Lockwood and Company: The Screaming Staircase

By Jonathan Stroud



Brief Summary:



Lockwood & Co. is a ghost hunting agency led by Anthony Lockwood. The other people in the agency are Lucy Carlyle and George. Their first case is in an old house. They eventually find the ghost in the a room of the house.The ghost attacks them and they have to fight the ghost. They eventually had to burn the house down in order to get rid of the ghost.



After the battle, the company is sued because the house burned down. D.E.P.R.A.C. gives them a fine of $60,000 for burning down the house. Also, they figure out the source of the ghost, and that the ghost is Annabel Ward's ghost. Then, they get another ghost hunting job to pay the fine. This job takes place in a run-down mansion.





After their first time encountering ghostly activities in the Red Room inside the mansion, they have to go down the Screaming Staircase. As they go down they have to fight a ton of ghosts. They got rid of the ghosts by keeping out the screaming noises.


After they get down in the basement, they destroyed the source of the ghosts and figured out who killed Annabel Ward. 


Then, back at the agency, Lucy Carlyle goes into the basement and George's skull in a jar starts talking to her. The skull is a source of a ghost. And, to find out more you have to read the next book.




Author Infomation:


Jonathan Stroud was born in England in 1970. He grew up loving to read, write, and draw pictures. He was sick a lot so these things helped him pass the time. His first book was Buried Fire and was pusblished in 1999. He is married to Gina and they have two kids (Isabelle and Arthur).






I think this book is really good. It has action, adventure, and fantasy. Anthony, Lucy, and George go on an adventure to hunt down these ghosts and destroy their sources. I like that the author decscribes things good enough so that you can get an image in your head of what is happening. For example, in the red room when the acid blood is falling on them he explains so clearly that it feels like you can see the blood actually burning them. I recommend this book to anyone who likes action, adventure, and fantasy books.



Links to Related Websites:


Lockwood and Company Website (www.lockwoodandco.com)

Author's Website (www.jonathanstroud.com)

Where to Buy the Book (www.amazon.com or www.walmart.com )