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Oddball Australian punk music band based in Sydney presents extras!

Welcome to Oddball's lyrics page. 
A couple of Oddball's classics can be found here.


Muchas Gracias Ashley and Martin

Upon reflection, my hair was thin

The mirror doesn�t lie, that�s my forehead getting high

Newspaper ad said grow it back

What the heck, it�s safer than crack 

I wanna thank you, Ashley & Martin

Diving in the pool & lots of action

Get all my friends to pull my hair

It�s Advanced Hair, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah 

If bald men are sexy, 

I�m glad Elton you�re rugged out. 

Hey Rocket Man 

Your Big Fresh toupee is oh so sad 

Combover King, yeah that was me

My life has changed, skinny latte please

Strand by strand, tell me it�s true

I never thought a comb could feel so good. 


Barnsey Girl

Love you like no one else

Your Top Gun soundtrack is something else

Phone you up to hang out

Barnsey�s playin�, let�s go out 

Love you more than Chisel, yeah

Turn it up a little, yeah

You�re my Barnsey Girl

Hey babe, you�re so cool 

Drive around to take you out

Eat at Subway, it�s my shout

Reeboks and acid wash jeans

You make me want to dream 

Panthers is going off

Dancing, you look real tops

Buy you a Southo and Coke

Then go home and have some smoke 



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