Danielle Nicole van Dam
September 22, 1994 - February 1?, 2002
Danielle vanDam disapeared from her bedroom on the night of February 1, 2002. For almost a month volunteers searched for her, thousands of flyers were passed out. Even when her nieghbor, David Westerfield, was charged with her abduction and murder (without a body, because her blood had been found on her clothes and in his motor home), they continued to search for the little girl in hope that, odds agaisnt odds, she was still alive. On February 28, almost exactly a month after she disapeared, the decomposing body of a young white female child between the ages of 6 and 8. The body was wearing a necklace similar to the one Danielle was wearing in all her pictures, as well as the night she diapeared. An earing similar to ones that Danielle wore was also found. All though the body was unidentifiable by looks, volunteers were almost positive they had found the blue-eyed 7 year old. The next day, a conformation came that it was the body of Danielle vanDam. The pictures below are taken from the sight where Danielle was found, on March 2, the day after it was confimred that the little girl would never come home safe. More information will be posted as it becomes available.The picture of her parents was taking in early February, when they went on Larry King Live, pleading with anybody who might know anything aboutr Danielle's disaperence to come forward.The new pics. are from Danielle's memorial service, held on Saturday, March 20. This page is currently filled, so if you click here, this will lead you to the rest of this page, which will eventually be moved to another domain.