SRR AylhrChapter Sixteen: The Race Is On
[Bridge, RFZ t'Rakla]

Sirnar Klimpah was sweating profusely. Four hours ago a squadron of four Romulan Warships had entered the Neutral Zone heading to intercept the stolen Warbird, t'Rakla. Laechim Kitips, one of the Zakdornians who had accompanied the mission to Starbase Versailles to steal the ship was working hard down in the Engine Room attempting to give him warp power.

"Strategist, We have power back to Shields." came the formal report of Delicia Kribblet. Klimpah nodded, hoping when they got back to Zakdorn he could get to know Delicia on a less formal level. She looked across as he chuckled to himself, thinking 'if' they got back to Zakdorn.

"Sirnar, we've got warp power once more. We can escape." Soto Koldok shouted from the Helm console.

His chuckle fading instantly, Klimpah's hand moved over the strange Romulan console at his side, "Set a heading to these coordinates. As much speed as you can give me."

The information flashed onto the Helm console and Soto programmed the navigation computer. His hand moved over to the button to send them into warp. They all watched with relief as the stars blurred and the t'Rakla shuddered and flashed towards the speed that they needed to flee.

Soto counted up the numbers as the warp factor increased, "Warp 3.... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7.... Holding at Warp 7.3. It's still slower than they are."

Klimpah nodded, now they had a chance of escape, no matter how slim, to run back to Zakdorn. He would indeed seek out the companionship of Delicia Kribblet if they got back, she was a fine looking woman, if a little on the delicate side for the liking of most Zakdornians. Perhaps his time in Starfleet had changed his views on such things.

"Darwin, scan ahead. Try and find me a Starfleet patrol. Perhaps we can persuade our pursuers to turn back before they reach us." he ordered.

"Yes. Strategist, I will do what I can." Darwin Kleedabhlu called back to him. The tone of his voice, all of their voices, had lost the edge of desperation that all had been feeling. Klimpah pulled himself up from the imposing Command Throne, "I'm going to see what sort of inventory we might have should it come to a fight. This vessel was still fully loaded with ordinance for it's role in the War. I'll see if I can give us more time."

Heading towards the turbolift he said nothing more, just looked at the expectant faces of those who had volunteered and placed themselves under his command. He would get them out of this predicament, or they would all die in the attempt.

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