Dedication: For the falln one. Completely sucky and probably not what you're after but there's no cheating, neither is in love with someone else and they're not jealous of someone. I never eeeeeever thought I'd be writing a Hunter/Steph shipper fic and before anyone asks, yes I lost a bet. (Seriously!) As if I didn't hate Chris Carter enough already, he kills off Krycek (who is TOTALLY the father of Scully's baby) and lets Mulder live. (In simple terms � while discussing who dies the end of season finale for the X-Files, I was so certain it was Mulder who dies that I promised falln I would write a HHH/Steph fic if he lived.)


If you're ugly, I'm ugly too,

In your eyes the sky's a different blue.

If you could see yourself like other do,

You'd wish you were as beautiful as you.

She's standing in front of the mirror again. Staring into it intently, as though if she looks long and hard enough she'll see past her physical reflection and the mirror will show her a reflection of what�s in her soul. I watch her for a minute and realise that's exactly what she wants.

I wish I could find the words to reassure her, but she doesn't believe a thing I say. The chants and Jericho's comments have really gotten to her. She's begun to doubt herself, begun to believe that they say about her is true. But if she could see just half of what I see in her, she'd be amazed.

And I wish I was a camera sometimes,

So, I could take your picture with my mind.

Put it in a frame for you to see,

How beautiful you really are to me.

I'm not the only one suffering from insecurity attacks at the moment. Ever since Dad made the announcement about his injury and the crowd was pleased to hear that he'd be gone for 4-6 months, he's been down in the dumps. Not just because of his injury, but because he'd like to return as a face and he just don't know of he can do it. He's been a bad guy, an asshole for so long, he's become convinced that he simply can't be anything else.

He believes that he's become his character, that he can't be anything other than an asshole now. If he was the character he plays, he wouldn't comfort me when I wake up in the middle of the night crying. He wouldn't attempt to reassure me with his lies about how beautiful I am. He's the beautiful one. It's not just physical beauty - although he certainly has that - but inner beauty, which is so rare in this business.

Ugly, ugly, all of us just feel like that somedays,

Ain't no rainbow in the sky, when you feel U.G.L.Y.

And that's ugly, ugly.

Nothing I can say to her makes a dent when she's in one of these moods. Normally she can find a silver lining to any cloud, but today there's no silver lining, no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off until further notice.

All of us just feel like that somedays,

Ain't no cure that you can buy.

When you feel U.G.L.Y. and that's ugly

So if you're ugly, I'm ugly too,

We both have our bad days, but his are so much more intense than mine. In spite of everything - our money, our power, our love, nothing makes a difference. I know the only way to get him through this is with my love and reassurance but it's just so hard when he brushes off everything I say with a bitter half smile and a sarcastic "Yeah baby. I'm the better person in this relationship."

If you're a nut, then I must be a screw.

If you could see yourself the way I do,

You'd wish you were as beautiful as you.

I wish I was a beautiful as you.

We're a perfect match in so many ways except for his/her insecurity, which is dragging me down with him/her as well. If he she could just see a picture himself / herself through my eyes, if only for a second, then I'm sure he/she would want to be the man/woman in the photo. I wish I were half the person he/she is, then maybe I wouldn't feel so ugly deep inside all the time.
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