A man and his furball


A snapshot by Anam


The Italian cop was enjoying his favorite --let’s-drive-naked-in-the-Riv-with-Benny-- dream when some unusual noises disturbed his slumber. Ray roused himself from his sleep when he heard soft whining and whimpering in the small apartment.

"Hey, Benny?" Ray shook the sleeping Mountie beside him. "Is that you making all that noise?"

"What, Ray?" Fraser mumbled tiredly.

"That whining and scratching. Where’s it coming from?"

"It’s certainly not coming from me, Ray."


"Dief?" both men asked worriedly.

Ray and Benny looked down at the half-wolf lying on the floor. Dief was whining and growling softly in his deep sleep, his legs twitching and his ears up with eagerness.

The Mountie smiled proudly at this.

"Ah, good boy, Diefenbaker. I’m glad to see that some of his primary instincts have remained intact. I was afraid the city had made him soft, but he’s still a true lupine in his heart."

"Huh? What are you talking about, Benny?" Ray asked.

"Isn’t it obvious, Ray?" Fraser beamed with paternal pride. "Diefenbaker is dreaming of the hunt. Hmm, he is most likely tracking down a herd of caribou right now."

"Hmm, it’s most likely that herd of caribou have donuts stuck to their asses."

"That is not funny, Ray!"

"God! I’m only kidding, Benny!"

"Really, Ray! Sometimes I just don’t understand the both of you!" Fraser pouted at his friend.

"The both of who?"

"You and Diefenbaker. I don’t understand this peculiar relationship that you and Diefenbaker share."

"Oh, come on, Benny. I told you I was only kidding about the donut thing. The wolf and me like to torment each other all the time, ya know? That’s the way we are. You know I love Dief and I would do any--"

"Wait! What did you say, Ray?"

"Huh?" Ray stared back with huge, green eyes.

"Did you say you *love* Diefenbaker?"

"NO!" Ray hissed through clenched teeth, his olive skin taking on a hue of sexy scarlet.

"I believe you did, Ray!" Fraser grinned wide. "You said you love--"

"No! No! No, I didn’t! Just go back to sleep, okay? We have work tomorrow, goddamn it!" Ray growled and turned onto his side, punching the pillow hard with his fist. "Jeez!"

Smiling, Fraser spooned himself tightly behind Ray’s back, licking and nipping his lover’s shoulder.

"Uh, Ray?"

"What is it now?" Ray sighed.

"Diefenbaker loves you too, Ray. Ummm… woof!"

"Shut up, Frasier! You idiot!"

Dief whined and yipped happily when he finally caught his caribou with the most donuts.

"You shut up too, furball!"


-The End-


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