Trick With a Knife

Notes: Popped into my head at 3:30am the other morning. Chyna's POV just before going Corporate.

She studied her reflection in the mirror as she pressed play on the CD player. As the song began, she prepared for the match ahead and how it would change things.

"This night is the last night
That I promise you"

~Sorry boys. You're gonna have to fight your own battles from now on.~

"Now I've got some insight
Im gonna deal to you"

~I'm being held back by you. I'm nothing more than a glorified babysitter~

"All those tears of wondering
If things were gonna change"

~And now I know. You're never gonna win a match on your own as long I'm here. ~

"I've sharpened up my attitude
and honed it into rage"

~I'm better than this and you know it. I know it. Everyone else knows it too.~

"I'm not gonna stay
I'm not gonna stay"

~ That sums it up. I'm leaving, end of fucking story.~

"Trick with a knife"

~ My knife.. your back~

"Trick with a knife"

~Good combination dont you think baby?~

"It's a jungle out there!"

~You know it. We all gotta get ahead somehow. And unlike you boys I don't bleed DX green~

"You can't see
What you're doing to me"

~Or what I'm doing to you. It's gonna benefit us mutually.~

"I don't need a reason
I just wanna be free"

~Free from DX. Can you go it alone boys? You got no choice after tonight.~

"Now is the time
Nothing to say"

~Except I'm sorry. But it will be for the best in the long run~

"You've destroyed the tenderness"

~I still love you Hunter, but you can't treat me like one of the boys - because I'm not~

"I'm not gonna stay"

~Nothing, but nothing can change my mind on this~

Mind spinning, Chyna put down the hairbruch and smiled at herself in the mirror as Triple H stuck his head in the door. "Ready? Let's go show that Corporate pussy what a Degenerate can do. The Rock is in for a surprise tonite babe."

~He's not the only one~ Chyna thought as she followed Hunter out the door. She caught the last lyrics of the song "There's a trick with a knife, that I'm gonna use, to escape from you" and mentally marked the exact spot on Hunter's back the knife would go.
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