
Standing backstage waiting for everyone to arrive, Amy was miserable. It was Monday night and the WWF was in Houston Texas, the outside of the arena swarming with thousands of screaming fans waiting for the doors to open. In mere hours the arena would be filled to capacity and the pyros would go off that would signal the start of what was shaping up to be one of the most memorable shows in the history of the business. It was a big night; the fans could feel the electricity in the air and were excited. But not Amy. No, if anything she was far from being excited.

Earlier in the day she and Matt had gotten into another argument, another stupid fight over something dumb and meaningless that even now she couldn�t recall. Whatever the argument had been about though, it had been a bad one. Now, hours later she was still moping around, her mood sullen and brooding as she paced the corridors of the arena as she waited for the other wrestlers to show up.

Why do I even bother pretending? Amy thought morosely as she continued to wander aimlessly. It�s not like he cares - hell, I don�t even know if I care anymore. She sighed as that last thought crossed her mind. Why was she even with Matt?

It certainly wasn�t love; that Amy knew for certain. Matt just wasn�t the type of person to be held down by a relationship, it wasn�t his style. No, Matt was more the type of person who preferred variety in his sex life. That�s putting it kindly, Amy thought dryly and she gave a little snort. Let�s call a spade a spade, shall we? The man is a slut.

Matt did have a reputation with the ladies; that was for sure. Amy couldn�t even count the number of times she�d walked into their hotel room to find him in bed with some other woman - usually a groupie or even another coworker on occasion. It was just how things were with Matt, and unless hell was planning on freezing over any time soon, Amy just had to deal with it.

Or I could just dump his sorry ass�She thought bitterly. Tossing her long red hair behind her shoulder, Amy wandered over to where a bunch of heavy black crates were shoved into a corner and hopped up onto one, crossing her legs underneath her and leaning back into the wall. Who am I kidding? She thought as she let her eyes drift shut. I�ll never get the guts to break it off with him�

�Resting up before the show?� Amy jumped violently, her eyes popping open and searching warily for the source of the voice. When she didn�t immediately see anyone, she became nervous.

�Who�s there?� She called, leaning forward and scanning the dimly lit hallway, trying to locate whomever it was watching her.

�Up here Little One.� Confused, Amy glanced up and then started when she saw the figure perched neatly on top of the crate just above her head. Her heart pounding inside her chest, she felt her face flush a deep red as embarrassment began to creep in when she recognized who was sitting there.

�Scott! What are you�I mean�I didn�t see you there.� She finished lamely, her voice coming out strangled and broken in her shock. Chuckling quietly and smiling faintly, the man hopped down from the crate and settled beside Amy.

�Sorry, I wasn�t expecting anyone else to be here this early,� Scott mumbled apologetically, raking his hand back through the unruly thickness of his hair. �I didn�t mean to startle you.� Smiling, Amy shrugged and settled back against the wall, her hands fidgeting in her lap.

�I guess I was just caught up in my thoughts and didn�t realize anyone else was here,� she murmured softly, her eyes darting away from him and focusing on a spot across the hall. Watching her intently, Scott nodded in quiet understanding.

�You want to talk about it?� Before Amy could stifle it, a small sigh escaped her lips and she quickly slapped a hand across her mouth, hoping that Scott hadn�t heard it. She was in no mood to discuss her personal problems with a man she barely knew. A man whom no one really knew, come to think of it�

To everyone in the federation, Scott Levy was a mystery. No one really knew much about him except for the fact that he�d come from ECW and that this wasn�t his first time working for the McMahons. Oh, there were a few rumors about him floating around the locker rooms, but then again they were just that. Rumors.

Before now Amy hadn�t had much contact with him, a few scattered conversations here and there during training sessions and roster meetings, but other than that he was just a familiar face in the crowd. She had no reason to trust this man with secrets that she wasn�t sure she even trusted herself with. On the other hand, he really had no reason to be sitting here in an empty arena listening to some strange woman air out her problems. So why was he still here?

�Look um�� Amy started slowly, her eyes meeting his fleetingly before darting away again, �I hope you don�t take this the wrong way or anything, but why do you care?� Looking down at his hands, Scott smiled faintly.

�Don�t know, guess I just figured you needed someone to talk to.� Glancing up, he shrugged slightly. �It�s not like I�m trying to pry or anything, you just look like you�ve got something on your mind that�s bothering you.� Recognizing the naked honesty in his words and touched by them, Amy shot him a watery smile.

�Thank you Scott.� Unbidden, her eyes began to fill with tears. �That really means a lot to me. And yes,� she reached up and pushed a stray lock of hair out of her face, tucking it neatly behind her ear, �I do need someone to talk to.� 

Hearing the sadness that suddenly filled her voice, Scott acted on instinct and reached out to her, drawing her close against him. Letting his arm circle her shoulders, he gave her a light squeeze in encouragement.

�Talk away, Little One�we have all the time in the world.�
�Hey Levy, get your head out of your ass and pay attention - I want this match to go down without a hitch, got it?�

�Yeah I got it Saturn, let�s get this over with.� Scott grumbled as he hopped up onto the ring apron, wincing as his back creaked in protest. It was an old injury that had never quite healed like it should have, the constant aggravation caused by the bumps he endured nightly not exactly helping any. It was something he could work through though; he would look weak if he didn�t.

And weak was not something Scott could afford to be right now, not when his career was finally starting to go the way he wanted it to. For years he�d been groveling in the dirt at the bottom of the proverbial ladder, always being shoved back down whenever it looked like he might finally get a break and actually make something of himself. No, he was right where he wanted to be right now and he would do his damned best not to screw things up for himself.

�You just gonna stand there all day, Levy? Hurry the fuck up!� Tearing himself away from the distraction of his thoughts, Scott glanced apologetically over to where his opponent was waiting impatiently in the middle of the ring - a decidedly annoyed expression on his pit bull-like features.

�Sorry�� Sliding in between the ropes and into the ring, Scott swung his arms around a little, stretching out the muscles and forcing some circulation. Glancing around the arena while he loosened up, he happened to notice a couple lounging casually in some of the nearby seats - Matt Hardy and Torrie Wilson if he wasn�t mistaken. Frowning fiercely, Scott watched as the elder Hardy brother leaned in and brushed his lips against the shapely blonde�s neck, causing her to giggle and lean farther into the caress.

It was enough to make him want to go ever there and pound the shit out of the bastard.

Clenching his hands into fists, Scott forced himself to look away before he did something he would regret. Oh, but you wouldn�t regret it, trust me� Smiling grimly, he acknowledged the thought as truth as soon as it crossed his mind. No, he definitely wouldn�t regret it. But was it really his place to step in?

If he would�ve asked himself that question yesterday, the answer would most likely have been no. But after having listened to Amy pour her heart out to him and knowing the things he knew now? Cursing softly, Scott knew what he had to do.

�We�ll finish this later, Saturn.� Without waiting for a reply, Scott turned and climbed through the ropes, jumping to the floor and heading towards where the Hardy kid had now moved on to groping Torrie�s more than ample chest.

�Hardy, you got a minute?� Startled, Matt looked up just in time to catch Scott�s fist in his jaw, the blow snapping his head back against the seat. Shrieking, Torrie leapt from her seat and hurried to get out the way as Scott reached down and grabbed Matt�s shirt collar, hauling him to his feet and shaking him like a ragdoll. Dazed and furious, Matt clutched at Scott�s forearms and tried to break his grip.

�What the fuck is your problem, Levy?� He snarled, spitting blood from the corner of his mouth, which was already starting to bruise and swell up. Smiling grimly, Scott abruptly shoved the boy back down into his seat and stood over him, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.

�You arrogant little fuck,� His voice was dangerously low and Matt felt a shiver of apprehension skitter up his spine at the barely suppressed fury he heard there. Eyes wide, he watched as the older man�s face darkened into an angry shade of red.

�What the fuck did I do?� The corner of his mouth curling into a sneer, Scott cocked his head to one side and observed Matt in what could be taken for no more than complete utter loathing. Nostrils flaring, he watched Matt squirm nervously under his intense gaze and enjoyed the younger man�s obvious fear of him. Pathetic fuck� Leaning down, he shoved his face close to Matt�s and growled menacingly, bracing his arms on either side of the seat.

�Listen carefully you little shit �cause I�m only going to say this once. You�re a pathetic excuse for a man and an even poorer excuse for a human being. You�re fucking scum under my shoe, you understand me? And if you ever hurt Amy again - If you ever so much as look at another woman, let alone fuck around with one behind Amy�s back?� Scott�s eyes darkened until they were almost black and Matt shrunk back in his seat, his heart pounding so hard inside his ribcage he thought it would burst.

�I�ll make you wish you were never born�� His expression dark, Scott smiled evilly. Pushing away from Matt, he turned and began making his way back towards the ring.

�Remember what I said, Hardy,� Scott called without looking back as he made his way up the ramp. �I keep my promises.�

Lifting the curtain, he ducked through and was gone before Matt could even blink, leaving the young man pale and shaking in his seat as he struggled to comprehend what the hell had just happened�

Amy paced relentlessly and wrung her hands in frustration. She had just watched the spectacle from a nearby monitor and refused to believe her eyes on two counts.

Firstly, she had the unpleasant surprise of viewing Matt in the arms of another woman, this time the shapely Torrie Wilson. Her brow furrowed in consternation; wasn�t Torrie engaged to Pete Gruner, otherwise known as Billy Kidman? If Amy�s memory served her correct, the news spread throughout the locker room like wildfire regarding Pete�s romantic Christmas holiday proposal. Amy�s heart thudded dully in her chest and her jaw tightened as she watched Matt bestow acts of physical affection on the young blonde, acts that Amy once received.

But it had been such a long time since she and Matt were happier together�

The other incident she witnessed was surprising, to say the least. She watched, stunned, as Scott, who was preparing to do battle against Perry, heaved himself out of the ring and very coolly suckerpunched an unsuspecting Matt.

What the hell, she thought as the monitor displayed Matt reeling from the blow. What the hell just happened�

Now, agonized by the dual images, her nerves were frazzled to say the least. She moaned and put her hands over her face to prevent the sound that came nevertheless. There would be consequences to those actions, however severe even she dared not contemplate them.

Abruptly she strode over to her bag and rifled through its contents. Finally finding what she searched for, she pulled out a CD and strode over to the portable stereo at the far end of the room. Popping open the lid, she pulled out the CD and placed it gently in the player. After all, she thought wryly, music does soothe the savage beast�
After pressing a couple of buttons, she sank uneasily onto a nearby couch and waited for the music to erupt from the speakers.

�This place is hell to me and I can never get no sleep
There�s a devil in my bed with me whose talk is cheap
You feel like heaven to me, all I want to do is sleep
You�re like an angel lying next to me - you look so sweet�

Amy�s eyes began to well with tears as she took in the words to the song. All of the good times, however sparse they were, began to come forth unbidden in her mind. The beginning of the relationship when it seemed she and Matt couldn�t get enough of each other; the rare days off when they�d stay in bed all day regardless of the passing hours of daylight; the blatantly sexy smiles he�d shoot her way during matches�

All this was coming to a close; she knew this. And yet there was that last desperate feeling that refused to abate, that sense of holding on to something that was destined to come apart at the seams regardless.

�Close your eyes and let�s pretend
Remember why we�re just friends��

Then there was her connection to Scott. Certainly she�d felt as though an unbearable weight had finally been lifted from her shoulders after confiding in him her unhappiness. And the way he just listened to her, only speaking to ask an occasional question or make a sound of disapproval� It was more than she could have asked for in a friend, much less someone she was casually acquainted with.

To top it off, she felt as though she were finally respected and heard unconditionally. Hell, it was more than she could have asked for from Matt lately. Funny how that feeling comes from one who�s not close as opposed to a supposed partner, Amy mused, disappointed.

�My tangled hair will weave a web of lies within my sheets
And in the morning I�ll be nailed where he crucified me
Your blackened hair will leave a stain inside my mind so deep
And when tomorrow comes I�ll wish that you would worship me

Close your eyes and let�s pretend
Remember why we�re just friends�

Amy�s stomach knotted as footsteps sounded outside the closed door of the dressing room. Any minute now she expected Matt to come bursting in to reprimand her, to take out his anger and humiliation on her. But he�d never hit her�

Would he do that? She sat up, alarmed by that thought that piqued in her mind and refused to go away. Would he be so pissed about her honor being defended, in public no less, that he�d do something drastic, something directly hurtful to her in return?
�There must be a storm in London tonight because it�s cold and raining hard
My body aches, my lover waits, I pick the scabs from my arms
There must be a storm in L.A. tonight because it�s cold and raining hard
I miss your kiss, I miss your face, I miss the stars of your arms

The man that I lust, in he do I trust
For he is my God, my anti-Jesus,
He is my savior, my salvation, he leads me into temptation
In my highest hour, my lowest moment, he is my torture - he is my torment
And I will pray for him to remain my friend and save me from my enemies
Forever amen�

An angry shouting erupted from behind the closed door, and Amy recognized one of the voices as Matt�s. She couldn�t discern what he was saying, but the volume of his voice was clear enough - he was indeed pissed.

Instinctively she tucked her legs underneath her and curled into herself protectively as if to shield herself from the assault that was sure to come now. She squeezed her eyes shut and focused on the last words of the song in an attempt to clear her thoughts, to try and focus her energy that seemed impossible to conduct now�

�This place is hell to me and I can never get no sleep
There�s a devil in the bed with me whose talk is cheap��


Amy winced as the door suddenly burst open and hit the wall with a resounding crash, the hinges moaning in protest. Oh boy�here it comes, Amy thought weakly as Matt stormed into the room and violently kicked the still-swinging door shut with the heel of his boot before heading straight for her.

�You little bitch�� He growled as he roughly yanked her up off of the couch, his face contorted in rage. His fingers bit cruelly into the soft flesh of her upper arms as he violently shook her.

�You sicked Levy on me, didn�t you!� Eyes wide, Amy shook her head in denial.

�No! Matt, please�I -� Her head snapped back as Matt�s fist connected with her cheek. Senses reeling, Amy felt her legs give out beneath her and she slumped to the ground as Matt released his grip and let her fall. Horrified, she slowly reached up and touched her face in shock. He hit me� Staring down at her in disgust, Matt absently rubbed his stinging knuckles - completely unperturbed by the fact that he�d just struck his girlfriend down.

�I can�t believe you sent that freak to do your dirty work - what, are you fucking him too?�

Amy saw red.

�You son of a bitch,� She hissed quietly as her shock quickly turned into molten fury. Rising unsteadily to her feet, she closed the gap in between them until they were only inches apart. Her amber eyes flashed dangerously.

With lightning quickness that surprised them both, Amy brought her knee up and slammed it into Matt�s crotch before bringing her elbow sharply down across the back of his neck. Doubling over in agony, Matt�s eyes bugged out of his head as white-hot stabs of excruciating pain brought him to his knees.

�I hate you,� Amy whispered as she watched him shudder and moan piteously. It was true, she realized. She truly hated him. Whatever love had once been in their relationship was long since gone, killed by Matt�s weakness for temptation and by her own allowance of it. God, I�ve been so blind�

�Amy�� The choked gasp bubbled forth through parchment-pale lips and Amy ignored the pleading there. It was too late for that now; she knew that as she observed him coldly without any inflection of emotion on her pale, expressionless face. He had destroyed any chance of forgiveness the instant he�d laid his hands on her in anger.

�It�s over, Matt.� She stated quietly, her voice low and surprisingly steady in her determination. �Go back to your little harem of whores and let them give you what you need, I can�t do it anymore.� Stark anguish merged with grim resolve. �I won�t do it anymore��
Leaving him writhing on the floor, she calmly stepped over him and grabbed up her bags off the couch before turning on her heel and heading for the door. Walking through into the hallway, Amy let the door swing shut behind her.

She didn�t look back.


Scott raced through the halls of the arena in a frantic search for Amy. Earlier he�d watched with a tight, cold smile as Matt picked himself up off the floor and stormed away from the ring area. Torrie, wide-eyed in shock and fear, blindly followed after him.
Who�s the bigger fool, Matt? He thought as he returned to the ring. The fool that leads the way, or the fool that follows?

Perry was pissed, to put it bluntly, as the match resumed, and as a result Scott sported a series of fresh bruises across his chest due to the seemingly endless knife-edge chops Perry bestowed onto him. He winced as the muscles flared in protest, but the pain couldn�t have slowed him down at that time no matter how severe.

�Where�s Amy?� he asked a crew member as they passed. He got a nonchalant shrug in response, and Scott drew his lips together in a frown.

He descended another hallway where he was met by a fearful-looking Trish Stratus.

�Oh God, Scott, you wouldn�t believe what happened,� she began as he approached. �I could hear Matt�s shouting all the way to the other end of the hall-�

That got Scott�s attention. �What happened?� he snapped, cornering the frightened blonde.

Trish shook her head rapidly, her hands splayed across her face. �Matt just stormed into the room and was screaming at Amy� I think there was a fight��

Realization dawned upon Scott in the most morbid fashion, and he stepped back as though he himself was reeling from a blow. He hit her� the little bastard hurt Amy�

�Do you know where they went?� he asked in a softer tone. Trish shook her head. �Did they leave together?�

�I saw Amy running down the hall alone. She had her bags with her.�

That means she went back to the hotel� alone, he deduced. �What about Matt?�

Trish lowered her eyes, and bit her lower lip nervously. �I think he just left too,� she whispered. �He didn�t look too good.�

Scott wheeled around and took off for the men�s locker room, his thoughts sharpening. Amy was staying in the same hotel he was, but who knew if Matt would also be sharing her room tonight� His fists clenched as fury overcame him. Matt�s days were numbered in the older man�s eyes, especially if what he�d perceived earlier was true.

He finally reached the room and swung the door open. There he was met with a curious sight - a battered-looking Matt Hardy stood with Jim Ross, and both appeared to be in deep discussion.

�There you are, Scott,� Jim said, looking up as Scott entered. �I was just about to look for you.�

Scott halted in front of them, letting the door swing shut behind him. �You were?� he asked apprehensively.

�Indeed I was,� Jim answered in a sober tone. �I have some serious news for you. You were involved in an altercation with this young man-� he indicated Matt, who stood with a cocky grin �-earlier tonight, correct?�
Scott, unable to form words at the moment, merely nodded.

�And, judging from witness�s stories, and from what Matt relayed to me, the incident was completely unprovoked.�

Realization dawned upon Scott, and he felt as though his blood had suddenly run cold. Shit, he thought, mentally berating himself. This isn�t good�

His thoughts were interrupted as Matt�s protests filled the room. �This son of a bitch just came up and cracked me in the face!� he shouted, pointing frantically at Scott, his eyes narrowed angrily. �I was sitting there with Torrie watching the match-�

�Was it the match you were watching, or your latest conquest, you little punk?� Scott spat venomously.

�Gentlemen, please,� Jim cut in, holding his hands up. In one of his hands, Scott noticed a single sheet of paper with writing upon it. His eyes narrowed suspiciously as Jim continued speaking. �This is no time to get into a brawl. I need to address something to Scott, something that holds great importance.� He stepped forward to face Scott, the usual stoic expression on his face. �Scott, as unfortunate and unpleasant as this is, I have to inform you that - as a result of your actions - you�ve been suspended from the World Wrestling Federation and all its affiliates, for three months with pay.�

�With pay?� Matt scoffed, balling his hands into fists and leaning forward menacingly. �That bastard sucker-punched me and you�re giving him three months� paid holiday?�

Jim held a hand up again for silence, and Matt relaxed, his eyes glowering. �Three months� suspension with pay, plus a fine for $50,000 for physical assaulting a fellow performer.�

Scott shook his head and allowed a bitter chuckle to escape his lips. All the hard work he�d went through, all the non-televised matches and behind-the-scenes labor he relentlessly pursued, all the steps he�d taken to ensure his reclamation of the �spot� he�d eyed since his days in the indy leagues� All of it had been taken away in a rash moment of emotional turmoil. Three months on the shelf� He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. Three months away and someone else could claim his spot, someone else would make the masses forget about Raven�

�Just sign here to make everything official, Scotty,� Jim murmured, holding out the paper and a ballpoint pen.

Reluctantly he took the offered pen and hurriedly scrawled his signature where Jim indicated. Behind them Matt stood with arms crossed, a malicious grin on his bruised face. Scott noticed he didn�t stand perfectly straight; rather he stood as though he�d taken a severe blow to the abdomen or further south�

Scott silently handed back the pen and turned to gather his things.

�We�re gonna miss you, son,� Jim murmured, patting Scott�s shoulder. �It�s too bad things had to happen this way.�

�Yeah, too bad,� Scott echoed softly as he yanked a T-shirt over his head, not bothering to change out of his ring gear, and hurriedly zipped up his bag.

�You keep in touch, you hear?� Jim said, then, seeing Scott nod in reply, made his way out of the locker room. Now it was just Scott and the man who caused his dismissal. He rose, bag in tow, and crossed the room to the door.

Matt sank onto a nearby bench and cackled darkly as Scott opened the door. �Don�t let the door hit your ass on your way out, Scotty,� he growled. �Oh, and give my regards to Amy. You might want to ask how she�s feeling right now.�

Scott ground his teeth in a surge of anger and, dropping his bag onto the floor, wheeled around to face Matt. �Probably not as bad as you, judging from what I can see,� he seethed as he crouched low to face the brunette male. He looked over Matt, and a dark smile came over him. �I don�t remember causing you any abdominal injuries, Matthew,� he drawled. �I�d say that Amy gave a few shots in return, ones that probably injured your pride the most. That is, of course, if you had any balls in the first place��

Seeing Matt�s countenance darken, he chuckled and stood up. Matt struggled to sit up, but a surge of pain overcame him and he sank back reluctantly into his seat. There was a moment of silence between them, then Matt spat at Scott�s feet.

He shook his head. �Not a good idea to spit at the one who handed your ass to you, boy,� he mumbled as he picked up his bag and left the room.

An hour later Scott was relaxing in his hotel room. Relaxing wasn�t quite the word for it; Scott realized this as he felt his shoulder muscles slowly unclench. His body, fully supine on the double bed, tensed as he recalled the day�s events and how Matt Hardy played a visceral role in them. That little bastard, he thought as images of his earlier conversations with Matt and Jim Ross unfolded in his mind.

Now what was he supposed to do? Sure, he had a few months� time to himself, but it was time he�d worked hard for in the WWF, time he could have used to his advantage. It was time he couldn�t afford to lose, what with impending storylines that could have catapulted him into the spotlight once again�

But no - that was all taken away in a moment he�d almost wished never happened. Almost. It wasn�t as if he�d defended the honor of any of his female co-workers, or any of his female acquaintances, before, so why was it so different this time around?

�Amy,� he sighed, the sound pushed from his lips as his eyes closed. What was it about this woman - this wonderful and dynamic woman who seemed to fear nothing and gave it all every time she stepped into the ring - that made him do the things he�d done today?

She seemed the type to answer to nobody, yet she�d put up with so much bullshit from her supposed boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend is a more apt term, he thought sourly. She blazed her own path in life and was the definition of unique, but she�d bowed to the will of another, one who definitely wasn�t worth her time or energy. So what was it about her that reached out to him and pierced his seemingly hardened heart?

His musings were interrupted with a sharp rapping on the door. He rubbed his eyes and groaned, the bruised and stretched muscles flexing painfully as he stretched fully, then rolled off the bed. If it was that Hardy kid coming to mouth off some more� Scott raked his hands through his hair as he padded barefoot across the carpeted floor.

The knocking came again, and he growled softly under his breath. �I�m coming!� he barked as he approached the door. His fingers curled around the knob, and he swung the door open. �What is it-�

The words died in his throat as he saw Amy standing before him. She had a bag slung over her shoulder and a suitcase rested on the floor beside her. Her hair, like her clothes, was disheveled, and her amber eyes bore into him.

And, to his alarm, a large bruise bloomed along her cheek, the angry purple and red a sharp contrast to her pale skin.

�I can�t stay with him anymore,� she whispered, shaking her head slightly. �I can�t deal with the bullshit�� Her voice broke suddenly as tears filled her eyes.

Wordlessly Scott scooped up her luggage and brought it into the room. Then he turned back to her and saw a lone tear sliding across the mark that flawed her face. He held out his arms and she sank gratefully into them. He curled his arms protectively around her, occasionally smoothing her crimson tresses with his hands and emitting sounds of comfort as she cried out her grief.

Scott didn�t exactly know what the hell was happening, but he did know that he liked the feel of her in his arms - a lot. Tightening his hold on her, he pressed his lips into the soft, fragrant mass of her hair and sighed deeply. Anger suddenly surged to the surface as he recalled the bruise he�d seen on her face and he scowled darkly. The bastard hit her�

�I�m sorry Little One,� he murmured softly. Sniffing loudly, Amy raised her head from the warm cushion of his shoulder and gazed up at him curiously. Her amber eyes were huge and bright with crystalline tears.

�For what?� She whispered. A sad smile tugging at his lips, Scotty gently cupped her face in his big hand, his thumb grazing lightly over the swollen, discolored skin of her cheek.

�For causing this - for letting him hurt you.� Amy�s breath caught in the back of her throat as Scotty suddenly moved in closer and tilted her face towards him, his touch feather soft as he skimmed his fingertips over her - tenderly wiping away the last remnants of her tears.

�I�m sorry I wasn�t there. I should�ve known he would try to retaliate�� Smiling faintly, Amy shook her head, her heart tripping a little inside her chest at the regret she heard so clearly in his deep, melodious voice.

�You had no way of knowing what Matt would do, Scott. It�s okay. Besides, I should be the one doing the apologizing�� He looked at her questioningly.

�Matt told me that Ross suspended you because of me, Scott. He practically threw it in my face when he got back to the hotel room he was so pleased with himself.� The anger fairly dripped from her voice.

�Don�t worry about it Little One,� Scott�s smile was rueful as he spoke softly. �I needed a vacation anyway�� Reaching up and threading her fingers through the springy curls that fell across his forehead, Amy frowned and brushed them aside gently.

�You know that�s not true, Scott. You�ve worked so hard to get this far, and now because of me it�s all been for nothing.� She covered her face with her hands. �God, I�ve ruined everything��

Seeing the tears beginning to fill her eyes once again, Scott tenderly grasped both her hands in his and brought them up to his lips, kissing them almost reverently before drawing them up and pressing them against his cheek.

�Maybe that�s true,� he shrugged before catching her gaze and holding onto it effortlessly. Amy shivered at the intensity she saw in the fathomless depths of his eyes, her insides quivering slightly as his voice washed over her like liquid velvet.

�But some things are worth losing for the right person��

God, what was he getting himself into? Scott had been mulling over the question all night. Glancing across the room from his spot on the couch - a very uncomfortable couch he might add - he let his eyes drift over the slender figure occupying his bed. Even bruised and disheveled, Amy was the most amazingly beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Scott had persuaded her to stay the night with him instead of getting another room by herself. After her earlier confrontations with Matt, he wasn�t quite sure it was safe for her to be alone for any length of time - at least until the sorry son of a bitch had time to lick his wounds and calm down a little more. Amy had sorely wounded his pride and Scott knew it would definitely be a while before he�d forget about his humiliation - if at all.

A little hesitant, Amy had accepted his offer to room with him. Scott couldn�t say he wasn�t happy about it. It gave him a chance to get to know her a little better, to dig around inside her head so to speak. They�d spent hours just talking to each other, stopping well after midnight in order to spend the remainder of the night in well-deserved slumber.

Now, hours later, Scott was still awake and wondering. Why did he care so much about what happened to this woman? Why now when never before in his life had he ever expected to feel this way about another human being?

Because you like her� Scott grunted in irritation as the little voice continued to echo inside his mind. It was true though - he did like her. More than he liked to admit, although he�d done a pretty damn good job of the letting the entire world know that he�d gone soft over a woman. Fuck�

He should hate her. He really should. Because of her, everything he�d worked so hard to accomplish had gone completely to hell, his chances of ever becoming a major player in the business utterly destroyed by his recent behavior. Christ, he jumped a co-worker for fuck sakes!

Hardy was scum - he deserved everything you gave him. Oh he�d deserved it all right - it was unfortunate that the pussy had to go running straight to Ross with his tail between his legs right after though. Because of his rashness Scott now had three months to cool off. Just what he didn�t need. But strangely, he didn�t regret it - not one bit. He�d gladly do it all over again in a heartbeat if need be, and it confused the hell out of him.

She confused the hell out of him, Scott grudgingly admitted to himself. The things she made him feel were unlike anything he�d ever felt before in his life. He found himself wanting to protect her, to shield her from ever being hurt again by anyone. He wanted to take care of her and make her feel safe, he wanted to make her feel loved�

Loved? Shock jolted abruptly through Scott�s system as the word echoed inside his head. Did he love her? No, it was just sympathy for her situation - it had to be. Be honest, you�re head over heels for her and you damn well know it� Groaning loudly, he knew it was the truth and it staggered him.

�Scotty?� Amy�s sleep-filled voice drifted across the room, shaking Scott from his thoughts. Sitting up in the bed, she groggily shoved her hair back over her shoulders and turned unfocused eyes onto where he was sprawled awkwardly on the small couch.

�Go back to sleep, Little One,� Scott called softly, trying not to stare at where the T-shirt she was wearing pulled tightly across her breasts. His T-shirt actually, Scott recalled absently and a surge of male satisfaction coursed through him unexpectedly. Shaking her head at him, Amy sighed heavily.

�You�re not sleeping.� It wasn�t a question.

�Was I that loud?� Again shaking her head, Amy yawned and threw back the covers. Patting the empty spot beside her, she smiled faintly.

�Come to bed, Scott.� Desire slammed into him as he took in the sight of her long, tanned legs peeking from beneath the edge of the misplaced sheet - the golden smoothness of her skin beckoned to him invitingly.

�Are-are you sure?� He asked haltingly, raking his hand back through the tangled mess of his hair as he tried valiantly to avert his gaze. Failing miserably, he swallowed heavily when she nodded and shifted the covers further away - exposing more of those gorgeously long legs to his hungry eyes. Jesus Levy, get a grip!

Moving hesitantly, Scott raised himself off of the cursed couch and padded slowly across the room, very aware of the fact that he was only clad in a pair of boxer shorts. His heart was thudding almost painfully inside his chest as he cautiously slid in beside her and drew the covers over both of them.

Amy immediately curled herself up along his side, her arm draped lightly across his bare chest. Scott was in heaven. Almost cautiously, he allowed himself to wrap an arm loosely around her waist as his eyes drifted shut. He was asleep in seconds, lulled by the heat of her body and the feel of her in his arms.

It was the best sleep he�d had in years�

Scott groaned as he felt lips gently kissing their way down his neck. Leaning into the caress, he felt his breath hiss out abruptly when a tongue began to trace his collarbone, blazing a flaming trail down his chest. Moving blindly, he reached out and threaded his fingers through thick, silky hair.

He thought he was dreaming. A low moan escaped his lips as deft fingers lightly plucked at his flat male nipples, drawing them into stiff peaks. His cock was hard as a rock and throbbing like hell. Moaning low in his throat, a very real feminine sigh jolted him into sudden awareness. What the hell?

Opening his eyes groggily, Scott looked down and froze when he saw the red cloud of Amy�s hair spread out across his abdomen as with teasing nips and bites she worked her way down the hard ridges of his belly towards the top of his boxer shorts. This was no dream, Scott realized as lucidity suddenly returned in full force.

�Amy�� He croaked out brokenly, stifling a groan as her tongue dipped into his navel before swirling around the metal bar he had pushed through the flesh there. In the darkness of the room he saw her amber eyes raise up to meet his.

�You�re awake,� she whispered softly.

�What are you doing, Little One?� He gasped as she suddenly reached down and cupped his stiff member through the thin fabric of his underwear. Squeezing him gently, she trailed her other hand up to his face and traced the outline of his lips before dropping back down to take his hand in hers. Keeping her eyes locked on his face, she drew his hand up and pressed it to her breast, moaning when he instinctively cupped the heavy mound in his palm and passed his thumb lightly over her nipple.

Scott groaned and let his eyes drift shut as she continued to stroke his cock. Untangling his other hand from her hair, he continued to rub and massage the smooth swells of her breasts, liquid fire racing through his veins. Somewhere in the back of his mind the fact that she was no longer wearing a shirt faintly registered but he was too far-gone to really care. He needed her�

Reaching up, Scott gently grasped the back of her head and drew her down to his face. Molding his lips to hers, he swallowed her whimper of pleasure as his long fingers slipped beneath the band of her panties and unerringly found the tiny bud between her legs, stroking at it lightly at first and then more aggressively when her body began to tremble with her need. Their tongues dueled passionately with each other�s as Amy began to writhe on top of his body in mounting ecstasy.

�Oh God�Scotty�� Amy moaned as she tore her lips away from his and threw her head back, her hips moving unconsciously in concert with his hand. She was close, Scott could sense the tension coiling tightly inside her; her wetness was soaking the fabric of her panties and drenching his fingers in its sweetness.

�Come for me, Little One�you�re almost there,� he murmured breathlessly as he too felt his own climax coming dangerously close to spilling over as her tiny fingers continued to work at him ceaselessly. Suddenly, she reached down and pulled his hand away from her, squeezing his cock gently before releasing him.

Breathing heavily, she leaned down and brushed away the sweat-soaked strands of hair that clung to Scott�s forehead. Sweetly capturing his lips with hers, Amy let the kiss linger a while before tracing a path down to his ear.

�I want you inside me�� she whispered softly and Scott groaned as a sharp pang of desire knifed through his gut.

�Please Scott�Make love to me��


  �Are� are you sure that you want to do this?�

  His voice was barely above a whisper as he forced out the words. If it was a different situation - hell, a different partner - there would have been no hesitation on Scott�s part. None whatsoever. But things were different here, much different�

  �Yes.� Amy�s voice was a sigh more than a word. She captured his lips with hers again, and he felt the heaviness of her breasts crushing against him.
  �Amy,� he said reluctantly when the kiss broke. �Are you absolutely certain about this?� Is the Pope Catholic? Her inner voice taunted impatiently as he continued to stumble over his words. �I mean, you�ve just come out of something today, and on unpleasant terms-�

  She cut off his words with another breathtaking kiss, then dipped her head into the crevice of his shoulder. Her lips moved against his skin as she continued, the sensation sending jolts of white-hot desire blazing through him.

�I want to do this�� Her teeth grazed his earlobe, then the soft point of her tongue gently probed the sensitive hollow of his ear. Closing his eyes he bucked involuntarily against her, his cock throbbing insistently under the flimsy barrier of his boxers. �Make me feel beautiful��

  �You are beautiful, Little One,� Scott murmured, his voice husky with need, then his eyes flew open when he felt her body move against his.  Despite the darkness of the room that threw everything in murky shadows, he could see the outline of her body as she shifted under the covers. She slid along his form, lavishing attention upon every available surface with her mouth as she went.

  He felt her fingers slide under the elasticized waistband of his boxers, and his breath quickened slightly. A cool whisper of cloth against skin, then a lifting of his hips as he allowed the garment to be removed. His cock bobbed a little as it was finally released from its confines. Long, slim fingers wrapped around the base, and Scott groaned softly. Amy�s soft sigh came in reply, then was cut off as her lips engulfed the engorged head.

�Amy�� he moaned, reaching down to anchor his hands in her long tresses. The tip of her tongue grazed along the sensitive head, then underneath to lap at it gently. His teeth clenched, he growled out a sound of pleasure as she applied suction. His back nearly bowed off the bed completely as he felt her hand grip the base of his cock and move it in rhythm to her mouth. Her free hand gingerly cradled his scrotum as if hefting it for weight.

She let the tangy saltiness of his essence dance across her tongue as she lapped at the bead of moisture that escaped the tiny hole, then she gently probed it as well. His hands tensed, clenching her hair tighter, and a hiss of breath could be heard at the head of the bed. Her excitement increased as well, the surge of moisture soaking her panties. Somewhere in the furthest recesses of her mind her inner voice protested her actions, but excitement and desire shut it out. Where her connection with Matt was completely severed now, Scott felt alive and very real to her. Yes, real and wonderful, and - most importantly - here. With her.

�Oh God, Amy� so close�� Scott breathed, then his hands clamped down on hers and gently but firmly tugged them away. She felt a shudder pass through him as she straightened up, then was drawn into his arms again.

�Scott,� she began, but was cut off as he urgently pressed his lips to hers. He drew her down so she half-straddled him, and the heat and thickness of his member pressed against her was nearly too much to bear. She moaned softly as he rocked his hips against hers.

His hands fluttered against her bare back, then slipped lower to cup her behind. A heartbeat later, then she felt his fingers hooking the waistband of her panties and tug at the garment. Wordlessly she rolled onto her back and lifted her hips. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Scott sat up and eased the garment over her hips and legs. He dropped it to the floor, then lowered his body so he lay alongside her.

Amy took him in her arms again and threaded her fingers through his hair. She was all too aware of his physical excitement pressing insistently against her leg, her response coming in the form of a throbbing deep within her cleft. Lips meshed and tongues danced along and stroked each other in an erotic dance. With his arms framing her, she felt Scott�s hands stroking her face and hair reverently.

�So beautiful�� he murmured as his lips grazed her cheeks and forehead. ��God, Amy��

His lips continued their journey along the soft curve of her neck, occasionally pausing to nibble along the ultra-sensitive skin there. She threw her head back, a sensual chuckle escaping her as the combination of his facial hair and the softness of his full lips tickled her. The laughter stopped as he dropped kisses along her collarbone, then she sighed deeply as he began to christen her breasts in similar fashion.

�Oh God, Scott,� she breathed, gasping as his fingers deftly plucked at her nipples, the flesh rising to stiff peaks under his touch. She continued to writhe beneath him as his teeth and tongue added to the exquisite torment. Her face turned to the side, she mewed softly and dug her fingers into his scalp to anchor him in place.

Once he was satisfied with the attention lathed on her breasts, Scott delved lower along her abdomen, the lines of definition quivering under his touch. He raked his fingernails gently along the muscled planes there, and she squealed and bucked her hips involuntarily. Smiling, he repeated the gesture, then quickly replaced his lips with his nails, assuaging the abrasion.

As he descended, he felt impossibly smooth skin beneath his hands and mouth, and with a jolt caught the faint musky scent of her womanhood. It was aphrodisiacal and nearly overpowering - the answering jolt in his groin immediately obeying the silent, primitive call.

As if on cue, her legs fell open silently as if to welcome him inside. He rested his hand against her pubic bone, silently seeking permission to continue, as he pressed his lips repeatedly against her hips and navel. It wasn�t as if he didn�t know what to do next. His repeated forays into carnal satisfaction had made him experienced, to say the least. So why the hell did it seem so intimidating this time around?

Because for the first time, it feels natural, his inner voice gently insisted. Because it�s not just any girl that was picked up in some seedy bar or after a show. This time around� it�s special.

Before he could continue the inner dialogue any further, a small hand covered his gently. �Scott, please,� Amy�s soft voice begged. He looked up to see her; despite the murky darkness that blanketed everything he could see her half-closed eyes and full lips. Her face bore desperation and yearning. His eyes were diverted back to the task at hand as she moved his hand against her moist folds. �I need you��

Answering with a groan, he moved himself completely between her legs and his thumb pushed into her shaved cleft like soft fruit. He felt her stiffen, and the faint whimper of desire she emitted was music to his ears. A heartbeat later, and he lowered his lips to the musky center of her desire.

She cried out, her upper body rising slightly from the bed, then she dropped back down again and bit her knuckles in an effort to not scream out loud. His tongue expertly lapped at the layers of skin that were practically dripping with her essence, occasionally worrying the stiffened peak of flesh that strained for attention. She needed this contact; she craved the feeling of something boring into her and completing her.

As if he read her mind, Scott inserted a long finger into her, gently probing the tight muscles there. Jaw clenched and eyes squeezed shut, Amy felt her body bear down on the insertion, the internal movement rewarded with a deep groan from Scott. Soon another finger joined the first, both moving rhythmically in and out of her wet entrance. Her hips moved against him as if inviting further penetration; he fluttered the tip of his tongue against her sensitive folds, then suckled lightly on her clitoris.

�� please� please Scott�� she begged, her hands clenching and unclenching by her sides. �Oh God� need you now��

It was all the encouragement Scott needed; he gently withdrew his fingers from her crevice and kissed her folds before raising himself to his knees. His cock throbbed almost painfully with need, and he circled the head with one hand, coating his member with the remnants of her juices.

�Tell me again, Little One,� he huskily ordered as he moved himself up to her entrance, letting the head of his cock graze against her wet folds. �Tell me you need� this.� He pushed himself against her teasingly.

He was rewarded with a deep groan from her, then her legs circled his hips possessively. �I need you, Scott,� she growled, moving one hand to guide his throbbing member to her opening. �I need you inside me now� please��

He lowered his body against the cradle of her hips, the engorged head of his cock nearly penetrating her already. She wound her arms around him to anchor him to her, then her fingernails dug into his skin as he drove himself into her with one quick jerk of his hips. He quickly covered her mouth with his, silencing the ecstatic scream that tore from her throat. A shudder raced along his body as he felt her folds tighten around his member, the rippled internal muscles squeezing him and holding him fast.

Scott reluctantly broke the kiss as he withdrew from her, then plunged in again. �Amy,� he groaned, his breath fanning against her forehead, ��take me inside you�� Her hips raised upwards to meet him again, and he felt his excitement surge anew.

Soon both bodies began to move together in a primitive rhythm that increased in measure and excitement. Scott snapped his hips against her, his cock driving faster and deeper into her folds. Amy reciprocated in kind, her teeth digging into his shoulder with the increase in desire that commanded her being as she bucked her hips frantically against his.

He murmured softly into her ear, words that she couldn�t always comprehend but spurred her on nonetheless. Their soft cries and groans of pleasure filled the otherwise quiet room, occasionally punctured by the slapping of flesh against flesh.

Scott felt his climax threaten to crest; he grit his teeth in consternation and tried in vain to rein in the inevitable release. His efforts were thwarted when he heard Amy�s mewling beneath him. His eyes snapped open and what he observed nearly prompted him to come right there: her lips were parted wantonly, allowing a broken stream to issue forth. He felt her tiny hands clenching him desperately, and her legs tightened around his waist.

�� gonna come� can�t� oh God� now� please, now� going to��

Her words were cut by a deep groan that resonated through her entire being, and he felt her internal muscles clenching him spasmodically. She tossed her head back and allowed the sequence of shudders to claim her as she spiraled into her release.

�Come for me, Amy,� he murmured into her ear, and she responded with a high-pitched groan. �That�s it� just come� oh yeah, so tight�� He hissed the words out as she clamped down on his member, then a spurt of moisture caught him by surprise. He held her to him as she rode out her orgasm, her cries and wails spurring him on.

Within moments he too felt the undeniable call of his release, and an animalistic shout tore from his throat as he spilled his essence into her in hot jets. His body trembled with the effort, his hips pounding into hers mercilessly. Bright bursts of color exploded behind his eyelids as he rode the waves of euphoria. Her inner muscles continued to milk him and he gave into the delicious sensation, his forehead resting against hers.

Finally, reluctantly, his body sagged against hers as it gave up the struggle, and he sank against her as he welcomed the sweet afterglow.

She felt alive. Blissfully and wonderfully alive. Lying within the protective shelter of Scott�s arm�s Amy felt safe - loved. It had been a long time since she�d felt this good about anything in her life, a long time since anything had felt this right�

And it was right, she could feel it in her soul that this was where she was meant to be. Here with Scott, loving and being loved in return. It was more than she could�ve ever dared hope for, certainly more than she�d ever had with Matt.

And Scott was nothing like Matt. Scott made her feel beautiful when all Matt had ever made her feel was cheap. With Scott she felt needed, and Amy knew that she needed him just as much - now that she had him in her life she didn�t think she�d be able to survive without him. And all this after only one night�

One magical night, Amy thought fondly as she glanced over at the gorgeous man sleeping peacefully beside her. Warmth flooded inside her as she recalled the night before and how Scott had made her come alive in his hands. She�d surrendered totally to him, completely given herself up to the ecstasy his touch had evoked from deep within herself.

Reaching over, Amy gently brushed a stray curl off Scott�s forehead. A tender smile gracing her still kiss-swollen lips, she let her fingers drift down to where Scott�s heart beat strongly inside his chest - gently caressing the warm, smooth skin beneath her fingers.

�That feels nice, Little One�� Amy gasped softly and jumped when she saw that Scott was awake and watching her quite intently. A faint blush rose to her cheeks and she felt butterflies fluttering around inside her stomach at the intense emotions she saw swirling clearly within the dark depths of his eyes.

�Good morning,� she whispered shyly. Smiling faintly, Scott drew her closer into the tight circle of his arms and dropped a light kiss onto the top of her head before sighing contentedly.

�I could get used to this,� he murmured suddenly. Starting, Amy tilted her head up and gazed deeply into Scott�s eyes.

�Do you want to?� She asked seriously. Her wide amber eyes were questioning. Chuckling softly, Scott dipped his head and captured Amy�s mouth in a sweet embrace - his lips worshipping hers almost reverently. Whimpering quietly, Amy reached up and twined her arms around his neck, unconsciously molding her body closer to his until it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began.

When the kiss ended minutes later they were both trembling with their renewed need for each other. Breathing slightly labored, Scott gently cupped her cheek in his palm.

�Little One, I want you for as long as you�ll have me.� Eyes filling with tears, Amy felt her breath catch and she buried her face suddenly into the warm crook of Scott�s shoulder. His eyes crinkling in the corners, Scott smiled tenderly and nuzzled his cheek against the silky softness of her hair - breathing deeply and taking in her scent.

�Oh how you please me, Little One� he murmured softly. �I never intended for any of this to happen, I didn�t think I could ever feel this way about anyone��

Brushing his lips against the warm skin of her shoulder, Scott closed his eyes and felt emotions wash over him unlike anything else he�d ever felt before in his life. She felt good lying here in his arms, like it was where she belonged�natural.

He was home�

�I love you, Scott�� The softly whispered admission rocked him to the very core of his soul. Groaning quietly, he gently rolled over and carried Amy with him until he was lying over top of her with his arms braced on either side of her head. Staring down into the deep amber depths of her eyes, Scott felt his heart overflowing with his love for her.

�I love you too, Little One�God, how I love you�� Bringing his mouth down on top of hers, Scott gently pushed her lips apart and let his tongue slip inside to explore the warm, moist recesses of her mouth. Moaning quietly into his flesh, Amy reached up and looped her arms around the firm column of Scott�s neck, drawing him down to cover her completely.

Feeling her body respond so readily to his touch, Scott felt a desperate need to claim her as his wash over him. And as he loved her completely, both with his soul and body, he knew this was how it was meant to be. She was his other half, his soul mate. He needed her in his life and he would never give her up. 

It was where she belonged�
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