Fun Jonathan Facts:
He prefers to be called Jonathan rather than Jon.

He sings in the shower.

Jonathan has seen ghosts since he was like 3 years old.

Jonathan worked as a corners assistant in Kern County .

Jonathan Graduated from the San Fransico School of Mortuary Science.

Jonathan's favorite smell is leather.

Jonathan has a bodyguard that is with him 24/7.
He Collects Serial Killer memoriablia and is planing to open a Serial Killer Museum.

Jonathan auctioned off his sofa at Star Gazer, part of the proceeds from the sale are going to the Make A Wish Foundation.

Jonathan was in Matt Zanes Backstage Sluts 2.
Jonathan has Asthma really bad. Due to a very bad Asthma attack Jonathan died for a few seconds when he was 5 years old.

He was raised by his Mom, Dad & the Kunt, and Grandparents.

Jonathan has questioned his sexuality a lot during his life and at his Glam Rock/New Romantic phase in life used to put on make-up hang out in gay bars.

Jonathan worked on the sound track for queen of the Damned, he co-wrote all songs with Richard Gibbs.

In the movie itself Jonathan is the singing voice of Lestat De Lioncourt, but do to his contract with Epic/Immortal Records he was unable to appear on the sound track for the movie.

Also in the movie if you look at the man who lays the ticket scalper you will realize that it is Jonathan.

Jonathan  will be playing a crack dealer in the independent  "Seeing Other People," about a couple who decide they should each have a final fling two months before their wedding.

Jonathan has plans to direct a "movie" for VIVID Entertainment Group.

Jonathan  commisioned HR Giger to create a mic stand.

When asked to join Korn Jonathan wasn't sure,so he went to a psychic for answers. "You'd be stupid not to join." she advised.

Jonathan recently became a photographer for playboy as part of their celebrity series. He photographed his Fiancee Deven.

Both Munky and David dated Jonathan's sister.

Jonathan frequented gay bars at times and was fond of getting into fights. His quote: "Everybody fights. That's what you do for fun, go beat the shit out of each other."
He also says he is a little queer, "except for the dick part."

Jonathan's suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome and depression, he takes Prozac for these conditions.

Jonathan has a big Pinhead figure from Hellraiser of which there are only two in the world.

Jonathan punched out Marilyn Manson on stage at the Big Day Out Tour and then said into the Microphone I hope some got it on tape!(Manson called Nate a bastard).

Jonathan's dog's name is Alexsa.

His favorite Icecream is Chocolate chip cookie dough.

When Jonathan used to DJ his name was DJ Quincy.
Some links to Jonathan Articles/Interviews
Jonathan plays for pre schoolers....Click Here for the info.
Interview with Q Magazine Click Here
Jonathan's Dirty Dozen Interveiw for the whole article Click Here
Jonathan recently became a photographer for playboy as part of their celebrity series. For More info Click Here
Congradulations to Korn on winning the Grammy for Best Metal Video for "Here to Stay"!!!
Congradulations to Korn for their awesome performance on MTV's ICON:Metallica. If you missed it don't cry Click Here to see it!
This is a place where they are voting for the hottest guy, so if ya wanna vote for Jonathan Click Here ( thanks to Nikole for sending me the link!)
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