Little Missing Angels
This page is dedicated to all children who are missing or murdered. You are never forgotten.
Midsi Sanchez - this is my page for Midsi, a page which brings hope to all the children on my missing page.
Since March 3, 2002
Please if you truly feel this site is deserving, click on the picture to give it a vote for being in the top 100 children memorials.
Dedicated to the memory of my sweet little sister, Taryn Danielle Thomson
Copyright Phyllis Cammiso 2002 - 2003
Click here and give this site a vote for being a top missing childre's memorial!
Updated: January 15, 2003 - I know, it was been almost 7 months since I last updated..I'm sorry about that. You will find now that I have made many updates. I plan to start moving this site to another host, as the greed of geocities is horrible.
Please take a moment and sign the new guest book when you get a chance. I love hearing what you think of the site. =D
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