Opal Jo'Dace Jennings
Missing since March 26, 1999
Name - Opal Jennings
Date of Birth - November 24, 1992
Age at Date of Disaperence - 6
Current Age - 9
Date Abducted - March 26, 1999
From - Saginaw, Texas

Age procession to age 9
   The candles at the top, if you notice, blow out and then light up. They appear on all of my missing pages. They represent the hope that one day the candles for that child can be blown out because they are home safe.
      Opal Jennings was abducted by a non-family member while playing outside with her cousins after school. The man punched the screaming Opal in the stomach and through her into a car. The man convicted in her abducition in October 200 is Richard Lee Franks, a previously convicted pedofile, who insists that while he did abducted the bright blue eyed child, he released her. More information will be released as it becomes available.