Reared in the Wild

Case Study 1.

(Right) A boy found in the Sri Lankan jungles in 1973, apparently having been adopted by a family of monkeys.  When he was discovered, he was approximately 10 years old.  He could run swiftly on all fours, but could not speak or stand upright.
Case Study 2.

During 1920 in India, a local Missionary Reverend discovered two little girls who had been raised by a family of wolves.  He discovered them originally because he had been asked to "exorcise" a "man ghost" that was apparently frightening the local villagers.  Of course, the ghost turned out to be the two girls, who emerged snarling from a cave with their wolf mother and two other cubs.

The wolf mother was killed by the local villagers, but the children were rescured by the Reverend and brought to an orphanage.  He named them Kamala and Amala.  The two girls could run on all fours, but could not stand up (as in Case Study 1.)  They drank only milk and ate only raw meat, lapping and tearing like dogs.  Their sense of smell was incredibly well developed.  They were never able to laugh, but when Amala died a year after capture, Kamala cried two tears.

Kamala survived nine years in human society, and learned to stand upright, eat cooked food, and speak a total vocabulary of 30 words by the time she died.  She was thought to be about 16 when she died, although her mental age was that of a three year old child.  Although she had been almost fully animal when she was discovered, her genetic adaptability proved itself and by her death she was fully human.
The Busby Stoop

(Left) The Busby Stoop takes its name from its owner and his 'stoop' or tall chair.  It was originally in the Busby Stoop Inn at Kirby Wiske, a village near Thirsk.  The disreputable (18th Century) Busby appears to have eked out his living by coin clipping, thieving and receiving stolen goods, and he was eventually sentenced to death for the murder of a female relative.  As he was dragged from his Inn, he swore that anyone who sat in his 'stoop' would perish  violently and suddenly.

Up until 1978, the brewery that owned the pub, expressed belief that is is a matter of record that, in the last 200 years or so, anyone who dared sit in the chair were dead within days, or even hours.  Therefore eventually, the chair was moved out of harms way.  Some of the victims included, a RAF Fighter Pilot who was killed the next day.  A motorist, who crashed the next day and died from his injuries.  A motorcyclist was killed shortly after leaving the pub.  A holiday hitch-hiker, was knocked down and killed two days later.  A local 30 year old man in his late thirties, died of a heart attack the following night.

The odds against all of these people dying so soon after sitting in the Busby Stoop must be high enough to suggest that their passing was no mere coincidence.
(Above) Is a grisly exhibit of two shrunken mummified figures known as Clahuchu and his bride.  This photograph was taken in Haiti.  The exhibitor claimed they were discovered in the year 1740, the last of the lost tribe of Ju-Ju or Devil Men.

He also said that the skin, horns and hooves have been x-rayed and found to be human.
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