Cortachy Castle - Scotland

There have been a number of accounts testifying to an appearance of a Phantom Drummer dating back to the 19th Century.  It was said that the ghostly Drummer was heard before a death occurred of one of the Ogilvie Family who inhabited the Castle.
Haunted Castles
Glamis Castle - Scotland
Frendraught House - Scotland
Frendraught House - Staircase
The ghost of Lady Frendraught, in a white and gold dress, has been seen on the main staircase of Frendraught House and well as in the grounds of the estate.
The Silver Chalice was presented to Forgue Kirk by Sir James, three years after a mysterious fire occurred at Frendraught House.  It is said to have been brought to Scotland by Mary Queen of Scots and is the oldest piece of hallmarked silver in the country (Scotland).
*NOTE*  For more information on Glamis Castle, please go to Page 3 & 4 of this section.
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