Sleeping Brian


(Written by; Libra)

(Credits to my mommy and Dr.A for helping me with parts of the storyline)




Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a King and a Queen. The Queen gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, they named him Brian. Everyone was invited to celebrate the birth of Prince Brian. All the witches in the country were invited too, except for the 13th witch. The King and Queen didn't invite the 13th witch on purpose. She was an evil witch and nobody really liked her. So they didn't send her an invitation, hoping that the party of their newborn son would be going smoothly without her.

Everyone who was at the party was enjoying themselves perfectly. Then it was time for the 12 witches to bless Prince Brian. All witches gathered around in a circle around Prince Brian's crib as they 1 by 1 stepped forward to speak out a blessing upon The Prince. The 12th witch was about to step forward when suddenly the doors fell wide open. "What madness is this?!" The King shouted. Smoke filled the room as a shadow flew in. The smoke disappeared and suddenly the 13th witch landed right in the circle of witches, next to the little Prince' crib. "It's witch Britney!!" The Queen and King shouted, "What are you doing here?! You were not invited to this party!!!" The queen shouted. "Like ehm, that's so uncool of you to not invite me, ya know? I'm like, the sexiest slut, I mean witch here and you didn't even invite me to your stupid party. I'm like, the bomb and now I'm pissed off becoz you didn't even cared to invite lil ol' me!! You'll pay for that, you meanies!" witch Britney said. She pushed the 12th witch away from Prince Brian's crib. The poor little Prince Brian started crying out loud, scared for the ugly mean witch. "Don't even dare touching my son!" The King shouted. "Guards, grab her!" The Queen shouted. All the guards ran up to witch Britney. The witch turned around as she opened her mouth and started singing to the guards, making them fly outta the throne room. Then she went back to The Prince. She grabbed the lil Prince in her hands as she lifted him up. "My blessing to you..." she said, "When you're 18, a horrible like bad thing will happen to you. You will play basketball and as you try to shoot in the hoop, the basketball will hit your head and you and this entire kingdom will DIE!!!" Witch Britney started laughing a horrible stupid laughter as she put The Prince back in his crib. Then she flew up as she looked around the throne room. "You're all like ehm, DOOMED! GHAHAHAHAH!"  she said as she suddenly disappeared in smoke.

"OMG!" The queen cried as she run to The Prince. "My son, my sweet son is gonna die..." The King walked up to his Queen and his son. "Wait, I still haven't spoken my blessing upon this child." the 12th with said. "Can you break the spell?" The King asked. The queen and King looked hopeful at the 12th witch. "I'm afraid I can't break the spell. However, I can change it." the 12th witch said. She carefully took The Prince out off The Queen's hands. She looked into Prince Brian's eyes as she started speaking out her blessing. "When you're 18, you will not die while playing basketball. Instead, you and this entire kingdom will fall asleep for a hundred years... Until you will be awaken by a kiss." the 12th witch said. "What? You mean instead of dying, we all will sleep for a hundred years?!" The King asked. "Yes, sorry but that's all that I can do. The power of witch Britney is to strong for me to break the spell. But think on the bright side, you will awake after hundred years if a young gurl kisses your son." the 12th witch said. "Well, it's something..." The Queen said. She took Prince Brian out off the hands of the 12th witch as she hugged him tightly.

Years had passed. The King had demanded to burn all basketballs and basketball courts in and around the country, hoping to prevent the fatal destiny Prince Brian would face. Nobody in his kingdom was allowed to own anything related to basketball. As Prince Brian grew older, his parents forbad him to speak to a witch named Britney and to never play with orange colored balls.

It was a lovely weather outside and The Prince decided to go out for a walk. The burds were singing a happy song and the sky was the bluest blue. He was walking and walking till he came at a forest. Right outside the forest stood a house The Prince had never seen before. "My Prince." it suddenly sounded. A young woman was playing with an orange ball as she run around a grey colored area. "What is that you're playing with?" Prince Brian asked. "This, My Prince, is a basketball." the young woman replied. "A what?" The Prince asked. The young woman laughed as she stopped playing with the basketball and walked up to The Prince. "My Prince, have you never heard of basketball before?" she asked. The Prince blushed as he looked at her. "How old are you now?" the young woman asked. "I'm 18 Miss, I turned 18 a week ago." Prince Brian replied. "You're 18 and never heard of basketball before? My my... Well then, as a gift I will teach you how to play this wonderful game then." the young woman said. "I'd be honored to learn something new, Miss." The Prince said. "Good, follow me." the young woman said. She took Prince Brian's hand as she led him to the basketball court. "See that thing there?" she asked as she pointed at a long white with red colored thing. "That's a basketball hoop. When you throw this orange ball, a basketball, in that hoop you get a point." the young woman explained. "Really?" The Prince asked. "I'll show you." the young woman said. She started running around The Prince with the basketball and then threw it right in the hoop. "Wow, that looks like fun." The Prince said. "Try it." the young woman said. She gave the basketball to The Prince. Prince Brian looked at the basketball in his hands and then at the hoop. He threw the ball up, aiming at the hoop. The ball went up and went straight in the hoop. "Yeay!" The Prince cheered. "Now try this. I'm blocking your way to the hoop and you have to dribble your way with the ball to the hoop, trying to get away from me." the young woman said. "Why can't I just walk to the hoop with the ball in my hands?" The Prince asked. "You're not allowed to hold the ball in your hands when you walk, you're only allowed to dribble. You bounce the ball on the floor as you run to the hoop. You understand what I'm saying?" the young woman asked. "Yes." Prince Brian replied. "Good, then let's try it." the young gurl said. The Prince took a few steps back as the gurl followed him, stand right between him and his way to the hoop. "Alright, give me your best shot tuff guy." the young woman said. Prince Brian started dribbling to the hoop, avoiding the young woman. Then he wanted to throw the ball in the hoop. But something strange happened. The ball bounced right on the ring of the hoop and bounced right back at The Prince.

The young woman started laughing as Prince Brian became dizzy. "What, what's happening with me?" The Prince asked. Everything around him started spinning as The Prince fell on the ground. "Yes, he's dead!!" the young woman cheered. She pulled on her clothes and the young woman was nobody but the evil witch Britney. "No, he's not died!" it sounded. The evil witch turned around and the 12th witch flew up to her. "I just saw your basketball court and knew what you were up to." she said. Then she saw Prince Brian laying on the ground. "OMG!" she said. Witch Britney laughed as she suddenly disappeared. The 12th witch took The Prince in her arms and took him to his palace. Everyone in the kingdom was falling asleep when she went to the palace. When she got at the palace, the 12th witch put Prince Brian in his bed.

            "You bitch! He's supposed to be dead, instead he's now sleeping!!!" it sounded. It was the evil witch, Britney. She flew right in the room and landed in front of the 12th witch. "But I will prevent that anyone will ever come near to him so he won't ever wake up in his eternal sleep!!!" witch Britney shouted. She grabbed the 12th witch and threw her outta the window of The Prince' room. Then she looked at the sleeping Prince and laughed. "You will sleep forever my dear Prince, no one will ever awaken you!!!" she said. Dark clouds filled the sky and it started to ran as the evil witch Britney raised her hands. She closed her eyes and let huge basketball hoops block all the entrances to the palace. The basketball hoops went on even miles away from the palace, so that nobody could ever come in. Then witch Britney turned herself into a huge ugly monster, guarding the palace.

Hundred years had passed. In those years thousands of women had tried to kiss Prince Brian, but none of them could reach him. Some disappeared to never be found again, while others gave up while trying to find a way thro the basketball hoops.

"Mom, I'm home!" Leighanne shouted. "How did it go? Did ya get the part?" it sounded from the kitchen. Mom was baking bread in the oven. "Mmmh, that smells good." Leighanne said. "Thank you honey." Mom said. "I got the part. I'm gonna play a heroen, the leading part!" Leighanne said. "I'm so proud of you honey!" Mom said. "I have to be at the teacher's house in a few minutes. I only dropped by to put some stuff outta my bag." Leighanne said. "You promise to be home by dinner?" Mom asked. "Yes mom, don't worry. I'm a grown woman and I know what I'm doing." Leighanne said. "You promise to be careful?" Mom asked. "Mom, I'm 22 years old." Leighanne said. "Alright then..." Mom said. She gave Leighanne a kiss on her forehead as she put some bread in her bag. "Mom, I'm not hungry and I'll only be gone for a few hours!" Leighanne giggled. "Just go already, otherwise you'll be late." Mom said. "Alright mom, see ya later." Leighanne said. Leighanne got outta the house and went in her car.

                        "Leighanne, I'm glad you're here." the teacher said as she let Leighanne in her house. "You're the 1st of the gang so I'm afraid you'll have to wait till everyone's here." Leighanne looked around her, she never been in her teacher's house before. "You got a nice home." she said. "It's old, like me." the teacher said. "Want something to drink?" Leighanne sat down in the couch in the livingroom. "Sure, coffee would be nice." she said. "Alright, I'll make you some right now."  the teacher said. Leighanne saw the huge closets filled with books. The teacher came walking in with a pot of coffee. "You've got lots of books, ma'am." Leighanne said. "Yes, I love books." the teacher said. The teacher took a book offa a shell and sat down next to Leighanne. "This, this is a great book." she said. Leighanne looked at the book. The cover looked very impressive. The title "Sleeping Brian" was written with gold it was covered in velvet. The teacher opened the book. "This is an old book about a kingdom with a tragic ending." she said. "What happens to them then?" Leighanne asked. "Well, it starts with the birth of Prince Brian. the son of a King and Queen. Then an evil witch curses the entire kingdom becoz she wasn't invited to the party and everyone sleeps for a hundred years... That's where it ends anyway." the teacher said. "That's sad..." Leighanne said. "Ooh, I smell something..." the teacher said. Leighanne smelled in the air. "Yes, I smell cookies." she said. "Ofcors! I was baking some cookies. Excuse me, I have to take them out off the oven." the teacher said. Leighanne nodded understanding as the teacher got up and left for the kitchen.

                        Curious Leighanne looked thro the book. Suddenly a piece of paper fell outta the book. "What's this?" Leighanne asked to herself. She picked it up from the floor and took a better look. At that moment the teacher came walking in with a tray of cookies. "Where did you find that?!" she asked as she let everything fall outta her hands, on the floor. "I was looking thro this book and it just fell out. What is it?" Leighanne asked. The teacher sighed as she knelt down to pick up the cookies. Leighanne got up and helped her. "Thank you my child." the teacher said. She put the tray with cookies on the table and crashed down in the couch, trying to catch breath. "What's wrong? You looked upset when you saw this piece of paper." Leighanne asked worried. The teacher looked at Leighanne. "Child, you shouldn't be worrying yourself about that piece of paper." she said. "Why? What's with it?" Leighanne asked. She grabbed the piece of paper and took a better look.

The teacher took a deep breath. "This is the route to the castle of the sleeping kingdom. Of Sleeping Brian." she said. "You mean The Prince from the book? The sleeping kingdom?" Leighanne asked. "Yes, see...." the teacher said. She got up and with snipping in her fingers she made the wall look like a screen. Leighanne looked confused at her teacher. "Look, this is Prince Brian." the teacher said. A picture of a handsome young man appeared outta nowhere. "This day he's sleeping a hundred years. He can only be awaken by a kiss of a fair maiden." the teacher said. Leighanne just stared confused at her. "I'm the 12th witch... In these past years I've been trying to look for women and gurls who might save the Sleeping Prince and his kingdom. But all of them so far didn't make it. I gave up hope to become a drama teacher." the teacher said. "You mean this is real?" Leighanne asked. She looked at The Prince, she somewhere felt attracted to him. "I'd be glad to save him." she said. "No, it's to dangerous!" the teacher said. "But, what's so hard about kissing a man?" Leighanne asked. "The palace is surrounded with a forest of basketball hoops!" the teacher said. "Basketball hoops? What's so dangerous about that!?" Leighanne asked. "I think I could give it a go to save this Prince." "Don't do it, you're gonna get killed!" the teacher said. "No, all I need is a plan and the way to that palace." Leighanne said. "The palace is under guard by an evil witch, who turned herself into a hideous monster!" the teacher said. "I'm sure I can handle that too." Leighanne said. Leighanne read the piece of paper and got up. "I'm gonna kiss that Prince Brian and awaken the entire kingdom!" she said. "Alright, I'll bring you. But you need a weapon..." the teacher said. She went to the closet with books and pulled on a book. The bookcase slide in the wall as another closet appeared. "You'll need this potion to defeat witch Britney. She's the 1 guarding the palace." the teacher said. "Thanx" Leighanne said as she took the potion and put it in her bag. "Are you sure that this is what you truly want?"  the teacher asked. Leighanne looked up at the picture of Prince Brian and smiled. "Who could resist a smile like that?" she asked. The teacher giggled as she walked up to Leighanne and took her hands in her hands. "Close your eyes." she said. Leighanne closed her eyes. The teacher spoke out a spell.

"You may open your eyes again my child." it sounded. Leighanne carefully opened her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and looked around her. Her mouth fell open, confused and surprised at what she saw. It looked like a huge forest was surrounding a building that seemed miles away. But the forest didn't exist outta trees like any other forest would do, it exist outta basketball hoops, just like the teacher said. "This is the basketball forest. Somewhere in this forest you'll find the castle of the Prince." the teacher said. Leighanne just looked at the forest. "I think I can do this." she said. "Alright then. Remember to sprinkle this potion on witch Britney when you see her. Here are special basketball shoes, these will make it easier on you to get around this forest." the teacher said. The teacher reached in her sleeves and took out a pair of trendy basketball shoes. She gave the shoes to Leighanne. Leighanne stepped outta the heels she was wearing and put on the basketball shoes. "I wish I could help you out more than this, but there's nothing more I can do. This entire forest is witch Britney's territory now and my magic won't do that well here." the teacher said. Leighanne got up and smiled at the teacher. "Come on now, you've helped me out allot. You gave me the potion and the map that leads to the castle. And I will get rid offa that trashy Britney witch, don't worry. And once I have, I will finally see the Prince in real life. He looks so sweet and handsome on that picture you showed me! I felt all mushy inside when I saw him... I just have to kiss him!" Leighanne said. "Good luck my child." the teacher said. "Thank you. I better get going now." Leighanne said. She walked up to the forest. She looked back at the teacher just 1 last time and then kept on walking and walking thro the forest. "I sure hope she's the 1." the teacher sighed as she disappeared in nothingness.

Leighanne had been walking for hours now. She was exhausted and tired. Suddenly she tripped over something and dropped the piece of paper where the map was written on. Leighanne crawled back on her feet and looked at the thing she tripped on. It looked like a huge toe. "What is that?" Leighanne asked out loud. Suddenly it was like the world was shaking. Leighanne hold on to a basketball hoop as suddenly a huge hideous creature raised outta the forest of basketball hoops. Leighanne screamed outta disgust when she took a better look. "Like ehm, you broke my toe nail! And look at my the nail polish on my toenail, you scratched it off!" the creature said. "Like, it took me years to get the nail polish on my toes the right way and then you go and scratch if off!? That's so uncool of you man, like, so totally not nice!" The creature had this cheap mascara on which was leaking over her face. Her lips were colored red, the red cheap hookers would use. And the her clothes. Leighanne was so grossed out at the sight of the hideous thing that she decided to take it for a run.

            She ran and ran till she got to a huge gate. She looked up and saw that the gate looked familiar. Then she remembered, this gate is the gate of the castle of Prince Brian. Exited Leighanne tried to open the gate. She tried pushing and kicking at it, but it didn't move an inch at all. Then the sound of burping and hiccupping sounded. "You meanie, you scratched me nail polish on my toenail! You know how hard it is for someone of my I-.. I-... You know hard it is for my brain to paint my toes?" it sounded. It was the hideous creature Leighanne tripped on earlier in the forest. "Oh yeah, you should never tire out your brain like that, should ya?" Leighanne sniggered to the creature. "Like ehm, do you even know who I am?" the creature asked Leighanne. Leighanne raised her shoulders. "Nope, I have no idea." she said. "Like, I am... Ehm... Like ehm, I'm a hoochie-mama!" the creature said. "Ya don't say." Leighanne said as she rolled with her eyes. "Listen here, hoochie-mama. I got better things on my mind then wasting my time on some brain-dead bimbo who can't even put on make-up the right way. So if ya would excuse me, I got a Prince to save!" Leighanne said. She went back on pushing and kicking the gate, ignoring the creature. "I am Britney, I'm a slut! And you're never gonna get to the Sleeping Prince!" the creature. "You mean you're the witch that put the sweetest guy into 100 years of sleep? You?! You don't seem like someone who even knows how to use her brain if there was a manual with it!" Leighanne said. Britney the witch looked at Leighanne. "What did that mean?" she asked. Leighanne looked up at witch Britney. "It means you're to retarded to think." Leighanne said. "Huh?" witch Britney asked. Leighanne sniggered and signed an "L" with her finger and her thumb to the witch. Witch Britney's brain got all messed up. All the difficult words and signs Leighanne was using was to much for her tiny brain. "Like ehm, I gotta go and hump the floor to get more power." witch Britney said. "Ugh!" Leighanne yelped disgusted. Then she remembered the potion the teacher gave her. Witch Britney was waggling around. Leighanne ran up to her and opened the bottle with the potion. "Like, what are you doing?!" witch Britney whined when she saw Leighanne running up to her. Witch Britney tried to slap Leighanne with her hand, but Leighanne jumped up just in time. The basketball shoes the teacher gave her, made Leighanne jump really high. Leighanne landed on witch Britney's head. "Get off my head, my brain doesn't work when someone's sitting on my head!"  with Britney whined. Leighanne laughed. "You crack me up!" she said. Witch Britney started crying and tried slapping Leighanne, but slapped herself instead. "Ouch, you're so mean, you meanie!" witch Britney shouted. "Hit me Britney, hit me 1 more time!" Leighanne said. Witch Britney grabbed in her hoochie top, which looked more like a bra, and pulled out a huge silicon. Leighanne felt disgusted when she saw that. Witch Britney tried to hit Leighanne with the piece of silicon. Leighanne sprinkled some of the potion on the silicon and jumped offa witch Britney's head. "Ouch, I fell and now I'm dead!" Leighanne screamed. "Good! I killed you, you meanie!" witch Britney cheered. She put her silicon back in her bra. Suddenly she fell weird. Witch Britney started shrinking and suddenly her boobs exploded. "Like, oh no! My beautiful fake boobs!" witch Britney cried. Then suddenly she just bursted into little pieces. "Buh-Bye!" Leighanne said.

Then she run back to the gate. But she had no idea how to get in. Kicking and pushing didn't helped, Leighanne already tried that. Then she looked up and saw an open window. Leighanne looked around and got an idea. She took some steps back and then ran as fast as she could. She then jumped up and as she jumped she jumped right into the window. "Great shoes." Leighanne said. Leighanne'd jumped into a bedroom. She looked around and saw a huge bed in the middle of the room. A red velvet carpet led from the door to the bed. When Leighanne looked closer she noticed someone was sleeping in the bed. Quietly, Leighanne walked up to the bed. Then she saw him, Prince Brian sleeping peacefully. He looked like he was having a normal sleep. "My beautiful Prince." Leighanne said relieved. "I finally found you." Leighanne stroke her hand thro Prince Brian's hair. Then she slowly bent over to kiss him softly on his lips. She pulled back and looked at the Prince's peaceful face. He didn't move a muscle. Leighanne smiled. "Maybe I should kiss you again." she said. She bent to kiss Brian a longer kiss. Then suddenly the Prince kissed her back. Leighanne got a little surprised and backed away a bit. The Prince licked his lips and carefully opened his eyes. Leighanne was full of joy as Prince Brian's eyes stared back into hers. "Where am I?" the Prince asked a little sleepy. "You've been sleeping for a 100 years." Leighanne said. "I have?" Prince Brian asked. Leighanne nodded. She explained him the entire story.

"You saved my life." Prince Brian said. Leighanne blushed. "Hooray!" it sounded. The doors from the bedroom fell wide open and the King and Queen stepped in, followed by lots of joyful people who also slept for a 100 years. "Thank you Leighanne!" they cheered. Leighanne blushed some more. "Awh, you guys." she said. "Yes, thank you very much Leighanne." a familiar voice sounded. The 12 witches walked in the room. Then 1 of them stepped forward, it was the teacher. "I never knew if you would actually make it, but I'm glad you did." she said. Leighanne looked at Prince Brian and smiled. "It was worth the risk." she said. "Leighanne, I wanna marry you." Prince Brian said. Leighanne looked surprised. "Would you marry me?" Prince Brian asked. Leighanne looked him in his eyes. "Ofcors I wanna marry you!" she said. The King and Queen walked up to them. "Wonderful! Let's have the ceremony right away!" they said. Leighanne looked at them. "What? You mean now?" she asked. "Yes, right now!" the King said. Leighanne looked at Prince Brian. "Isn't that a lil to soon?" she asked. "But, don't you love me?" Prince Brian asked. "Yes, I do love you. But I hardly know you. I think we should get to know eachother before we get married." Leighanne said. Prince Brian, the Kind, the Queen and everyone else looked confused at Leighanne. "You're right." Prince Brian said. "And I wanna see what this new world has to offer for me. I've slept for a century and could sure learn about the ways this age has." Leighanne smiled. "And I'd be glad to show you everything." she said. "Great, then we can finally have that trip to Jamaica we always wanted!" The King and Queen said. "You're not mad at me for not wanting to marry right away then?" Leighanne asked. "No, not at all. Besides, I still wanna learn how to play real basketball!" Prince Brian said. "As long as you won't fall asleep for another 100 years coz of it." Leighanne sniggered.

The entire kingdom decided to live like normal people. The King and Queen took a trip to Jamaica like they said. Brian learned to play basketball the right way and he didn't hit his head to the ball anymore. After being engaged for a few years, Leighanne and Brian finally got married and they lived happily ever after.



The End

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