Misti Highfill
February 23, 1989 - July 19, 1997
8 year old Misti Highfill, lovingly called "River Rat" by friends (because when she was swimming and her hair was slicked back, and her ears stuckout, she truly looked like a river rat, a close friend said) was killed by 15 year old Christopher Hatfield because she wouldn't get off the phone. Misti and her mother were living with Hatfield's family in an apartment complex. Reportedly, Hatfield went inside to make a phone call and told Misti to get off. She wouldnt. When she did, Hatfield told her that because it was his house, she had to do what he said. The little girl said "Your not my mother. I dont have to listen to you." This angered Hatfield and he grabbed her by the neck, lifted her off the ground, and slammed her down, before strangleing her. After a few seconds, he opened her eyeslids and saw her pupils in the back of her head. He then figured he had killed her. He stuck her small body into 2 garbage bag and took her to a dumpster a on the other side of the complex. Later, while being questioned after her body was found, he would tell police he accidently hit her with the front door. Almost immediatly after he said it, police say, he broke down and confessed, saying that he never really meant to kill Misti. Misti had not been reported missing until more than a d24 hours after she disapeared. According to neighbors, her mother was neglectful. Misti would be out til 1 in the morning, and seemed to crave adult attention. But they also said she was an extremely loving and friendly little girl who loved everybody. Since her death, many have left becayse they couldnt bare to see the dumpster everyday. But, everyone who lives there knows of Misti and her story.