Lubbock Christian University

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March 18—Day Trip to NYC


We finally made it to NYC! First, we waited in line for “The Today Show”. From the TV show, it looks like you can just walk up to the fence from on the street. In real life, there’s a line that waits out front from perhaps as early as 5:00 AM, and closer to 6:00, the people in line file through a gate, where security guards check them, their bags, and their posters before letting them in. On TV you see the fence separating the people from the set, but what you don’t see is the fence behind the crowd that separates them from other people on the street. In the pic on the left, people wait in line to be let into the gate so they can be part of the live audience.


Below left, Kevin, Aron, and David frantically wave the posters we made last night at the bus station.


On the lower right pic, the “Air Mascot” of the Air Force (get it? ;) greets all of us: Amber, Shanna, Aron, Robyn, Shasta, Kevin, and David. Some other Air Force members were guests on the show that day.

Shanna had a fine appreciation for security , police, and any other uniformed personnel. Here she poses with a policeman on horseback.


Ever wonder about the endeavors of Ground Zero after 18 months? Below is a view of the construction in the pit. On the right is a giant banner that reads, “The human spirit is not measured by the size of the act, but by the size of the heart.” Amen!

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