORNING, GOOD MORNING, GOOD MORNING....I began to sing in  a most obnoxious tone and volume as I went around to each bed and stripped the covers from the guys. Thankfully, each was somewhat clothed. "IT'S TIME TO RISE AND SHINE. SO GET UP GET OUT! GET OUT OF BED YOU SLEEPY HEAD." I continued, as I suddennly got a very mean look from Taylolr, the last to suffer from my wake up call.

"What are you doing?" He asked groggily.

"Waking everyone up. No one is gonna be late on my time." I replied with humor. They were so cute when they were tired.

"Well, incase you forgot to notice, we as the Hanson clan do this thing called sleep." Isaac grumbled back at me.

"Rise and shine, boys. you got a big day ahead of you." I simply stated as I walked out of the room.

Soon there were struggles of movements and unintelligible grunts and moans proceeding from the room beside me. I took that as a sign that they were awake and went down to the lobby to grab breakfast. I was simply clad in sweat pants and an old cheer shirt back from my high school days. Ha! How ironic was this? My hometown clothes, the ones that almost doomed me to be the "girl next door" that never makes anything of her life, were being worn in a Sacramento high class hotel where I was in charge of three famous guys.
I quickly grabbed an array of muffins, fruits, and cereals along with juices and milks, showed the bell hop, or whoever he was, my lanyard that stated I was part of the official Hanson entourage and made my way back to the room. 
Upon arrival at my door I realized a slight problem, a hand was needed to get my card and open the door. I didn't have a free one and I didn't want to set the tray down. Shit. How was I gonna pull this off? I could always knock on the guy's door, but i doubt that they would be too fond of me at this point. My other option was to put the tray down. Although the latter was the wise and practical thing to do, I was never one to be wise or practical. My favorite saying was, "If you can't be good, be careful." That is neither wise and never practical...anywho. I decided to simply hit my head lightly agains the Hanson doorway until they decided to open the door. So here I am hitting my head against a door with a tray full of food in my hands completely dressed like a scrub. This must have been a sight. Finally, Zac opened the door.

"You could've just put the tray down." He said, desperately trying to hold back his laughter.

"You're right, I could've. But then I wouldn't have been able to amuse you so." I replied back hoping to sound witty. No such luck.

"Aww man, Captain Crunch. I haven't had this stuff in ages." Isaac said as he spotted the long forgotten breakfast item and grabbed it off the tray along with a container.

"No, please, don't help with the tray. Really, I'm fine." I said sarcastically.

Oh gees, Jessica, I'm sorry." Taylor came to the rescue and took the tray from my arms and placed it on the table.

"Thanks". What else was I going to say? I was completely stunned by the man's ability to look so good, even though his hair had not yet been combed and was still dripping wet. His ice blue eyes glowed as his face lit up at the prospect of food. He already smelled of cologne and over minty toothpaste, and the water dropletts still clung to his body. Wow!
I worked to regain my composure and sat down to eat with them while discussing what llied ahead in the day.

"Ok, guys. You have a signing at Virgin at 1:00pm and then at 3:30 we are going to check out the arena and set up. Break at 5 for food or whatever, back at 6. Warm up and shit from 6 - 7. And you go on at 8. We have to meet downstairs in an hour to go over basic safety and procedure I guess with Matt. And I think that's all." I exhaled. Finally catching my breath as I went through the whole day in a single breath.

"What's the plan until the signing? Relax?" Zac piped in. He looked exhausted and this was only the first day. I guess that I had woken them up rather early and reminded myself that they were guys and guys don't take a full hour to get ready. I made a mental note to allow them to sleep more for the rest of the tour.

"Umm, I guess chill time. I do know that you all aren't allowed to go milling about the city today simply because we don't get full security until later on this week."

"So we can go back to bed after the lecture from Matt?" Isaac asked

"Whatever you want, as long as you stay on hotel grounds I guess. If you all don't mind, I'm gonna retreat to my room until the meeting. Knock when y'all are ready to go down."

"Sounds good. Night, Jessica." I heard Taylor call after me and snicker, knowing that my own aspiration to try to do well had only caused me and everyone else to be tired.

"Yeah, shutup." I smiled back as I closed the door and pulled the blinds shut. I put on my headphones and fell back into sleep for another hour.
Movin' on
Take me home
Talk to me
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