Title: What Tomorrow Brings
Series: Life Is A Lemon And I Want My Money Back
Author: Katie
E-mail: [email protected]
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em & I'm not claiming that this happened, only in my mind.
Distribution: Only at Castles in the Sky http://members.tripod.com/katemarie_1
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kanyon's wondering why he and Shane aren't together anymore.
Note: This is the fifth part of this loverly series�. You don't have to read the other parts before reading this although it does help. Even if the first three parts are completely confusing *G* Go to Http://members.tripod.com/katemarie_1/id.htm to read the other parts if you'd like.
Another Note: Thanks as always to AJ for betaing this *G*

Chris's POV

I'm sitting in the lounge as I watch Bret and Chuck make up. Or make out. I'm not quite sure which it is. Either way I wish I was in that good of a mood. Shane and I had a huge fight over this stupid angle Vince has put me in with my ex-lover. Like it's my fault Vince thinks DDP and I make a good tag team. I tried talking Vince out of it but he insisted. What I want to know is why Page's lover isn't pissed off about it but Shane is?

Okay so maybe I *have* given Shane reason to think something was going on. Late night chat sessions with your ex aren't exactly a good thing as far as your current is concerned. But I have never and would never cheat on Shane. I love him despite all the evidence to the contrary.

I laugh as Elisabeth's voice carries across the room. "Even Sean doesn't kiss Daddy like that in front of us girls." Leave it to a child to get right to the heart of a matter. I watch as Chuck and Bret kiss again. I'm happy for them. Lord knows Chuck deserves someone who'll make him happy.

I get to my feet and walk away. I mean hey a guy can only take so much ya know? I wander into the restaurant and stop short. I know Shane and I are fighting right now but what right does Shawn Michaels have to flirt with him? Before I can think my reaction through I'm on my way over to their table and I've got the blonde by the throat. "You bastard. Shane's mine. Stay away."

He's gasping for air as my hand is peeled off his throat. I look up and see Kevin Nash frowning at me. Shaking his hand off I turn to Shane. "Is this really what you want?"

"Fuck you Chris." He all but hisses out at me. "First of all nothing was happening between Shawn and I. In case you had forgotten which you obviously had, Vince put me in Shawn's stable so we were trying to figure out what his next move was going to be as far as that goes. Second, I'm not your fucking property. We broke up remember? Which means you have no say in anything I do anymore. So back the fuck off." His voice while dripping with anger hasn't raised one notch since he started talking.

I blush and look away. I guess he really did mean it when he said he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. "Shane I care about you. I know you think I was cheating on you but I swear to you I wasn't. I would never�"

I trail off as he storms away. Apparently he doesn't want to hear what I have to say. Not that I truly blame him. I have to admit it did look suspiciously like I was cheating but I love Shane with all of my heart. I would never, could never cheat on him. I turn around and Nash is standing right behind me. He glares at me but right now I don't really give a flying fuck what Kevin Nash or his boys think about me.

I walk away, feeling completely and utterly deflated. My lover, ex-lover that is, has always been the only one to ever make me feel this completely low. He's the only one who knows what buttons to push to make me feel lower than scum. But this time he actually has a right to treat me like shit. Or at least he genuinely thinks he does. I mean yeah Page and I were completely and totally exclusive but I don't see Page getting the silent treatment or even dumped by Jericho since we've been paired together. Vince and his fucking ideas.

I sigh as I sink back into the chair I had previously occupied. I frown as someone sits next to me. I really don't feel like talking to anyone right now.

"Ya know, if you'd just tell him you love him none of this would be happening?"

I look up to see bright green eyes staring at me. "Listen Shan, just stay out of this. It's between Shane and I."

"I can't stay out of this Chris. Shane is one of my best friends. I can't just stay out of it when he's hurting because you fucked up."

"I have never cheated on him. Ever. I wouldn't ever cheat on him."



"You heard me. I said bullshit. You haven't been with him since the whole Jeff getting kidnapped thing. You barely look at him when you two are in the same room. And yet you claim you're not cheating on him? Bullshit."

I look up again as another person sits down, this time on Shannon's other side. I find Benoit glaring at me. "Ya know every time I turn around someone else is pissing my baby off. I'm getting a little sick of it."

"Well if you'd just keep him on a shorter leash maybe we wouldn't piss him off so much." I know I shouldn't have said that. The last thing I need is for Shane's best friend to be pissed at me. But I did say it and if looks could kill I'd be buried six feet under six times over. I climb out of the chair and shrug. "You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of everyone thinking they know what's going on between Shane and I when no one has a fucking clue."

"And you're so full of shit I can't stand being around you. But I will tell you one thing Chris Kanyon. This isn't about Page you stupid fuck. This is about way more than fucking Diamond Dallas Page." He hops to his feet and stalks off.

Sighing Benoit watches him go before turning to face me. "You know, if you hadn't of pissed him off, he was going to help you get Shane back. But I guess maybe Shan's right and you don't want him back. Either way you're shit out of luck now. Because Shannon will make damn sure Shane never speaks to you again." I watch as Benoit turns and heads after his lover.

Fuck. But what did Shannon mean when he said this isn't about Page? God I'm so confused. Benoit's right though. If he *was* planning on helping me out with the whole Shane thing, there's no way in hell Shannon will ever help me now. Me and my big mouth.

I look around the lobby and frown at all of the happy couples. Sean and Jeff are standing there with Jeff's girls talking to Mick and Colette. Matt and Lance are snuggled together on one of the lounge chairs reading a paper. Page is sitting on the arm of a chair while Chris laughs at something Edge or Christian just said.

I look around and see Taker glaring at Sean and Jeff. There's something I'm not sure about what is going on. I've noticed that Taker gets this angry look in his eyes whenever he sees Sean, Jeff or Chuck. I don't get it I guess because everyone knows that Taker was caught in bed with Sanders shortly after he had proposed to Chuck. So he has no right to blame anyone but himself for losing Chuck.

Meanwhile I catch sight of Sanders sitting with Jindrak, X-Pac and Triple H. Judging from the way they're sitting with each other I'd have to say that it looks like Sanders has gotten over Taker using him. He's as close as he can get to Jindrak without actually being on top of him. Then again maybe that's what has Taker so pissed off.

I sigh as I realize it's time for yet another fun filled meeting at the arena. I get to find out exactly who it is I'm jobbing too tonight. Shane and I have always been lucky in that we both generally get to be in the same stable. Right now we're in Shawn Michaels stable which I guess does explain why those two were talking this morning. Along with Jeff, Shannon, Matt and Page the six of us are collectively known as Heartbreakers.

I climb into my car for the first time in a long time without Shane sitting next to me. I'm close to the first to arrive at the meeting. I settle into what has become Shane's and my usual seats near the back. I watch as the rest of the wrestlers arrive.

Rock glares at me for what reason I don't know. Goldberg is close on his heels and sends the same fierce stare my way. I have no clue as to what I've done to piss those two off but it couldn't have been too smart. I watch as Kane sits down by himself. He's a nice guy unlike most of the loners here.

Gradually every one comes in and sits down across the room. Bret and Chuck settle into seats across from me. It's not until Vince calls everyone to attention that I realize I don't know where Shane is sitting. I crane my neck around and finally spy him sitting next to Shawn Michaels and with the Kliq. If I didn't know better I'd swear he was trying to piss me off.

Scowling I turn back around. Page and Jericho slide into the seat next to me. "Hey Chris. Did we miss anything?" Page whispers in my ear.

I scoot away slightly and shake my head. I just know he's frowning at me. We've never shied away from each other. Not even right after we broke up. But now I have to take into consideration Shane. He thinks I'm cheating on him with Page. I can't keep letting him think that. If it means me having to push away my best friend than so be it.

I hear Jericho laugh softly and when I look over he's kissing Page's ear. I miss being able to do that with Shane. I snap back to attention when I hear Vince talking about splitting up the Heartbreakers. With a frown on my face I listen intently.

"Unfortunately the tag team of DDP and Kanyon just doesn't fit into the Heartbreakers stable. So we'll be moving them out on their own. Meanwhile, we'll be watching everyone to see who would fit into the Heartbreakers in their place. And now for tonight's matches. Announcing the first hour as usual Eric."

I watch in something akin to shock as Eric takes the stand and begins announcing matches. I block him out as I turn to look for Shane. He's glaring in my direction until he catches sight of me looking at him. He turns his face away and leans against Shawn. Now I know he's trying to get to me as he leans up kissing the blonde on the cheek.

I watch in complete horror as the older man wraps an arm around my lover. I close my eyes as I watch Shane snuggle into the older man's embrace.

My heart is breaking into a million pieces as Page pulls us over to JR who hands me an envelope. I open it up. I already know I don't have a match so I must be doing a run in. I may not have been paying attention but I would have heard if I had a match.

I have to read the paper inside three times before it sinks in that I have to break a baseball bat over Shane's head during his and Shannon's match tonight. I look around for JR who has disappeared. I finally spot him talking to Goldberg and Rocky. They look pissed so I wait until they're done screaming before approaching the older man.

"JR? I can't do this. Not to Shane. I can't."

"Sorry Chris but that's the way Vince wants it. He seems to think it will be more believable if you're the one to break up the stable seeing as how most fans know you and Shane are a couple."

"But� I can't hurt him. Not like that."

"Chris, it stays. I'm sorry." I frown as he walks away and approaches Kevin.

I'm fighting back tears as Page approaches me. "What do you want?" It's all I can do not to tear him apart. This bastard is the reason Shane and I aren't together anymore. Although to be honest it's not his fault.

He shrugs. "Sorry man. I just talked to JR and he said there's no way he can change it."

"I know. I already tried. Fuck. What am I going to do Page? I can't� I can't hit him with a bat. I can't hit him with anything."

Chris walks up scowling. "Jesus. I swear if they ever let me wrestle anyone other than X-Pac it'll be a fucking miracle. What's wrong Chris?"

I haltingly explain to him what I have to do and I watch as he pales. "Fuck. You can't. Chris, if you do this, he'll never talk to you again."

"You think I don't know that? Jesus. What the fuck am I supposed to do though? JR won't change it. Says Vince wants it that way so it stays."

I sink into a nearby seat as Shane approaches. He ignores Jericho and glares at Page. "Are you happy now?"

"Shane I�"

I'd almost laugh at Page's expression when Shane cuts him off except I'm so fucking miserable that I can't stand it. "Fuck you Page. It's not bad enough you wormed your way into the Heartbreakers and broke up our tag team. You just won't be happy until Chris and I are no longer speaking won't you?"

"Shane I�"

"Fuck you Page." Shane turns to me and if I weren't so scared of him right now I'd be turned on beyond belief. He's so sexy when he's angry. "Do this run in Chris and it's over. For good. No chance for us to ever get back together."

I start to speak but for the second time today he walks away from me. Fuck. And what did he mean when he said Page broke up our team? Page didn't want it anymore than I did. Last I heard it was Michaels who wanted Page in the Heartbreakers. Something's going on here and I'm going to find out what. But first I have to figure out a way to get out of doing the run in tonight. I can't lose him. I don't know what I'll do without Shane in my life.

I search the room for Vince and smile when my eyes finally land on him. Immediately I head towards him. Once I reach him he just glares. "What do you want Kanyon?"

"I want out of the run in. I can't attack my lover on national TV. And I won't do it."

"If you don't do it than you can look for another job."

"Then I guess I'll look for another job. But let me ask you something. Do you really want to lose me? Without me Page won't get over with the fans anymore. Without me Page is worthless."

He frowns. In the scheme of things he knows I'm right. I'm not by any means dissing Page. He's a great wrestler but the fans just don't care one way or the other about him. As long as he has me for a tag team partner then he's popular. I know I sound conceited but it's the truth.

"You're right." He looks around the room and finally spots who it is he's looking for. "JR!" Everyone's favourite booker comes waddling over to us.

"Yes Mr. McMahon?"

"Why are we having Chris here do the run in against Shane? Make it DDP who does the run in. The fans will hate Kanyon if he's the one to do it. And we don't want the fans hating both members of the team."

"I'll change it right away Mr. McMahon." JR turns to me and just glares. I know it's because I went over his head but quite frankly I don't give a shit what he thinks of me. He's always treated me like shit. Might have something to do with the fact that he lusts after my lover. Yeah you heard that right. Good ole JR has a crush on Shane.

"I'll let Page know the change of plans. Thanks Mr. McMahon. JR." I turn and walk away. First I must find Page and then I have to find Shane and let him know that the run in is still on. I walk by Shawn talking to his Kliq buddies and just happen to over hear him.

"God that was too easy. JR would do anything for me. It was far too easy to get between Shane and Kanyon. All I had to do was drop a few hints to JR about how Page and Kanyon would be better off on their own and it was a done deal."

Kevin shakes his head. Luckily neither man has noticed me yet but I don't want to press my luck. I duck behind one of the many partitions around the room. "Dude, you're so mean. But what I want to know is why you had Page put into the Heartbreakers in the first place if all you were going to do was have him bumped out in a couple of weeks?"

"Simple. I had to plant seeds of doubt in Shane's head somehow. So I got JR to add Page to the group and then I got him to make Page and Kanyon a tag team again. All it took was for me to get Shane to catch the two of them hugging a few times and he was crying on my shoulder. And pretty soon I'll be making that sweet ass of his all mine."

I have never in my life been tempted to use physical violence on someone more. I just want to walk over there and beat the shit out of him. That fucking asshole. I have to tell all of this to Shane. I turn and stalk away heading for my lover as soon as I catch sight of him talking to Shannon and Benoit. I freeze when a thought occurs to me. Shit. He'll never believe me. Not without proof.

I turn around and look for Page. Maybe he'll have some idea about what to do. I finally spot him making out with Chris and I head for them immediately. "Page. You have to help me man."

He pulls away from his lover and scowls. "I'm kinda in the middle of something here bro. Can't it wait?"

"Shawn is setting me up. He wants Shane. Please man. You have to help me."

Sighing he nods his head. He looks down at his blonde lover who grins. "Tell him whatever it is you know. Shane's a smart kid. He knows what a jackass Shawn is."

"But he won't believe me. He doesn't trust me anymore."

"Than get Shannon to tell whatever it is you know to him."

"Shannon hates my guts right now."

"Then go to Jeff and explain the situation to him. He'll be able to figure something out."

I nod my head. That actually makes sense. "Oh and before I forget, you're doing the run in Page. I got Vince to make JR change it."

"Cool. Fine with me." He rolls his eyes and turns back to his lover.

I roll mine back at him and turn away. Spotting Jeff by himself I head straight for him. Not that I don't like O'Haire but he's kinda scary when anyone tries to talk to Jeff. "Jeff?"

"Yeah Chris?"

"Can I get you to help me?"


"Shane hates me. He thinks I asked for Page to join us in the Heartbreakers and he thinks I asked to be teamed with him. I swear I didn't. It turns out that Shawn Michaels is behind the whole thing. He wants Shane to himself."

"How do you know this?"

"I overheard Shawn talking to Kevin."

"Okay come on. Let's go talk to Shane."

"No. He won't listen to me. Jeff he thinks I�m cheating on him."

"And I won't help you until you're willing to face him yourself with what you know."

"Jeff please?"

"Don't bother Chris. Once he makes up his mind you won't get him to change it."

I turn around and frown at O'Haire who just smiles back. I shake my head and turn back to Jeff. "Please Jeff? You know he won't speak to me right now. I don't know what else to do."

He frowns and I'm hoping he's going to take pity on me. "I'll see what I can do. But odds are he won't trust me about this anymore then he'll trust you."

I barely manage to contain my glee as he walks away and approaches my young lover. O'Haire snorts and I turn to glare at him. "That might be more effective if you actually scared me Chris. Don't worry though. If anyone can get Shane to forgive your sorry ass then it's Jeff."

I mutter under my breath. "God you�re an asshole."

"I know I am. But hey, I honestly don't give two shits what you think of me man. Jeff loves me and that's more than enough for me."

I force myself not to reply even though I really want to tell him to fuck off. He laughs again and I hear him walk away. I intently watch the young blonde talking to my brunette lover. I'm praying this will work but when Shane scowls in my direction I realize I'm fucked. He's never going to forgive me now. I turn around and walk out of the room. I can't face him right now.

Shane's POV

"Are you sure Jeff?"

"That's what Chris told me. Listen Shane I know you think Chris wanted this. And yeah he is friends with Page. But he loves you. He's miserable without you. He's never hurt you like Shawn has been telling you he would. Just think about it. Why does Shawn even care?"

I frown. I hate to admit that Jeff's right but he has to be. Chris has been saying all along that he never asked for Page to join us. But I don't get why Shawn would try to break us up. Unless� Fuck, I'm an idiot. The truth has been in front of my face all this time and I was too stupid to see it. Shawn's been chasing after me and almost succeeded in breaking Chris and me up.

I won't lose Chris. I love him too much. If he has to do the run in so be it. I need to talk to him. Turning around I look at him not really aware that I'm scowling still. He turns around and walks away. My frown deepens and I start to follow him from the room.

Just as I reach the door Shawn stops me. Glaring at him I shove him away. "You sick fuck. What makes you think I'd ever sleep with your sorry ass? I love Chris. Even if he and I weren't together I wouldn't want you. So back off Michaels. I'm off limits."

I take a deep breath and head up to Chris's room. I knock softly and wait. He opens the door with tears in his eyes. By the shocked look on his face I can tell he wasn't expecting me. "Hey. We need to talk Chris. Now."

"O... Okay." He's stuttering something he only does when nervous. I walk past him and sit on his bed.

He follows me and sits on the other bed. "What's going on Shane?"

"I'm sorry. I should have trusted you. And I should have known better than to trust Shawn. I know you've never cheated on me. I know you wouldn't cheat on me." I have no clue what I'm saying. I just need for him to know that I love him. "Chris, I love you. I was devastated by the thought that you didn't want me anymore. Please forgive me for jumping to conclusions?"

"I'm the one who should apologize. I should have fought against McMahon's decision. I never should have gone along with Page joining the group. Shane baby, I love you more than life. Can we please just put all of this behind us?"

I nod my head and climb onto his lap. I want nothing more than his arms around me and his cock buried in me. We spend several minutes kissing before having to pull apart for air. "Make love to me Chris. Please?"

He nods his head and stands up with me still wrapped around him. He smiles and I just melt. He knows damn well that I'm putty in his hands when he smiles that like. It's this kind of half crooked smile that just screams out how much he wants me.

He sets me on the bed and pushes me onto my back before slowly removing my clothing. I sigh as his hands brush over my exposed flesh. He slides my pants down my hips and seems a little shocked I'm not wearing any underwear. I just kind of shrug at him and he smiles that smile again. We've never been big on talking while we're making love to each other. We prefer doing our talking with our bodies.

His hands are gentle as he rubs lazy circles on my hips. He knows every spot on my body that makes me completely insane with lust. He should. We've been together for two years now.

I reach up and tug at his shirt. He gets the hint. He always does. We just have that kind of connection I guess. He pulls away from me and strips out of his clothes not taking half the time he took with me. He climbs back on the bed and slides on top of me. We go back to kissing, which to tell you the truth I'd be perfectly content just kissing him for the rest of our lives.

Gasping, I jump a little when his hand unexpectedly makes contact with my cock. I don't know why I wasn't expecting it though. One hand is caressing my shaft lovingly while the other is tangled up in my hair. I would be happy if he just kept that up and let me cum.

But I know better than that as his hand on my cock slides lower between my legs. Without him having to ask I reach over and grab the lube handing it to him. He smiles his thanks and coats his hands before going back to preparing me.

First he starts with teasing touches to my hole. His other hand is cupping my balls, rolling them between his fingers lightly. It's never enough to bring me off but always just enough to make me hot and hard. As if I wasn't already.

He smiles my smile again and it sends a shiver through my body. He leans over kissing me softly which is generally a sign he's going to add more than two fingers. Quite frankly I don't know how he fits inside of me when three of his fingers hurts like hell.

Gentle as always, he's quick about it as he thrusts a third finger into my tight sheath. I bite my lip to keep from crying out. It hurts but I also love the feeling and if he hears me cry out in pain he'll stop and I don't want that.

He keeps his hand still for several minutes before figuring I'm ready. Then he begins searching for my sweet spot. It never takes him long to find it. He's an expert when it comes to my body.

This time I can't help but cry out as he rubs the tips of his fingers against my prostate. I nearly lose it completely when I feel his warm mouth covering my balls. He's never been one for sucking cock which is okay because neither am I and he doesn't ask me to suck him off so I don't ask him to suck me off. I don't know why but there's just something disgusting to both of us about the idea. The one and only time I did suck him off we didn't kiss each other for a week.

After several minutes of him torturing me, he pulls back and removes his fingers. Nodding silently, I watch as he positions himself at my entrance. He whispers I love you before pushing all the way inside of me.

I gasp for air. Hey I said he fits I never said it doesn't hurt. He stops once I'm fully seated on his cock and reaches out caressing my face. After a few seconds the pain dulls and I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of fullness. He smiles when he realizes I'm ready and begins rocking in and out gently. Every other thrust has him brushing against my sweet spot. It's enough to drive me crazy as I writhe beneath him.

Reaching between our bodies, he grasps my cock and slowly begins stroking it. I'm arching up meeting his every thrust until I feel the swelling that signals my orgasm. He recognizes some hitch in my breath and starts thrusting into me harder. Mere seconds later, I'm shooting my seed all over our chests, stomachs and his hand.

He pounds into me harder as his hand milks my cock. Shortly after I've spilled I feel his cum gushing into me. It sends me over the edge again. His smile widens as my internal muscles milk him dry and his hand milks me dry.

He pulls out gently and rolls off the bed. He stands there smiling at me, my cum dripping from his body and hand, his cock glistening with the oil and his own cum. I love the sight of him like that. He just shakes his head with a smile and pulls me to my feet. We're both admitted clean freaks. We won't go to sleep without being clean no matter how tired we are.

He pulls me into the shower and rinses us off with luke warm water before turning the hot on. We wash each other off before stepping out and drying off. After we brush our teeth, he pulls me back to the spare bed and into his arms. I'm always at my most content in his arms.

With a happy sigh, I snuggle into his embrace and wait for sleep to claim me.

Chris's POV

He's fallen asleep and I have to wonder how he does it. After sex I can never sleep. I usually end up laying in bed next to him listening to his soft snoring. I love him so much. I can't believe I almost lost him because of Shawn Michaels. This is something I'm going to have to remedy. I don't care what it takes. I won't lose Shane.

With a sigh I tighten my grip on him. I wonder how he'd react if I woke him up for another round? Better I not find out. He'd probably kick my ass. And he can.

I look at his beautiful face, serene with sleep and smile. He's everything to me. Every single last thing in the world. I'd die if I lost him for good. He's so peaceful as he sleeps. I wonder if he dreams about me at night. I wonder what he dreams about. As long as we've been together and as well as I know everything about his body there is still so much I don't know about him.

Another sigh and I'm out of bed. I love watching him sleep normally but right now I need to go take care of business. I slip into my clothes and head out of the room. I'm going to murder Shawn unless he can give me a damn good reason as to why I shouldn't.

I find him sitting alone in the lobby. "Shawn!" He looks up startled but doesn�t move.

"What do you want Kanyon?"

"I want to know why I shouldn't kill you."

"You should. I'm sorry man. I don't know what I was thinking. After the whole thing with Jeff I swore I would try to be a better man. I guess I'm just not good enough. So go ahead and kill me for messing with yours and Shane's relationship."

Well fuck, I can't kill him now. He wants me too. There's no fun in that. Frowning I sit next to him. "Why? All I want to know is why you're such an asshole?"

"I don't know Chris. I really don't know."

"Not a good enough answer. Shawn you have to have some idea why you act the way you do."

He looks up and gets this dreamy far off look in his eyes. I look in the same direction but all I see is Kevin talking to Scott Hall and X-Pac. Actually no that makes sense. He's got a crush on Kevin and is trying to make him sit up and take notice. "I get it. You've got a thing for Nash. Why don't you just tell him so? He's one of your best friends."

"Exactly why I can't tell him. He'd hate me. Besides you've never seen the way he looks at RVD."

"Who I might add looks exactly like you?"

Shawn frowns and turns his eyes on me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean RVD looks like you. Have you ever thought that maybe that's why Kevin looks at him the way he does?"

"No. It's not possible. Maybe RVD looks a little like me but if Kevin wanted me he'd say so. He's not the kind of guy to hide behind someone else."

"Never mind the fact that no one is big enough to hide him." He looks at me puzzled and I laugh softly. "Sorry man Bad joke. What I wasn't saying is have you considered the possibility that maybe he doesn�t realize it's you he wants?"

He shakes his head but I can practically hear the wheels turning. He is thinking I may have some validity to my point. I just hope I'm right and Kevin really is lusting after Shawn deep down and not really wanting RVD. I shrug and get to my feet. Oh well. I did my good deed for the night. I look at Shawn and smile. "Just go talk to him man. He'll let you know one way or the other."

He nods his head and gets to his feet. I head back to my room. It's funny. I went down there totally intent on killing Michaels but I ended up helping him. Or at least hoping I helped him. It's funny how someone looking sad will get to you.

I open the door and find Shane still fast asleep. I smile at him before stripping off my clothes and climbing into bed with him. I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I know I'll have Shane with me and that's all that matters.

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