     Treacherous Waters - 3/? (*slash*)
     For disclaimer and such, see part one.

     Thanks for all you support!

     Special thanks to Darkflame for "pointing" out a certain picture of Bradshaw.

     ~^~^~HUNTER'S POV~^~^~

     I smile as I watch him try to scoot away from me. He looks around desperately for a way out, but
     there is no exit. The only way out is through me, and there's no way in hell that I'm letting him
     through and he senses it.

     "What do you want?" He asks nervously, as he slowly stands.

     I smile as he backs up further into the room in an attempt to distant himself from me. I can smell
     his fear. I follow like a predator who has just smelled fresh blood.

     My smile widens as he backs himself into a small corner.

     He gasps as he realizes that he's trapped. But before he can protest, I've got him, pushing him
     back against the wall, pinning him and he starts to squirm deliciously against me.

     "NO!" He screams as he desperately tries to push me away, but my need for him is too great to
     pay attention to his resistance.

     I stare at his pony-tail for a second. He whimpers as I tear the band from his hair, allowing it to
     cascade down around his shoulders.

     "Much better," I whisper, as I run my fingers through it.

     "Don't......please," he whispers.

     His voice is so soft and seductive, but there was no way in hell that I could stop. I lean down and
     press my lips to his.

     I could feel him tensing. Surely this wasn't his first time with a man.

     "Relax, I won't hurt you.......too bad," I whisper with a slight smile.

     ~^~^~TRISH'S POV~^~^~

     I stare down at the angelic face of the unconscious man. How could someone so beautiful, be so
     cruel? Men. Why do they always have to be so damn possessive? Do they really think that we
     weaker individuals like to be beaten into submission? What about love? What about romance?

     He moans and stirs a little. He looks so helpless, but looks can be so deceiving.

     I stare at him until his eyes slowly flutter open and focus on me.

     I watch his expression carefully. First he is confused, then scared, then pissed.

     "Where's Adam?" He growls.

     "Someplace that you will never be able to hurt him again," I whisper with a smirk, as I toy with a
     strand of my hair. I always revert back to my dumb blond mode when I'm trying to piss someone

     "Bitch!" Jason hisses as he tries to raise up, struggling with his restraints.

     He gasps as I grab a handful of his hair and yank hard, causing him to yelp in pain.

     "Bitch? Awww, you're too kind," I hiss, keeping the slight smile on my face as I let him see the
     knife that I'm holding in my other hand.

     He gasps as he sees the blade glisten in the bright sunlight. "I'm sorry!" He whimpers.

     "Not as sorry as you're going to be," I whisper.

     Mark may not have the stomach to kill him, but I do. I hold his miserable life in my hands.

     Decisions. Decisions.

     His eyes widen as I roll him all the way over onto his back and slowly sit astride of his stomach.
     Using the knife, I slowly slice his t-shirt up the front. His eyes are glued to the knife as it nears his

     He whimpers.

     I slice through the slightly thicker neckline of the t-shirt and then proceed to slap him.

     "Don't be such a cry baby. I haven't even hurt you yet," I growl disgusted.

     He bites his bottom lip as my hands explore his torso, stopping to pinch a nipple, enjoying the
     gasp that escapes him.

     Maybe I'll let him live, but only after he experiences some humiliation and a little mastering by
     yours truly.

     ~^~^~CHRIS' POV~^~^~

     I moan in pleasure as Glenn pounds into me. His huge cock fills me so completely, so deeply.
     Never in my whole life had I imagined that I would be this happy.

     Being shanghaied by Mark and Glenn had been the turning point of my life. I could never go back.
     It would be too boring.

     "Come for me baby," Glenn growls as he strokes my cock harder.

     "Glenn.....," I moan as I come in his hand.

     He slams into me hard and proceeds to fill my insides with his creamy essence. I push backwards,
     trying to impale myself further, eliciting a growl of pleasure from my huge lover.

     "I love it when we plunder together," I whisper.

     He chuckles as he pulls out, pausing to slap my ass hard. "Better not let Mark catch us," he warns.

     "What's he going to do? Make us walk the plank?"

     "He'll separate us until he thinks we've learned our lesson," Glenn growls.

     I look at him shocked. "Separate us?"

     I'm immediately tugging my shorts up, ignoring the cum that is seeping from me. I don't want to
     be separated from Glenn. Never. Ever.

     Glenn chuckles at my actions. He caresses my cheek. "I love you."

     "Ditto," I whisper.

     ~^~^~MARK'S POV~^~^~

     I gently lay Adam down on the bed. He moans, but he doesn't gain consciousness. I walk into the
     bathroom and grab a couple of hand towels and wet them.

     I frown as I start to clean the blood off his beautiful face. As I do, the bruises show up more.

     "Bastard," I whisper. Jason had no right to do this.

     Adam stirs and moans, but doesn't wake up.

     I finish cleaning him up. As I'm almost done, my eyes travel down his perfect torso to his firm, flat
     abdomen, to the long, slender cock that lays in a nest of dark blond curls. I reach out for it, but
     curse myself as I quickly recoil my hand.

     If I take advantage of him during this weaken state, I'm no better than Jason.

     I slowly pull the covers up over him and let him sleep.

     I run my fingers through my long hair as I try to figure out what I'm going to tell him when he
     awakes. No way in hell is he going back to Jason. He's staying here with me, but will he be able to
     adapt to our life style?

     ~^~^~BRADSHAW'S POV~^~^~

     I watch the oldest brother with great interest. Not that Jeff isn't a bad catch, but call me greedy,
     but I want both of them.

     It looks like the oldest will require a little extra effort, if I want him in my bed willingly.

     I grin as I stand and pull the black tank top over my head, revealing my large muscular chest.

     Jeff gasps, but Matt only stares.

     He quickly lowers his eyes as he realizes that I'm watching him.

     Well, at least he's interested.

     To add a little heat to the fire, I sit down directly in front of them. My snow white shorts are
     getting tighter and it hasn't gone unnoticed by the brothers.

     I spread my legs a little and scoot back in the chair, making sure that both brothers had a perfect

     Jeff is practically drooling, and Matt squirms uncomfortably.

     I decide to light the flame.

     My hand slowly starts to caress the protruding bulge.

     "Let me help you with that," Jeff whispers, licking his lips in anticipation.

     "Jeff!" Matt growls, as his face blushes bright red. He lowers his head as he meets my stare once

     "How about you both help me," I whisper, smiling as Matt's head snaps up.

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