My Information

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Thank you for visiting my page.  This is the second time I create my personal web page.

On this webpage, you can find some of my composed songs. I'm sorry  that I could only show  lyric & chord of these songs for the reason of copyright. Nevertheless, you are welcome to contact me if you are really interested in my music.

All of the songs you can find here are about Jesus Christ - my Lord.

I also put some of my design on this page, including product design (construction / appearance), graphic design and web design. Please visit the Design Page for details.

On the Band Page, you may find information of my band - Worshipers,  as well as the members' pictures. Some of our photos at shows can also be found on the Band Gallery Page.

On the Fav. Link Page, you may also find  many useful sites, including guitar lessons, MIDI lessons, TAB finder and etc..

Please visit the Animation Page if you have never seen a meaningful animation. It will take you to a wonderful tour. 

Name : lok Ming

Gender: Male

Location : Hong Kong

e-mail : [email protected]

icq# : 1716 5090

Interest : Guitar/ Band/ Computer/ Watching Football match/ Drawing and Design/ Photography/ Music Composing/Net surfing/Roller Skating.....etc.

Religion :  Christian


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