And thanks for the feedback on Just The Way You Are... muchly appreciated
Title: Wanting Something More

Author: Katie

E-mail: [email protected]

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em & I'm not claiming that this happened, only in my mind.

Distribution: At Castles in the Sky and Tarnished Silver. Anyone else please ask.

Rating: NC-17

Het/Slash/Both: Slash

Summary: Adam and Chris find each other.

Characters: Adam Copeland/Chris Jericho, others

Note: Happy Birthday to AJ!!!!!!! Again� *giggles* Hope you like this one too!

Adam stares across the bonfire at the man of his dreams and sighs. He watches the blonde carefully as Chris Jericho leans over and says something to Lance causing the older man to laugh.

'Fuck what is my problem? Why can't I just talk to him?' Adam sighs as he stares into the fire.

Lance and his lover Chris Benoit, Jay and his lover Shane Helms, Terry Gerin and his lover Shannon Moore along with Adam and Chris Jericho are all hanging out at Adam's house where they have built a huge bonfire in the pit behind his house. They've been talking and hanging out since early that afternoon. Adam for all his insistence that he's fine has been moping all day because even though it had been set up so that he and Chris would be together, he and Jericho hadn't spent anytime together at all. Chris had been hanging around with Lance and Benoit while Adam had been tagging along behind Jay, Terry and their lovers.

Adam watches as the other Chris pulls Lance away and overhears Lance telling Jericho that he'll talk to him later. Soon, it's just Adam and Chris sitting around the bonfire. "I guess we should put this out right?"

"I guess so." Chris says holding his hands out over the fire. "Got any marshmallows?"

"What? Why?"

"I thought we could maybe roast marshmallows. I don't really want to go inside yet. It's still so nice out here."

Adam nods his head. "I don't know but I could go check."

"Really? Would you?"

"Sure." Adam gets to his feet and heads into the house. He turns to the first cupboard in the back door and pulls it open before grabbing the bag of marshmallows and some sticks that would be good for roasting. He heads back outside with a smile. He stops short when he sees Chris taking off his shirt.

"Hey. You found some. Great. Bring 'em on over." Adam nods and moves closer to the fire.

"Why'd you take your shirt off, man?" He asks, enjoying the way Chris's nipple's pebble against the cool breeze.

"Got too warm. Fuck it's nice out here." The taller of the two blondes nods his head slowly and sits down across the fire from Chris assuming that the older man would want to keep his distance. Chris shakes his head and gets to his feet before walking around the fire and sitting next to the tall blonde.

"What the hell man? How am I supposed to get marshmallows for roasting if you're way the fuck over here?"

"I don't know� I didn't think� You never� I always thought that you�" Adam sighs and looks away.

Chris frowns and places a hand on the younger man's arm. "Adam, what's wrong babe?"

"Nothing. Here's the marshmallows." Chris takes them still frowning. He pulls out two and sets them out over the fire. "How do you like yours?"

"Good and burnt." Adam says automatically.

"Me too. Good. That way I don't have to pull mine out of the fire too soon." He smiles and scoots closer to Adam. "Fuck. Cool breeze out tonight."

"Yeah there is. Let me go get your shirt for you." Adam says getting up and going over, grabbing Chris's shirt. He contemplates "accidentally" dropping the glittery shirt into the fire but decides against it. He finally takes the seat next to Chris and hands him the shirt. "Here ya go man."

"Thanks." Chris stands up and smiles softly before starting to pull his shirt on. He groans when he drops it. "Oh fuck." Both men flinch when the highly flammable shirt flares up. Chris starts to lose his balance and Adam grabs him.

"Shit. Watch what you're doing man. I don't want to see you go up like that shirt."

Chris giggles softly, finally where he wanted to be. In Adam's arms. "Lord knows I have enough hair spray and shit in my hair."

Adam frowns. "That's not funny Chris."

"Sorry." Chris says before leaning heavily against the younger man. "Shit that was close."

"Yeah it was. Too close. Jesus, Chris you need to be careful around a fire." Adam says reveling in the way Chris feels pressed against him. He feels a slight shudder run through the younger man and he holds him tight. "You're okay now Chris."

Chris nods his head but tightens his grip. "Okay so maybe I was a little scared."

"That's okay. It's okay. You're okay." Adam says not really sure of what he's saying because the feeling of Chris so close to him has him completely aroused.

Chris rubs against him and smiles at the feel of the hard erection in Adam's pants. "Will you sit down and let me sit in your lap?"

"Anything you want Chris."

Chris nods his head and allows Adam to pull him into his lap. He snuggles against the taller blonde and lays his head on his shoulder. "You saved me."

Adam doesn't say anything just holds the shorter man tightly in his arms. "You smell so good." He says out loud unintentionally. He winces when he realizes what he said and tries to cover his mistake. "I'm sorry Chris. I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"Adam� Do you like me?"

"Well� Yeah. Sorta."

"Good. Let's put out the fire and then take me to your room and fuck me senseless."

Adam stares shocked at the older man but grabs the bucket of water he always has handy and dumps it onto the fire. They stay and make sure the last of the embers have died before Chris drags the taller man into his house. Chris follows Adam up the stairs to his room where he promptly strips off his clothes and reaches out undressing the taller man as well.

Adam gasps as his arousal is grasped lightly. "Fuck Chris. That's so good."

Chris nods his head and strokes the hardened shaft in his hand. "You're so fucking gorgeous Adam."

"So are you. Fuck I've wanted this for forever."

Chris stops stroking and pulls back. "Why didn't you ever say anything then?"

"I was scared of losing our friendship."

"Oh Adam." He says softly before leaning forward and capturing the younger man's lips under his own. "Let me show you what I've been wanting to do to you for as long as I've known you."

Adam nods his head and allows Chris to push him back onto the bed. He gasps when the older man covers his nipple with his lips. "Wanna taste every inch of your body."

Chris proceeds to lick and kiss at the flesh between the younger man's chest and stomach. He dips his tongue into Adam's navel and swirls it around. With his hands he reaches up and plays lightly with his nipples. Moving lower, he laps at the precum dripping from the tip of the younger man's cock.

"Oh god Chris. That� That's so� Oh god." Adam pants out trying to control his body's reactions to the older man's attentions.

With a smile Chris lowers his head suckling at the head of his lover's dick. He pulls back and licks from tip to base before pulling back and grinning at the younger man. "Wanna feel you inside of me."

Adam watches somewhat incredulous as Chris straddles his hips and sinks onto his shaft. Instinctively the younger man reaches out and grabs his hips as they begin moving together slowly, awkwardly at first. They quickly find a companionable rhythm.

With a groan the younger blonde reaches out and grasps the older man's cock in his hand and begins stroking the thick shaft. Chris moans and arches into the touch. Adam whimpers and tries to stop the bouncing movements on his cock. "Fuck. Chris� Going to cum� Please�. Don't� Stop� Please."

"Which is it Adam?" Chris says panting softly. "Don't stop or stop?"

"Don't." Adam says with a moan. Chris laughs softly and clenches his inner muscles before resuming his bouncing. Adam groans and clenches his hands around the older man's hips. He moans out the older man's name before erupting deep inside Chris.

Chris grunts in pleasure and strokes his cock roughly trying to cum. As soon as Adam's hand joins his he shoots over their hands coating their stomachs. He collapses on top of the younger man with a smile and a sigh. "That was� Dayum."

Adam laughs softly. "I'll see that dayum and raise you a holy fuck."

Chris laughs against his chest and rolls off to the side. "Let's go get cleaned up."

They head for the bathroom where they shower quickly. Heading back to the bedroom Chris stops in the middle of the hallway. "Adam?"


"I don't want this to be a one night stand."

"Neither do I Chris. I've wanted you for forever now. Please, tell me that you and I can work?"

"If we both try. I want a future with you."

"Same here." Adam wraps his arms around the shorter man and holds him close. "So what does this mean?"

"It means that we are going to try being together on a regular basis." Chris says smiling into the broad chest. "I don't take kindly to anyone cheating on me."

"Same here."

"Good." Chris laughs and grabs Adam's hand leading him back into the bedroom. "I'm tired."

"Then go to sleep. I'm going to head into the kitchen and grab a bite to eat."

"Put on some clothes before you go."

"Yes sir." Adam tucks Chris in before grabbing a pair of boxers and sliding them on before heading into his kitchen. He grabs a handful of crackers and grabs a glass before filling it with apple juice and sitting at the table. He looks up when someone walks through the doorway. Lance, Jay, and Terry grin at the blonde sitting at the table and surround him. "Hey guys."

"Good job tonight. Fuck I thought you and Chris were going to dance around each other for the rest of all time." Lance says laughing.

Jay grins and nods his head in agreement. "Hell yeah. I mean fuck you two have been checking each other out for so long I was beginning to think you belonged in a library or something."

Terry groans at the joke and shakes his head. "So is this the beginning of something or is it just a one night thing?"

"Beginning." Adam says concentrating on his juice and crackers.

Terry grins at the others and holds his hand out. "Pay up jack offs."

Adam looks up astounded as Lance and Jay both hand Terry a handful of money. "What's going on guys?"

"We made a bet." Terry says laughing. "They swore you guys wouldn't be together after tonight and I said you guys would give it a go."

"Oh." He looks at his other friends and frowns. "Thanks a lot guys. Feeling the love."

Jay shrugs. "Sorry man. But you and Chris have been dancing so long that I didn't think either of you would get the guts to say you wanted more."

"And I was sure you'd both be so freaked out at getting together you wouldn't talk about anything. We are happy for you though."

"Yeah whatever." Adam says grinning and shaking his head. "What did you guys do? Leave your lover's to find out what happened between me and Chris?"

"Pretty much." They all say laughing.

Adam groans and gets to his feet. He drops his glass in the sink and wipes off his mouth. "Well you guys can sit around the kitchen table gossiping like a bunch of women but I'm going to go to bed and snuggle up to my lover."

The other's watch as Adam walks to the stairs and heads upstairs before they bust up laughing.

Adam rolls his eyes at their laughter and opens the door to his bedroom. He slides in between the cool satin sheets and wraps his arms around the gorgeous blonde. He feels Jericho shift around and snuggle against his chest. With a smile he closes his eyes after kissing the top of the older man's head and follows him into sleep.

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