o.o.o *Julie-Su through the eyes of a Yaoi Fangirl* o.o.o

By: Fringe the Lolita Echidna

I must say I haven't come across very many Anti-Julie-Su pages (although I am looking for them VERY MUCH and would LOVE TO VIEW THEM) despite how hard I look. It could perhaps be the fact that I suck at surfing the net. But that's besides the point. The point is that today, I will tell you where a good fraction of the Julie-Su hate comes from, and perhaps make some of you Anti-Julie-Su-Haters less anti.

I will say wholeheartedly that I love Knuckles to pieces. I am a VERY big Knux fangirl, and if anyone wants to battle me for the title of #1 fan, BRING IT ON, but I'll win because I'm better. **smiles** But I am not a Julie-Su hater because I'm a Knuckles lover. Many Knux fans love Julie-Su, as well. Now, *I* hate Julie-Su because I am a Rabid, foaming-at-teh-mowth yaoi fangirl. And in case you have no friggin' idea what the hell "yaoi" is... think Shadow x Knuckles. THAT is definitley the right pairing. Julie-Su just gets in the way. I hate straight pairings, unless it's of two characters I don't like. Then they can get together and get the hell outta the series, because they're ruining it. Yes, I am a very coldhearted person, wouldn't it seem? I pay much attention to couples, and stuff like that. Shoot, my favorites with Julie-Su go something like this: Sonic x Julie-Su, or Robotnik/Eggman x Julie-Su. And I am not very fond of Sonic, either. I do not like him because, in my opinion, he is a DORK. The only reason I like him is because he doesn't fit the usual hero role. He has a rebellious side, and does what HE thinks is right. He doesn't follow the rules... most of the time... sometimes... yyyyeah. But other than that, I do not like Sonic, and despite my rabid yaoi fangirl natures, I WILL NOT ALLOW HIM TO BE PAIRED UP WITH KNUCKLES! Knuckles is a short-tempered, stubborn, easily-gullible, shy, brash little sweetheart! And he does not deserve to be paired up with some stupid dumb broad such as Julie-Su, or some other stupid dumb broad such as Sonic (:P). I don't care who the hell Lara-Su is, or where the hell she came from, she is NOT the child of Knuckles and Julie-Su. She's lying. SHE IS THE CHILD OF SHADOW AND KNUCKLES! Y'know, I don't care who says it's not possible. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

I am sorry for yelling, really I am. I just get very angered whenever I have to speak of Julie-Su. She is a yaoi fangirl's worst nightmare. But... I am also a yuri fangirl, so at the same time, she could be a wonderful character. We COULD give Julie-Su a beautiful, sassy, and cunning jewel-hunter, but then again, Rouge is waaaay too good for Julie-Su. We could pair up Julie-Su and Cream, but Cream is too cute for Julie-Su, thus Cream gets Amy. But what about Mina the Mongoose and Sally? Those two characters that I never really cared about. Well, I see them going together, with no room for Julie-Su. If I were a nice Lolita Echidna, I would just throw Julie-Su in the Mina x Sally pairing, but I'm NOT a nice Lolita Echidna, because I'm THE BEST. So... we could pair up Julie-Su and Robotnik. Ya? It goes oooh so well! Sonic x Robotnik x Julie-Su! See, now we get all of them outta the picture! **feels a nice streak coming on** ... okay, Sonic, you can jump outta there. I slowly see SOME respect coming your way. I'd let ya have Tails, but I already threw him in the Shadow x Knuckles pairing. ^.^ So where does that leave you, Sonic? IT LEAVES YOU... alone! But this rant was not for Sonic, it was for Yaoi and Julie-Su, so I'm gonna get back on topic...

In case you are not a yaoi fan and understand nothing of their species, I shall go a little bit more in depth on them. A Yaoi fan (girl or boy) tends to always hate the main girls of any series. Like in FFX, I had a whole LEAGE of Yuna-haters. She had to leave Tidus alone! Tidus was for Auron! *cough cough* Anyway... we hate the main girl, because she usually falls in love with the main boy, who we have already paired up with another cute boy, thus making her "in the way". Like in Yu Yu Hakusho. I HATED Mukuro, because she got in the way of Hiei and Kurama's relationship. Y'know? She just DID. I did not trust her having Hiei in her castle thingie. Yaoi fans will hate ANY girl that gets in the way of any boy x boy relationship, usually as long as the two boys are cute.

Now, I'm not too sure just how many yaoi fans there ARE in the Sonic Universe... but if you are one, please e-mail me and tell me, so I can add youz to meh list! I am bringing this up because, if there aren't a lot of yaoi fans in the Sonic Universe, then there might not be too many people who hate Julie-Su for the reason of yaoi coupling. But if you're a die-hard coupler, who loves Julie-Su and hates Julie-Su haters, I hope that this has shed some light on the situation, and has made you less hateful towards Julie-Su haters. Thankyou, and GOODNIGHT! Kinda... ^.^;


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