Lubbock Christian University

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Inspirations Throughout the Trip

AMT Extras


Special Prayer Requests to Remember:


James—the heroic, funny bus driver


Mark Goler—the poet we studied with in Springfield


Patrick & Dad—the boy who was hurting on the bus ride on the way up, and his dad had to stand up so Patrick could sleep lying down


The “silly guys” that we talked to, about our entertainment favorites


The family with the 2 girls we shared some of God’s “Sonshine” with


Jessica—girl who prayed with us in Cleveland


Woody—guy that Aron & Robyn escorted to a convenience store across the street after having a spiritual talk, hearing his life story, and praying with him in Wichita Falls


Those we stayed with: The Whitt’s—2445 Nottingham (Shanna & Robyn)

The Meeks’—7 Altamont (Amber & Shasta)

The Allen’s—19 Sharon (Kevin, Aron, & David)

Just for fun—Inside Jokes (in no particular order):



·          “Kevin, don’t cross the yellow line!”

·          “Kevin, are you sure you know where your tickets are?”

·          Peanut butter...again!

·          Robyn: “Was that a McDonald’s?”

·          Master Follies shows performed in Stewart’s

·          Shanna: “Let me pick up some ‘personal items’…”; Shanna’s also on drugs...

·          Is it spelled “traveled” or “travelled”? (We were right all along! It’s just one “L”!)

·          Mugging people

·          Now that’s a truckload of squash!

·          “Look, Shanna, another cop/security guard!”

·          I’m gonna eat your liver!

·          Aron flashed the kids with his “dress”; Amber wanted to “flash” the kids; Shasta actually “flashed” the kids

·          Kevin: “We were praying?...!”

·          Aron drooled on Shasta’s pillow

·          “Look, Mr. Cameraman, we have cookies!”

·          Aron: “Kevin doesn’t like to be touched, Dianne.”

·          Shasta: “Yes, Mark, we’re sleeping in Central Park…”

·          Shanna: “Let’s leave the guys…”

·          I once was lost but now I’m found—our luggage is another story

·          “Decide, Kevin!” (Let your wife name the kids so they’ll be named before age 18.)

·          Happy Conception Day, Amber!

·          “Kevin, when you say ‘bread’, do you mean white bread?”

·          Blessing of the day: David got a toothbrush!

·          Are we under “Daytime Rules” or “Nighttime Rules”?

·          Welcome to “Stupidville”

·          The War on Iraq has begun (Wednesday, March 19)

·          Shasta: “Take a shower, dude!”

·          All: “We are one, we’re together, we do everything together!”

David, Aron, Robyn, Amber, Shasta, Kevin, & Shanna hanging around together

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