Chant, Rumours and Lies

Any city located at crossroads between trading routes has its share of barmy talk and rumours. In Sigil, the crossroads to everywhere, the chant flows faster than a Nic'Epona can run. The flow is particular to the streets of the Cage. A city that recourses upon itself has its own bent on the way news circle around. The words of someone rattling their bone-box move into two direction and can spread like wildfire.

At the time both versions (or more than that) reach some ears they might sound like completely different messages even though the original was the same for both. Twisted by fiendish, slaadi, modron, celestial and mortal mouths, everyone gives a piece of chant its own colour. Once something starts making the round it is hard to determine, which is truth and what is a lie. Maybe a true message is twisted so badly by the number of times it is retold, that the original content is impossible to recognize.

No-one can tell, which type of chant anything has turned to, when it ends up at the Beheaded Fiend Inn. No-one can prove if it is true or not. If one could trace down the origin of a particular piece of chant, the pure amount piling up is often too much to deal with it this way. Good luck finding out what is true and what is just some barmy rattling his, her or its bone-box.

Bonebox Dancer:


Every inn within the City of Doors is a place, where the newest chant and rumours from all over the multiverse is swapped. This is especially true for a place run by bloods and frequented by bloods. There is no way to know what is barmy talk and what is actually truth. (Note: Most of these rumours are the result of things happening in my campaign or on my website. As Though you cared. And wasted Time reading this unecessary texts :)

Dreams are just empty and meanlingless except possibly to those dreaming them, right? Nope. There is more to dreams than most notice, a power that derives from a subconscious level, thoughts that many people aren't even aware of. One of the incarnations of their power are the true dreamers. Here their existance and variety is unveiled, for both mortals and paramortals are often unaware of these creatures.

On a particularly foggy and overcast day in the cage you follow a shady tiefling into an alley to listen to some screed about Her Serenity the Lady Of Pain. When he disappears into the mist you are left to wonder, if you have just caught a piece of dangerous chant, or if you have just seen another barmy rattling his bone-box.

Some people believe that the infinity web is only the network of communal information sharing for Mechanus. A suspicious changeling, who always seems to whisper reveals that this is not the case. The infinity web actually spans all of space and time and can be used as a planar pathway. But be warned that the infinity web is not light on those, who do not belong there.

Someone, possibly a bleaker, said that there are few things as common and omnipresent as pain. While this maybe a cynical way of looking at the multiverse, others have expanded on this theory. Some say, that there has to be a well of all pain somewhere.

The planes are places of mystery intrigue and war, but also place of power. Priests draw their strength from the outer planes, the powers live there, but also many other dangerous and powerful things, that few mortals are aware of. Do you really think a pit fiend or balor is the most powerful fiend in its plane? Is there something more powerful than a solar, that is not a god? This tome holds the answers of these and more questions, if you are foolish enough to open the pages.

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