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Introducing Bakura Ryou:

Hug me.      Psst! Domino High's got a new student, and I hear he's cute. :D Well, of course he is! The transfer student who introduces himself as Bakura Ryou gains a fan club within minutes of stepping into class (Remember those three girls who cheered for Duke? Yeah, them). After introducing himself, he's seated next to Jou with no problems (unless you count the girls warning Ryou about Jou being a bad influence).
     At recess, Jou introduces Ryou to the rest of the gang and Yugi-tachi find out that Ryou's favorite game is a table-top RPG called "Monster World".

     Yugi asks Ryou if he wants to play, but Ryou side-steps the question and asks Yugi about his "pendent". Yugi hands over the puzzle, saying that its a memento from his grandfather. Ryou smiles and says he has--- and then he's suddenly cut off, doubling over and clutching his chest. Worried Yugi asks if he's alright, to which Ryou barely manages a reply before he gets dragged off by his contingent of rabid fangirls. **snicker**

     Out in the hall, Ryou's stopped by the gym coach, a large, flat-faced man named Karita. Grabbing Ryou by the hair, Coach tells Ryou to shave his head by tomorrow if he wants to stay in Domino High. Ryou, disturbed, brushes off his wailing fangirls and heads for the washroom. Leaning against the sink and thinking about Yugi's Puzzle, he suddenly hears sinister laughter, but sees no one in the room. 

     At the end if the day, Yugi-tachi track Bakura down and ask if they can play Monster World sometime. Ryou, looks away and explains that as much as he'd like to... he can't. For some reason, everyone he's played against has turned up in a mysterious coma... That was why he moved. Turning his back, Ryou jogs out of the school, saying he wouldn't risk playing them.

Not too shabby...

     Next scene we see is Ryou back in his apartment (yes, he lives in an apartment), writing to his little sister, Amane (Ryou refers to himself as "oni-chan", so Amane should be younger). when he suddenly hears laughter again. Standing, Ryou asks "Who's there?". Kinda surprising 'cause Ryou's actually pretty forceful about it. A lot of people paint him as a weakling, but take a closer look at the Yami vs. Bakura duel on Pegasus' Island. Anyone who'd blatantly disobey Bakura's got to have some guts.  

     Anyway, Yami Bakura introduces himself as the other Ryou who lives inside the Ring. Ryou tells him to get out of his head (go Ryou! :D), but the thief refuses, saying that he's perfectly comfortable in Ryou's body. Bakura claims that he'll even do Ryou a favor since he's actually rather attached to his host. (Look carefully at the pic on the right. You might be able to see that the pointers of the Ring are actually buried in Bakura's flesh. Attached? That's putting it lightly...)

     Ryou's understandably apprehensive, but Bakura's not about to give him a choice in the matter.  As his yami takes over by force, Ryou blacks out... 
    Uncle Sam wants YOU!

     That night, Coach Karita loses a Shadow Game and faces the penalty. The next day, he's found comatose in the halls.  


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